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Resilient Bladen (NC)

Tagged With "Education"

Blog Post

Building a National Movement to Prevent Trauma and Foster Resilience Workshop Series Session 2 - January 21st, 2022 from 1-5pm ET/10am-2pm PT - Education and Health Care

Jesse Maxwell Kohler ·
Lee Johnson III PhD and Sandra Bloom MD to lead discussion on emerging trauma-informed policies and practices in the education and health care fields. What are ways that these fields are taking PACEs, Prevention, and Trauma science into consideration, and what can advocates do to help further advance these and other promising practices? It's free to join, so sign up at this link today! You’re invited to participate in Building the Movement in Education and Health Care , the second of eight...
Blog Post

Pre-K suspensions and expulsions can have dire effects — but we don’t know how common they are

Tocarra E. Osborne ·
How common are harmful pre-K suspensions? ( Katie Dukes August 10, 2022 Each year, hundreds of North Carolina children experience “exclusionary discipline” — removal from their usual learning and social settings — before they even reach kindergarten. The ill effects on their brain development, mental health, future education outcomes, and family well-being can be so dire that some experts call exclusionary discipline the “preschool-to-prison pipeline.” But in North Carolina, those...
Blog Post

North Carolina moves closer to creating nation's first ACEs-informed courts system

Carey Sipp ·
(l-r) Judge J. Corpening; Ben David, district attorney, New Hanover County; Chief Justice Paul Newby; Judge Andrew Heath, executive director, Administrative Office of the Courts of the Chief Justice's ACEs Informed Courts Task Force. David and Heath serve as Task Force co-chairs . “There is not any more important work going on in the State of North Carolina,” said Ben David, District Attorney for New Hanover County and co-chair of the Chief Justice’s ACEs-Informed Task Force . The Task force...

Re: Building a National Movement to Prevent Trauma and Foster Resilience Workshop Series Session 2 - January 21st, 2022 from 1-5pm ET/10am-2pm PT - Education and Health Care

Yvette Oswalt ·
This is a great workshop. I joined it and learned many things. Thanks for sharing this useful information and gorilla tag .
Blog Post

Creating Resilient Communities in 2024: The Year of Cultivating Resilient Networks Through Healing Centered Cultural Wisdom

Kahshanna Evans ·
As we head into our full CRC curriculum this January, we invite current and future CRC Accelerator participants to join us with collective care and self care in mind.

Re: Creating Resilient Communities in 2024: The Year of Cultivating Resilient Networks Through Healing Centered Cultural Wisdom

Marcus McGuire ·
geometry dash world is a test of ability and rhythm that has created a dedicated community of gamers, not just a game. Its levels are meant to be both enjoyable and demanding; its basic tap-to--jump principles are easy to learn yet difficult to master.

Re: Creating Resilient Communities in 2024: The Year of Cultivating Resilient Networks Through Healing Centered Cultural Wisdom

Medillula Perca ·
It is truly meaningful to be able to research and access different programs. Explore the information pizza tower sources and also update different festival cultures. Each country really brings its own customs and traditions.

Re: Creating Resilient Communities in 2024: The Year of Cultivating Resilient Networks Through Healing Centered Cultural Wisdom

santke lama ·
Without the need for expensive snow rider 3d technology, the game's straightforward yet vibrant 3D graphics make the snow and winter theme feel captivating.

Re: Creating Resilient Communities in 2024: The Year of Cultivating Resilient Networks Through Healing Centered Cultural Wisdom

Cecile Sampson ·
Being able to investigate and access various programs is a genuinely valuable experience. Investigate the sources of Subway Surfers Online knowledge and keep up with the latest festival customs. The traditions and practices of one nation do not transfer to another.
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