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Opinion: Mass Incarceration Must End; Closing Private Prisons Is a Good Start (

Photo: ( Sandy Huffaker/inewsource) © Provided by Times of San Diego The Times of San Diego article, Opinion: Mass Incarceration Must End: Closing Private Prisons is a Good Start Last year, President Joe Biden acknowledged what had been evident for years: Our nation’s reliance on mass incarceration “imposes significant costs and hardships on our society and communities and does not make us safer,” according to the president’s Executive Order 14006 signed just days after he took office. In...

Necessary Conversations: Talking Frankly About Race (

By Alonzo l. Plough, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, June 8, 2022 Engaging in honest dialogue about race sometimes means lowering our defenses and acknowledging our feelings so we can walk together toward racial equity. The opening of the Tops Friendly Market in East Buffalo was a triumph of community activism , a victory for residents who struggled for years against food apartheid . In a neighborhood that had long lacked a full-service supermarket, the store became a symbol of local...

Ryan’s story: A hard-charging California firefighter loses his last battle to suicide (

He was Superman. A skilled surfer, skateboarder and hockey defenseman. A leader much admired and sometimes resented. He was hard-charging, driven by the motto of his unit: “Lead, follow, or get out of the way.” Cal Fire Captain Ryan Mitchell was the embodiment of the heroic archetype: 6–foot-4, strong and stoic, brave in the face of danger, the last person anyone expected to take his own life. Until he did. On that bright November morning, Mitchell cleared up the paperwork at the end of his...

Inner-City Athletic Program's FREE "Steppin Up" 8-week Summer Program

June 21st through August 11th Positive Youth Experiences In Partnership with Willie Henderson Sports Complex for boys & girls, ages 7 to 14. * Wellness Lessons * Exercise, Games * Physical Activities * Coping and Social Skills * FREE LUNCH PROVIDED To sign up, call (619)281-6903 Inner-City Athletic Program 4578 Logan Avenue, Suite B San Diego, CA 92113

San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team (SDTIGT) Membership / Visitor meeting

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 813 7762 2442 Call mobile (669)900-6833 I. Welcome (12:30 pm - 12:35 pm) Tri-Chairs Amelia Barile Simon, Dana Brown, and Linda Ketterer ● Type Name/Organization/Role in Chat Box ● Celebrate New Members (2nd Membership Meeting) ● Sign-In on Google Form II. Warm Introductions (12:35 - 1:30) Please share your name, organization and response to our equity-focused question, “The San Diego County Board of Supervisors unanimously...

SDPD Hosts ‘Peace in the Park' Event, Working to Reduce Crime in Neighborhoods (nbcsandiego,com)

Officers and dozens of community groups put together an event called "Peace in the Park" at Mountain View Park on Saturday designed to highlight recent efforts to reduce crime. “What this is…is a collaborative effort by members of the community to take back the park,” said Captain Manny Del Toro, SDPD, Southeastern Division. Captain Del Toro explains the park has been a problematic area in the past. “We found crack pipes…we found a lot of empty liquor bottles…we also found some ammunition,”...

Implementing Adverse Childhood Experience Screening in an Intensive Outpatient Mental Health Program []

By Bryan Amaro, Photo: Unsplash, University of San Diego, Digital USD, May 28, 2022 Background and Significance Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have been well-studied for over 20 years, with the seminal research performed in San Diego, CA, through Kaiser Permanente and MD internist Vince Felitti in 1998. ACEs are potentially traumatic events that occur during childhood before 18 years of age (Felitti et al., 1998). The stress response is a normal part of life, and is the bodies response...

San Diego’s new ‘zero-waste’ grocery store opens for business (

SAN DIEGO — A unique grocery store concept opened in San Diego last month, inviting customers to bring their own containers and reduce the amount of waste created by food shopping. The Mighty Bin , located a couple blocks from the iconic North Park Water Tower on El Cajon Boulevard, is a nod to the “zero-waste” movement doing away with single-use plastics and other environmentally harmful packaging. The store displays its wares in “gravity dispensers” — those clear tubs with a release handle...

Three successful Filipino businesses share their stories (

According to a 2019 Pew Research study, San Diego has the fifth largest Filipino population and it continues to grow. "It's hard work, it's dedication, it's passion," said Fina Surdilla, owner of Fina's Fashion Boutique and Alterations in National City. Fina’s passion for fashion is what drove her to start her own alterations and traditional Filipino clothing business. "It’s a dream for me, really, to be in the United States because of opportunities of course. Life in the Philippines is so...

A Native American voice so strong even Oprah shared his message (

SAN DIEGO — A revered tribal elder in the Native American community has a message for all of San Diego. In this Zevely Zone, I profile a voice so strong even Oprah shared his message. Bankers Hill may be the last place you'd expect to receive a history lesson, but it is where Native American customs and traditions are still alive. With every song, the Red Warrior drum group remembers Native American history. "A lot of people don't even know about Native Americans anymore and they think we...

San Diego County Supervisors vote 3-2 to redefine ‘woman’ (

SAN DIEGO (KUSI) – During Tuesday’s San Diego County Board of Supervisors meeting, they held public hearing on a controversial agenda item item, Agenda Item 34. Tuesday’s Agenda Item 34 was “an ordinance to provide for the local implementation of the United Nations Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW).” Proponents of the ordinance like Democrat Supervisor Nora Vargas, claim it will protect “women from discrimination.” But opponents correctly...

Top Reasons for Joining the Summit

Virtual Conference | April 5-6, 2022 Our world gets more complex every day. So it's more important than ever to address the traumas that affect our communities. That’s why we’re coming together at the Hanna Institute Summit: to heal our communities. But why should you join us? Here are the top three reasons people attend the Summit: 1) Learn from Experts From best-selling authors Ibram X. Kendi and Resmaa Menakem to Nancy Dome and Dr. Gary Slutkin, national and Bay Area experts will bring...

Bayside Community Center’s Garden Therapy Program Addresses Student Health & Well-Being (

Gardening is oft-noted for its therapeutic value – spending time outdoors improves mental health, relieves stress and anxiety, and can increase feelings of well-being. It was with this intent that Bayside Community Center launched its garden therapy program last year, one of many programs offered by 88 nonprofit partners throughout San Diego County through the Level Up SD grant program. After a year of pandemic restrictions and online learning during the 2020 – 2021 academic year, the San...

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