Tagged With "Post traumatic growth"
Blog Post
PACEs Connection: Not just another social network
At last week’s fabulous HOPE Summit, one person told me that they didn’t realize all the things that PACEs Connection does.
Blog Post
Local Organizations Join Together To Build HOPE and Resiliency in San Diego’s Children
April is National Month of Hope. While hope is something we all need right now as we surpass one year of the COVID pandemic, HOPE (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences) means something different in our work as ACEs Aware grantees. The YMCA of San Diego County , San Diego State University Social Policy Institute , San Diego Accountable Community for Health (SDACH) and American Academy of Pediatrics – California Chapter 3 are combining efforts as ACEs Aware grantees to work with...
Blog Post
Mother Nature’s Buffer Against Adverse Childhood Experiences
Earth Day has blossomed into a month-long celebration in April focusing on getting outdoors, appreciating nature and coming together as a community all of which are important in our work as ACEs Aware grantees. Recently, “spending time in nature” was added to the list of ways to practice self-care in relation to Adverse Childhood Experiences. The idea behind the self-care practices is to regulate an overactive stress response which can be heightened due to exposure to ACEs and lead to toxic...
Joshua Alcala
Blog Post
San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team Learning Exchange August 6, 2021
A HUGE Thank You to Aisha Pope for her informative and thought-provoking presentation at our recent Learning Exchange entitled, Bringing Your Authentic Self to Work: the Costs of Code Switching !! And thank you to everyone who attended and participated in our learning exchange break out groups! We hope to see you back at our next meeting, October 1, 2021 from 12:15 - 2pm. Please see attached for meeting minutes and Aisha's PowerPoint.
JJR TIRW-2.pdf
JJR TIRW-3.pdf
JJR TIRW-3.pdf
JJR TIRW-2.pdf
Re: The Many Faces of Public Safety (50-minutes) Lived Experiences
This was a wonderful event that presented examples of post traumatic growth and the need for trauma informed care at interpersonal, community and policy levels.
Re: Traumatic Incident Reduction In Person Training, January 28/29, February 4/5, 2023
This is an on-line training in order to accommodate more people from out of the San Diego area.
Blog Post
San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team June 2, 2023 Meeting Minutes
It was wonderful seeing those who could attend - both in person and virtually! Congratulations to Shor Denny, our new Guide Team Co-Chair! See attached for meeting minutes and handouts.
Blog Post
Check Out New July Dates Added to the 2023 CRC Summer Curriculum and the Official Launch of the Dedicated CRC Community Page
July is a time to celebrate all summer has to offer by building bridges and innovating with community to get to the heart of trauma-informed awareness and resilience building. This month, we’ve added new July dates to the summer 2023 *CRC* curriculum—but that’s only half of the good news. Last year, the CRC began as a pilot program. Now that it's evolved, what better time to bring accelerator participants together in a PACEs Connection CRC community than the summer? We are proud to announce...
Blog Post
August COOP Meeting: Leverage the Latest Brain Science to Build Trust and Community Connections!
Our speaker for the August PACEs Connection Cooperative of Communities meeting will share ways of building community connections we may not have thought of before – starting with trust in the earliest and most important relationships – as well as some challenging news, exciting resources, and timely inspiration. Cooperative of Communities members and members of their communities are invited to join us tomorrow, August 8, 2023, at 10 a.m. PT, Noon CT, and 1 p.m. ET when we welcome Deborah...
Blog Post
World Mental Health Day: Mobilizing the Human Family Through the CRC & the PACEs Movement
Awareness about health outcomes are as much about the long-term impact caused by adverse childhood experiences as they are by positive childhood experiences. By providing education on trauma-informed awareness and resilience building frameworks, the CRC Accelerator certification is a tool for both.
Blog Post
What does popcorn have to do with math? (gatesnotes.com)
To read more of Bill Gates' article, please click here. Do you know how to calculate the volume of a prism? What about a pyramid? And what does either have to do with movie theater popcorn? Back in April, I spent the day at Chula Vista Middle School in Southern California learning what these questions have to do with graduating from college. I was there to meet with school and district leaders and join an eighth-grade math class taught by a remarkable teacher named Amilcar Fernandez, who...
Blog Post
CRC Accelerator Hiatus Reminder & April “Hour of Power” to Support CRC Participants With Only One Event to Completion Learn CRC Fellowship Next Steps
As we’ve recently announced, the CRC Accelerator is taking an indefinite hiatus, but this moment of growth is anything but goodbye. Two years into this unique program, we are aware of the incredible impact access can have on PACEs initiatives and we now have a CRC Fellowship that grows with each CRC graduate.
Blog Post
Reflecting on Growth, Resilience, and Hope: The First Year of TREC. (December newsletter)
To view the December 2024 newsletter, please click here, Take a Look inside TREC's first year! Dear TREC Community, What an extraordinary and exhilarating year 2024 has been for TREC! As we reflect on our journey, we are filled with immense pride and gratitude for all that we've accomplished together. From the launch of our 1.25.24 program to the milestone of December 5, 2024, we've seen remarkable progress: 3,300 TREC courses completed, 470 Trauma-Resilient Professionals Certified, and 22...