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Family Hui: ACEs Informed Parenting Classes Coming to Sacramento

The Sacramento Public Library is proud to partner with Family Hui to bring ACEs informed parenting classes and community building to Oak Park. We are actively recruiting families to participate. Please share with any Oak Park families that you think may be interested. Family Hui, a Mindful Parenting Program for families with children ages 0-5, is coming to the Colonial Heights Library! With a mission to support, encourage, and empower parents and caregivers, Family Hui celebrates the joys of...

Child Poverty Research, Public Policy and the Road Ahead

What We Have Learned and Where Should We Go Next? Tuesday, February 28, 2017 - 8:00am - 12:00pm UC Center Sacramento 1130 K Street, Suite LL22 Sacramento, CA 95814 Child poverty continues to be a major challenge for the United States and California. The UC Davis Center for Poverty Research and UC Center Sacramento will bring together researchers, policymakers, and practitioners together for a workshop “Child Poverty Research, Public Policy and the Road Ahead: What We Have Learned and Where...

Sex-trafficking victims get specialized care at Mercy clinic; doctors watch for telltale signs [Sacramento Bee]

Family physician Ronald Chambers has spent hours searching the website Backpage to see if he might recognize former patients among the dozens of girls posing and smiling in sex ads. He wonders if their layers of makeup hide bruises or if he might have missed the telltale signs of sex trafficking in patients at his south Sacramento clinic. Chambers, like a growing number of health care providers across the country, has waded into the disturbing world of human trafficking to learn how to...

ACEs and Our Day with Dr. Vincent Felitti

“Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.” –Oprah Winfrey We think we can speak for all who attended the CA Department of Health Care Services Learning Series on January 17 th when we say we are immensely grateful to Dr. Felitti for sharing with us findings from the original CDC-Kaiser ACE study and inspiring us with his passion and heartfelt commitment to this body of work. Dr. Felitti, who turned 81 years old the next day on January 18 th , was the co-principal investigator on the...

From Trauma To Resilience: Fostering Hope Through Trauma-Informed Care

A new training opportunity is available in Arkansas on March 9, 2017. From Trauma To Resilience: Fostering Hope Through Trauma-Informed Care Studies have shown that adverse childhood experiences and traumatic events can have a lasting, negative impact on a person’s health and well-being. This new training is designed to help you develop the unique skillset needed to support individuals who have experienced adverse childhood experiences and traumatic events. What participants told us they...

In Sacramento County, Collaborative Program is Creating Hope (

At the Northern California Construction Training Center in Sacramento County, you can find a number of probationers hard at work learning new crafts. And over the sound of hammers and buzz saws, a four-letter word is frequently heard. That word is H-O-P-E. For many of those taking part in this career training, it’s the first time they’ve had any hope in a long, long time — thanks to a joint program created by the Sacramento County Probation Department, County Office of Education and the...

Black Child Legacy Campaign Meeting at Sierra Health Foundation

On January 25 2017 De Angelo Mack and I had the privilege of presenting ACEs 101 to an audience of 60+ working to reduce African American childhood deaths. We followed Dr Nadine Burke-Harris's Ted Talk so we had to be creative to keep our audience engaged and introduced the Brain Architecture Game to the group. The goal of the game is to build a brain that is tall, which represents functional brain ability, but is also as strong as possibles so that it won't collapse in later years under the...

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation looking for interdisciplinary research leaders

Interdisciplinary Research Leaders is a leadership development opportunity for teams of researchers and community partners, including community organizers and advocates. These teams use the power of applied research—informing and supporting critical work being done in communities—to accelerate that work and advance health and equity. Their innovation helps build a Culture of Health , one that enables everyone in America to live longer, healthier lives. For this second IRL cohort (beginning...

Culturally competent mental health in Sacramento

Finding culturally competent care is sometimes an issue in Sacramento. There is a group of minority therapist in Sacramento we just found out about from De Angelo Mack. They run the Rosetta Center for Counseling and Wellness right here in Sacramento. See link below. Attached is a 10 week series they are doing with black women around depression.

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