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San Diego County Juvenile Hall Treats Traumatized Youth With Innovative Program (

About 70% of youth in detention have mental health diagnoses often related to high levels of trauma. To seek out a solution, the San Diego County Probation Department participated in the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform's "Youth in Custody" certificate program through Georgetown University and developed plans for a specialized treatment unit - TRU or Trauma Responsive Unit - to better meet the specific needs of male youth in custody. TRU has seen many successes in its first year,...

Uncovering the Impacts of Stress and Trauma on our Communities (

Broken-hearted children are more likely to suffer from mental and physical illnesses as adults. In a study looking at the impacts of toxic stress and trauma, scientists found that many common experiences early on can lead to debilitating illnesses later in life. Leaders from all sectors came together to screen Jamie Redford's Sundance-debuted film, Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope , which chronicles the promising beginnings of a national movement to prevent childhood...

San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team - September 2017 Minutes

Another exciting meeting, including announcement of our new co-chair (Dana Brown:-), learning about Center for Community Solutions' trauma-informed journey and discussion of our upcoming celebration event! See meeting minutes below (and attached) and CCS's presentation (attached). Introductions: New Members and 1 st time visitors were welcomed. Introductions included “why you’re here” Trauma Informed - Resilience Building Journey Center for Community Solutions – Staff members Allison Johnson...

Countywide Collaboration Works To Reduce Mental Health Stigma

San Diego Youth Services ’ (SDYS) HERE Now Program , which stands for Helping, Engaging, Reconnecting and Education, in collaboration with North County Lifeline (NCLL) and South Bay Community Services (SBCS), is designed to prevent youth suicide, suicidal ideation, help foster safe schools and create a safer place to learn in San Diego through suicide and bullying prevention education. Specifically, the program focuses on preventing suicide by educating 7th -12 th grade youth and their...

Alliant University Course Aims To Professionalize Street Outreach Workers (

Individuals like Angulo - who have lived the cycles of violence and incarceration in urban communities and come out on the other side - are some of the best to break those cycles. But often their work is informal and unpaid because of their criminal backgrounds. Agencies are hesitant to put them on payroll, or they may lack resources to market and fund their outreach. An eight-week course at Alliant University called the Community Mentors Program is trying to help. Its fourth cohort just...

Artist Draws National Attention With Child Mural at Border Fence in East County (

" The history of humanity is the story of people migrating," French artist JR posted on his Twitter feed. Drawing attention to the plight of innocent children denied entry to, or facing expulsion from the U.S. under President Donald Trump's tough policies, JR erected a 70-foot-tall mural titled Kikito. It depicts a one-year-old boy peeking over the border fence in Tecate, visible from the U.S. side of the border in San Diego's East County. The work, which the artist began work on a month...

Encouraging Signs In New Report On San Diego County Suicides (

According to the latest report, 431 people died by suicide in San Diego County in 2016. That is up slightly compared to the previous year. The annual report from the San Diego County Suicide Prevention Council reveals the suicide rate has fallen to a five-year low. Suicide Prevention Council member Stan Collins said in order to prevent suicide, people need to talk about it. "There's a lot of people in our community who are experiencing pain and don't feel hope that pain will go away,"...

How One Connection at CYW’s ACEs Conference Sparked Awareness into Action

Origins offers a number of training and consulting services. We developed The Basics as a half-day session to provide the foundation to support trauma-informed and resilience practices across sectors and industries. The session includes an overview of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study, the neurobiology of toxic stress, the impact of social and historical trauma, and the science of resilience. We have tested The Basics with two cross-sector audiences, in Los Angeles and Phoenix.

40 New California Laws Just Signed By Gov. Brown

By Renee Schiavone (Patch Staff) - ( Updated September 5, 2017) Gov. Jerry Brown signed several pieces of legislation into law on Sept 1st. Here they are. As we turned the page into September, California's governor got a head start on the month by signing more than three dozen bills into law on Friday. Among the 40 pieces of legislation that Jerry Brown approved was a bill aimed at protecting undocumented immigrants who assist law enforcement in solving a crime. AB 493 prohibits police from...

San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team - July minutes

Our July meeting was well-attended and exciting as we held our first formal election for the co-chair position! Please see meeting minutes below and attached. Introductions- Welcome New Members Welcome and Acknowledgement of Participants and New Members Pam Hansen, SD-TIGT acting Secretary opened the meeting pending arrival of Co-Chair, Amelia Rosa Ana Lozada volunteered to take minutes as Pam was temporarily facilitating meeting Individuals introduced themselves New participants and the 6...

San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team Meeting Agenda - Friday, September 1st from Noon to 2:00 pm

Please join us for networking between noon and 12:30 pm this Friday, September 1st! We welcome you to join us for our San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team meeting at the San Diego Center for Children located at 3002 Armstrong Street, San Diego, CA 92111. Please sign in at the front office. SAN DIEGO TRAUMA-INFORMED GUIDE TEAM (SD-TIGT) September 1, 2017 Networking: Noon to 12:30 pm Meeting: 12:30pm - 2:00pm I. Introductions Welcome New Members II. Trauma Informed - Resilience Building...

Juvenile crime rates plummet amid new approaches to tackling youth crime []

When San Diego County went looking for grant funds to help build a 300-bed jail for juveniles, officials argued that the 1950s-era Juvenile Hall on Meadowlark Lane was strained to the breaking point. “There is literally no more room at the inn,” the county warned in a grant application in 1999 seeking $36 million in construction funds for what would become, in 2004, the East Mesa Juvenile Detention Facility. [For more of this story, written by Greg Moran, go to ...

San Diego County School Districts Under The Wire To Draft Suicide Prevention Policies (

When his friend at Poway High School died by suicide 20 years ago, Stan Collins did not hear much from his teachers. "I just remember the trauma of sitting next to his empty desk the rest of the year," Collins said. "Twenty years ago, schools were still in the mindset of if you talk about suicide it's going to cause it to happen." Now Collins talks about suicide every day as a specialist with the San Diego County Suicide Prevention Council . And he is working to ensure school staff across...

ITRC 2018 California Conference: Preparing People for Climate Change in California

To See the Conference Agenda, List of All-Star Speakers, and To Register Click Here Why Should Californians Attend This Unique Conference ? From high levels of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), to job and financial struggles, racism and other forms of inequity and injustice, traumatic stress is epidemic today. Climate change will aggravate all of these existing adversities, and add many new ones as well. Yet, California is leading the U.S. in finding innovative new ways to address...

Community Gardening a Boon to Neighborhoods in Crisis (

A project in the San Diego County area is demonstrating once again that urban farming at the neighborhood level offers a host of benefits, from individuals to communities. The nonprofit San Diego Housing Corp. and a group of university nursing students have set up a community garden near the Torrey Apartments in El Cajon. Herbs, vegetables, and citrus trees have sprung up in garden boxes in a formerly neglected spot. The produce will add to the diets of the more than 200 residents of the...

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