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Proof That Our Thoughts Create Reality (

Water is the most common and arguably most mysterious substance on planet Earth. This substance is so incredible that we as humans through directed thoughts, can literally change the composition of water molecules themselves. You experience and project positive emotions such as love, happiness , and joy and water will literally change in its crystalline structure and become a much more healing and beneficial substance for your being and for the environment in general. This fascinating...

Self-Care Empowerment

Our mission at Grandfamily Today always centers around connection and ending isolation for Grandfamilies. Join me free for 5 weeks of Self-Care Empowerment. You can set your own schedule to connect-share-feel empowered! This is interactive! Join us! We will be using email and Marco Polo. If you’ve never used Marco Polo, don’t worry it’s easy and free! It was designed by a married couple to stay in touch with family around the globe. It is video based, but short videos and our group will be...

TIC Take Five: Awe: A healing antidote

Awe: a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder. An overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like. Here's another in a series of "Take Five for self care" posts we're putting on our Lancaster County (PA) ACEs & Resilience Connection page. Wanted to share them here for the broader ACES Connection community. Carl Sagan once said, "Every aspect of nature reveals a deep mystery and touches...

Sheltering in Place: ACEs-Informed Tips for Self-Care During a Pandemic

Millions of lives have been affected in unprecedented ways by the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We are all grappling with uncertainty—our daily routines interrupted, not knowing what is to come. For those of us who have Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), these times can be particularly distressing. At the Center for Youth Wellness (CYW), we know that childhood trauma can have a significant impact on an individual’s health and well-being – both physiologically and psychologically. Since the...

How to Soothe Our Inner Wounded Child

Hi ACEs Connection Community, I am a staff member here at ACEs Connection. I have been hosting mental health tools for personal wellness each evening for the past 2 weeks since we've had to start sheltering in place and isolating. Note: These videos are a personal project and not done on behalf of ACEs Connection. The ideas are not officially endorsed by ACEs Connection, although I reference ACEs science. In this video, I talk about why childhood wounds may be triggered during this...

Practicing Love in a Pandemic (

Practicing love requires that we stop thinking only about our own wellbeing and consider how our actions impact everyone. Paradoxically, it means the most important thing we ourselves can do is to stay well. Maintaining our own good health will put less stress on the healthcare system and free up resources to help those who are sick and need care. It will also prevent the spread of the illness to those who are at higher risk to die from complications of Covid-19. Practicing love in a...

Inside the Adverse Childhood Experience Score: Strengths, Limitations, and Misapplications []

By Robert F. Anda, Laura E. Porter, David W. Brown, et al., American Journal of Preventive Medicine, March 25, 2020 INTRODUCTION Despite its usefulness in research and surveillance studies, the Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) score is a relatively crude measure of cumulative childhood stress exposure that can vary widely from person to person. Unlike recognized public health screening measures, such as blood pressure or lipid levels that use measurement reference standards and cut points...

9 Ways to Access Your Inner Strength During Traumatic Times (

A traumatic experience is anything that severely threatens your emotional, psychological or physical well-being. Right now in the world, that would be the COVID-19 epidemic. Not only are many of us losing our jobs while being forced into isolation with scarce resources, but our very survival is being challenged. That’s a lot to deal with! Trauma is essentially what happens when we feel totally powerless, and are frozen internally into that state of being. But here’s the liberating truth:...

TIC Take Five posts

Hi ACES Connection community - over at our Lancaster County (PA) ACES & Resilience Connection page, we've been posting a series called "Trauma Informed Care Take Five" or "TIC TAKE FIVE". Here's one of them - just wanted to share in case it's helpful to others out there. Hope everyone is finding ways to stay safe, healthy, and resilient. ...

The human condition: we are all on a quest for safety

Here's a link to a summary of my notes on polyvagal theory from a training I attended with Dr Stephen Porges in Cork, Ireland in September 2019. I also conducted a Law and Justice podcast with Dr Porges on "The Science of Safety", accessible here: ...

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