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Homelessness Declared A Public Health Crisis In San Diego County (

Officials have discussed the lack of affordable housing for decades, and they say the crisis has been exacerbated in recent years by the COVID-19 pandemic and continuing low wages relative to inflation. (Shutterstock) To read the City News article, please click here. The San Diego County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to declare homelessness a public health crisis, directing the county chief administrative officer to work with city governments and the Regional Task Force on...

INDIGENIZED PROFESSIONAL LEARNING Native Ways of Knowing Micro-Courses (

Supporting Literacy and Culturally Responsive Instruction for Native American Students San Diego County Office of Education and California Indian Education for All are hosting a free, Native Ways of Knowing Webinar Series. K-12 educators and leaders are invited to learn from several renowned Native American professors, scholars, and change makers. Participants will access free culturally responsive resources to improve representations and classroom climates for teaching and learning about...

San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team's Learning Exchange

I. Networking (12:15 – 12:30 pm) II. Welcome and Introductions (12:30 – 12:45) Tri-Chairs Amelia Barile Simon, Dana Brown, and Linda Ketterer III. Learning Exchange (12:45 – 1:45) Shulamit Ritblatt and Audrey Hokoda Reviewing SD-TIGT Goals and book, From Trauma to Resiliency: Trauma-Informed Practices for Working with Children, Families, Schools, & Communities Chapter 6. Creciendo Juntos (Growing Together): Building Leadership in Latino Parents in a Trauma-Informed Elementary School...

Therapy dogs offer service with a smile... and a little slobber (

Photo credit; Pawsitive Teams Author: Jeff Zevely's article, please click here. There's a reason why dogs are often called man's best friend. In this Zevely Zone, I profiled Pawsitive Teams , a non-profit organization celebrating twenty-five years of success. It started with what may have been the most adorable interview I have ever done. "This is Bobby. He is a Chocolate English lab," said Carol Davis. "This is Sandy. He is a Golden Retriever," said Charli King. 25 years ago, Charli and...

Highlighting our four-part Trauma-Informed Learning Community Series!

Committed planning team members met bi-weekly, beginning December 2, 2021, in preparation for the four-part Trauma-Informed Learning Community series which launched in San Diego, California, with Session #1 on May 20th. This series brought together seventy-five cross-sector service providers, agencies, and schools who work with teens, transitional-age youth, and families and was hosted by Diego Hills Central. The series would not have been the success that it is without Area Superintendent...

Stepping into School in Style! (Access, Inc.)

Starting a new school year is a time for new beginnings - especially after the last few years! As parents struggle to outfit their youngsters for that special first day and beyond, one of the least affordable and most challenging to “make do” are shoes. Hand-me-down, thrift store, or bargain bin shoes don’t fit, are worn in weird places, are uncomfortable, and are often just plain ugly. Brand new stylish well-fitting shoes are way too expensive for families on tight budgets. Addressing this...

Board Paves Way for New Investments into Mental Health Resources (

Author Katie Cadiao's article, click HERE. August 16, 2022 The County Board of Supervisors today voted unanimously to accept two grants that will allow the County to make significant investments into behavioral health services. The grants include $12.4 million of Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program Launch Ready Grant funding from the California Department of Health Care Services and $1.2 million of Mental Health Student Services Act funding from the Mental Health Services...

From Trauma to Resiliency: Trauma-Informed Practices for Working with Children, Families, Schools, and Communities (Routledge Textbook)

(Congratulations to Dr. Audrey Hokoda and Dr. Shulamit Ritblatt for their steadfast dedication as Editors of this textbook. Long-standing San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team (SDTIGT) member, there are more SDTIGT members who are co-authors. Congratulations to all contributors!) From Trauma to Resiliency: Trauma-Informed Practices for Working with Children, Families, Schools, and Communities Edited by Shulamit Natan Ritblatt, San Diego State University, California, USA and Audrey Hokoda ,...

San Diego Schools Say Giving Tests Is Racist (

By Jessica Marie Baumgartner / Image Go2Tutors / August 5, 2022 In the fashion of other failing public schools that have implemented WOKE politics into their curriculum, the San Diego Unified school district is decrying tests as racist. The school's trustee claims that measuring student ability through tests is "rooted in racism." While some agree that standardized testing is not always the best method to determine student progress, tests in and of themselves come in many forms. Hands-on...

San Diego Deploying Free Narcan Vending Machines to Help Combat Opioid Epidemic (

Image: © Provided by NBC San Diego Examples of Narcan vending machines that will be placed around San Diego County to help fight the opioid epidemic. County officials are getting ready to install Narcan vending machines across the county. Narcan is a drug used to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. The first of about a dozen vending machines is scheduled to be installed at McAlister Institute - South Bay Regional Recovery Center in Chula Vista by December. The plan is to allow...

One Safe Place Welcome Event 7/2, 9am-1pm in San Marcos

One Safe Place is a new North County Family Justice Center opening in San Marcos. They are hosting a Welcome Event for the community on Saturday, July 2 nd , 9am-1pm at 1050 Los Vallecitos Blvd, San Marcos. Please see more information attached and here . We provide free support services all under one roof to anyone who has experienced family violence, child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, hate crimes, elder abuse, human trafficking, violent loss, or other crimes. At One Safe Place...

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