Tagged With "vicarious trauma"
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ACEs Connection launches Cooperative of Communities
The ACEs Connection Cooperative of Communities launches today. We want to continue to contribute to the ACEs movement for as long as it takes to create a worldwide healing-centered culture based on ACEs science. We want that to take hold in this world in the same way electricity has — we only notice it if it isn’t there.
First, a clarification: Nothing on ACEsConnection.com changes! Membership remains free! Everything our current 300+ communities use stays free, and remains free for new ones.
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ACEs Connection's Inclusion Tool makes sure nobody's left out
We developed ACEs Connection's Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Tool — called the Inclusion Tool, for short — to ensure that ACEs initiatives across the world focus on being inclusive when forming a steering committee, recruiting leaders, providing education about ACEs science, recruiting members, or providing resources and services within their communities. The more inclusive your ACEs initiative is, the more diverse it will be, giving your initiative a real shot at achieving equity and...
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Allentown Headstart program focuses on kids dealing with trauma [whyy.org]
In a space that used to be an abandoned state hospital, Lora Lesak has created an early childhood classroom filled with natural light and comfortable chairs — a room designed to feel like a home. As director of Developmental Health Services for Allentown’s Community Services for Children, she says that’s exactly what children who’ve experienced trauma need. “We have gotten children that have needed to remain in the hospital for two weeks to be weaned of substances — whether it’s cocaine,...
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April 4th Policy Forum: A Rising Tide: Understanding Incarceration’s Multigenerational Impact on Women, Girls, and Communities (Philadelphia, PA)
The Stoneleigh Foundation and Maternity Care Coalition are hosting a policy forum on April 4 titled, “A Rising Tide: Understanding Incarceration's Multigenerational Impact on Women, Girls, and Communities.” This day-long event will bring together policymakers, system stakeholders, industry leaders, advocates, and community members to explore how incarceration affects women, girls, and parenting families and to identify solutions promoting their health and well-being. REGISTRATION:...
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Call For Workshop and Poster Submissions: Third Philadelphia Trauma Training Conference
The 3rd Annual Philadelphia Trauma Training Conference: Promoting Equitable Access to High Quality Services for Vulnerable Children and Families , will be held on Thomas Jefferson University's East Falls Philadelphia Campus July 29 th -August 1st, 2019 . This unique training conference will provide an intensive, collaborative, and engaging experience to providers, educators, and leaders across health, education, and social service disciplines, as well as to community members invested in...
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Case Statement on Trauma Informed Approaches
Attached is a Case Statement on Trauma Informed Approaches--it is a review of the Greater Harrisburg Area's and beyond's ACE scores, the outcomes of these ACEs and some ideas of how to resolve the negative consequences of this crisis of epidemic proportions. Please use it to advance the cause of moving from the bad news of ACEs towards the good news of becoming trauma informed and resilient. I would also welcome your comments, questions and recommendations! Thank you.
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Dancelink presents The Body Keeps the Score: Dancing with Trauma and Recovery
DanceLink presents a moving examination of trauma and how it manifests in our body/behavior. Artistic Director Sarah Carlson teams up with composer Vernon J. Mobley to explore this universal spectrum in a dance program inspired by Bessel Van Der Kolk's well-known text of the same name. Performers: Reinys Beriguete, Sarah Carlson, Noelle Cybulski, Adrienne Krause, Chiedu Mbonu, Neysha Merced, Ismael Moscat, Sarah Parker, William Tucker March 23 Fri 8pm March 24 Sat 3pm & 8pm Tickets:...
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Department of Counseling and Behavioral Health & Trauma Conference
Thomas Jefferson University's newly formed Department of Counseling and Behavioral Health has generated its first-ever newsletter . If you're interested in trauma-informed training and education , or if you simply want to stay abreast of the work of some great clinicians, researchers, advocates and aspiring professionals, please have a look. The Community and Trauma Counseling program currently has Art Therapy options and is launching two new specializations and certificates this summer: (1)...
Blog Post
Drowning in Empathy: The Cost of Vicarious Trauma
Oct 11, 2018 9:00-12:00 Laura van Dernoot Lipsky is the founder and director of The Trauma Stewardship Institute and author of “Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others.” Van Dernoot Lipsky has worked in the trauma field for more than 30 years and is known internationally. She was a decade into her career when she suffered a near-psychotic break and suddenly realized the dire impact of working to help others overcome trauma without taking time to...
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How are you? Are you safe? How can I help? [www.unitedwayglv.org]
United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley and Lehigh Valley Trauma Awareness Collaborative trained approximately 100 service providers during the first session in a three-part series held at Northampton Community College on Monday, February 12. Facilitated by Dr. Hasshan Batts, a community leader with both personal and professional expertise in trauma, this training reached school staff members as well as youth- and family-service providers. Here are some of the topics covered in “Trauma 101:...
Blog Post
Join Feb. 18th webinar on addressing ACEs in public policy
Please join this ACEs Connection co-sponsored webinar "Making Meaningful Change: Addressing ACEs through Public Policy" on Feb. 18 (11:30 am-1:00 pm ET) presented by the Health Federation of Philadelphia and MARC (Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities). In this webinar, three nationally recognized experts will discuss policy and advocacy strategies on a local, state, and national level using evidence from studies they have conducted with legislators and the general public. Speakers...
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Real Resilience is now a PODCAST
Women who support an incarcerated loved one finally has a place to share their stories on the Real Resilience P.W.L. Podcast.
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Rep. Sappey's trauma-informed education signed into law [dailylocal.com]
By Daily Local News, July 5, 2019. Legislation to implement trauma-informed education in Pennsylvania schools has been signed into law by Gov. Tom Wolf, largely thanks to a bill authored by state Rep. Christina Sappey, D-158th Dist. Earlier this year H.B. 1415 and S.B. 200, which would implement approaches to student learning that recognizes the signs and symptoms of trauma and integrates that knowledge into education-based policies, learning, procedures and practices, was introduced by...
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Resilient by Rick Hanson, Ph.D.
On March 27th, Dr. Rick Hanson's new book, Resilient: How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength, and Happiness will be released. Written with Forrest Hanson, it promises to "show you how to develop twelve vital inner strengths hardwired into your own nervous system. Then no matter what life throws at you, you’ll be able to feel less stressed, pursue opportunities with confidence, and stay calm and centered in the face of adversity. This practical guide is full of concrete suggestions,...
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Supporting Older Trauma Survivors as They Heal Their Pasts, Grow Their Futures
Marie-Monique Marthol handed out the cards to older adults at meetings of her local civic association. With the pastor’s permission, she left some at a neighborhood church. She stacked them in restaurants, community centers and even at the laundromat. On the front, the cards read, “Time never runs out for change. Let go of fear and guilt. Focus on healing and growth from ACEs.” The flip side said, “Healing from your past; giving to your future.” They were slogans fine-tuned through months of...
Blog Post
The Body Keeps the Score: Dancing with Trauma and Recovery
Lehigh Valley performance premiere “The Body Keeps the Score: Dancing with Trauma and Recovery” promotes social awareness and healing Choreography by Sarah Carlson Original Music by Vernon Mobley March 23 & 24 Allentown, Pa. (March 2, 2018) — The IceHouse Tonight presents “The Body Keeps the Score: Dancing with Trauma and Recovery”, a choreographer/composer collaboration at the Bethlehem Ice House on Friday, March 23 at 8pm, and Saturday, March 24 at 3pm and 8pm. Sarah Carlson, the...
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The Resilience Summit
Rick Hanson, Ph.D., Psychologist and NY Times Bestselling Author of Resilient and Hardwiring Happiness is hosting a free 5-day online series: The Resilience Summit. Join Dr. Hanson and other leading experts on March 19-23 as they discuss becoming stronger and more resilient in worrisome and turbulent times.
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Therapeutic Spiral Model Keeps Trauma Survivors Safe While Healing
The model is an integration of classical psychodrama, object relations and recent advances in trauma theory to provide additional safety and structure when working with survivors of trauma.
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Trauma Sensitivity Training
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Two studies shed light on state legislators’ views on ACEs science and trauma policy
New and returning lawmakers take the oath of office on day one of Washington state's 2017 legislative session. — Jeanie Lindsay/Northwest News Network As advocates prepare to see how ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) science, trauma, and resilience play out in the 2020 state legislative sessions — many beginning in January — they are undoubtedly asking: “What does a legislator want?" It may be a stretch to play on Freud’s question: “What does a women want?", but the query captures how...
Blog Post
United Way gives teachers lesson in understanding traumatized kids
Beth Tomlinson challenges a room full of 100 people to imagine her hand is a brain. Her wrist, the brain stem, which controls functions such as breathing and heart rate. Her thumb, the limbic system, which controls emotions and the fight-or-flight response. Her fingers, the cerebral cortex, where thinking and reasoning takes place. A typical learning brain is like a fist, all pieces working together. But for students who experience trauma — anything from divorced parents to sexual abuse to a...
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Walkabout: FOCUS Pittsburgh trauma recovery model drawing national attention [post-gazette.com]
FOCUS Pittsburgh knew it was onto something when it piloted its model for strengthening communities — starting with the knowledge that social service help will not stick unless trauma is confronted. In 2015, FOCUS chose the 2900 block of Webster Avenue in the Hill District to start a block-by-block approach of bringing people together toward healing. The group is only into its second area — the 900 block of Bryn Mawr — but people around the country are validating that it is onto something. A...
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What’s in the well? Pediatrician probes ACEs and the biology of toxic stress in kids [seattletimes.com]
Boot-strapping types who believe that surmounting a difficult childhood is mainly a matter of will may be perplexed by an anecdote near the beginning of Nadine Burke Harris’s new book, “The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity.” In it, the pediatrician describes a 7-year-old boy named Diego, who showed up at her Bay Area clinic looking like an undersized 4-year old. He had been referred by a school nurse for suspected ADHD . But Burke Harris also noted that her...
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With new proposal, trauma-informed care could become standard in Pa. schools [WHYY.org]
If a pair of powerful Pennsylvania state senators get their way, a burgeoning approach to managing student behavior could become a mandate. State Sens. Pat Browne, R-Lehigh, and Vincent Hughes, D-Philadelphia, announced a proposal last week to create a “trauma-informed system of education.” The central plank of their proposal is a requirement that all teachers, school board members, and school employees “with direct contact with students” receive trauma-informed training. The details don’t...
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Wolf Administration Releases ‘Trauma-Informed PA’ Plan with Recommendations and Steps for the Commonwealth and Providers to Become Trauma-Informed [PA Governor Tom Wolf Press Release]
July 27, 2020 As a companion to Governor Tom Wolf’s multi-agency effort and anti-stigma initiative, Reach Out PA: Your Mental Health Matters, the Office of Advocacy and Reform (OAR) is releasing the “Trauma-Informed PA” plan to guide the commonwealth and service providers statewide on what it means to be trauma-informed and healing-centered in PA. This plan is the result of four months of work from OAR and the Trauma-Informed PA Think Tank, formed in February. The think tank was made up of...
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Greater Richmond Trauma Informed Community Network, first to join ACEs Cooperative of Communities, shows what it means to ROCK!
In 2012, Greater Richmond SCAN and five other community partners hatched a one-year plan to educate the Richmond, Virginia, community about ACEs science and to embed trauma-informed practices. Eight years later, the original group has evolved into the Greater Richmond Trauma-Informed Community Network (GRTICN) with 495 people and 170 organizations. And they're just scratching the surface.
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"A Better Normal" Community Discussion Series- Our Reckoning with Race and Equity at ACEs Connection
Register for A Better Normal- Our reckoning with race and equity at ACEs Connection
Jillian Glasgow
Jill Deitrick
Cheryl Lansenderfer
Alana Hook
Alicia Creazzo
Alina Kitchell
Amber E. Berkoski
Ann Criswell
Beth Tomlinson
Colleen Miller
Daniel Garcia
Deidra Vachier