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Tips for Reducing Email from ACEs Connection Network

Hello everyone, Email can be overwhelming, and we at ACEs Connection Network want to make sure you know that you can control the volume of email that you receive from us- including none at all! For many users, you just want to receive alerts on a certain topic or from a specific group. Check below for tips on how to update your profile so that you receive only the emails you want to receive. ORGANIZING ACESCONNECTION EMAILS If you want to receive only the weekly roundup, unsubscribe from the...

Sacramento County Data Dashboard: Child Adversity and Well-Being

A product of the Essentials for Childhood Initiative (EfC), the Child Adversity and Well-Being Dashboards contain indicators of child adversity, health and well-being utilizing data available on . For more information about the dashboards, please refer to the California Data Dashboards page. The Sacramento County Data Dashboard contains select indicators of child adversity and well-being. The dashboard is a product of the Shared Data and Outcomes Workgroup of the California...

Safe Neighborhood Program - Health Education Council

Note from Gail: Watch this great video from the Health Education Council and you will recognize many friends and colleagues and some great quotes from many of them! The Health Education Council recognizes violence as a public health issue. For many low-income families, the concern over safety far outweighs the concern for healthy eating and active living. In order to truly move the dial towards better health in the communities we serve, the residents' needs of safety and security have to met...

SPLC's Teaching Tolerance Project: Social Justice Standards

I hope everyone is staying safe and sane during this heat wave! I wanted to share with you a tool that I came across from the Southern Poverty Law Center's Teaching Tolerance Project (if you have not had a chance to subscribe to their weekly newsletter , please do! It has a wealth of wonderful information that intersects with Resilience / Trauma Informed work) They also have a bunch of great free webinars ! Teaching Tolerance’s Social Justice Standards "Social Justice Standards: The Teaching...

A Second “Trauma Sensitive Schools Conference” in Sacramento - June 12th, 2017

Susan Jones, Behaviorist Specialist for the San Juan Unified School District in Sacramento, has done it again! Thanks to Susan and Kate Hazarian, the Director of Family and Community Engagement (FACE), almost 200 enthusiastic participants enjoyed a full day of speakers and workshops learning about the epidemiology of ACES, community programs that are working with the schools, restorative practices, mindfulness and compassion and especially self care. Dr. Flojuane Cofer, Imani Lucas and Chris...

It shouldn’t take a crisis to address mental illness – let’s find a better way [Sacramento Bee]

As you gather with children this Father’s Day weekend, consider how far you would go to ensure their well-being: If your child had cancer or diabetes, would you wait until the disease were critical before you called doctors to intervene? Of course not. And yet this year, as in every year, thousands of young adults will cross the threshold into serious mental illness and go untreated because of a health care paradigm that California must change. To understand the need, consider that...

Sacramento Summer Night Lights kick off is June 10th @ 7pm

What: Sacramento Summer Night Lights When: Kick off is June 10, 2017, 7PM-11PM and every Thurs/Fri/Sat, 7PM-11PM thru August 26 2017 Where: 7833 Center Parkway Drive, Sacramento, CA 95823 The Mack Road Partnership is proud to present our annual Sacramento Summer Night Lights (SSNL) Program this year between June-September 2017. This summer program is designed to provide a fun and safe environment for local families to gather and get to know their neighbors. The SSNL program provides FREE...

Addressing Trauma - A Family Self-Care Support Session - June 15th, 6-7:30pm

Sacramento Violence Intervention Program (SVIP) invites you to join us and other families who have experienced the trauma of a loved one injured by violence. Come enjoy an evening of self-care and discussion around Adverse Childhood Experiences and ways to continue on a healing path. June 15 th , 2017 6pm – 7:30pm WellSpace Health, South Valley Center 8233 E. Stockton Blvd. Ste. D Sacramento, CA. 95828 See Flyer attached. Each family will receive a $10 gift card and refreshments will be...

Power, Privilege, and Oppression in a Psychological Context; June 13th 6-8pm

Join us for the last of the Spring Diversity Series: Power, Privilege, and Oppression in a Psychological Context by Ryan A. Cheperka, Ph.D. on Tuesday, June 13th from 6 - 8pm. Dr. Cheperka is the past Diversity Chair for SVPA (2013 - 2016) and has intensive training/experience on presenting on introductory diversity concepts related to multicultural psychology. She previously was the coordinator for a Multicultural Immersion Program and has specialized with the LGBTQ communities. This...

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