Tagged With "no hit zone"
Blog Post
San Diego's stop-and-go progress to becoming a trauma-informed community
It’s a warm spring afternoon and Arturo Soriano is in his old stomping grounds—at Teralta Park, a small urban park atop a sunken freeway in San Diego’s City Heights neighborhood. As a teenage gang member in the 1980s, Soriano roamed the park and the surrounding streets before spending the better part of two decades in prison. Now 40, he has returned with a different mission.
Blog Post
San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team Learning Exchange September 6, 2019
Thank you to all of the attendees of our September San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team meeting and for participating in our first Learning Exchange!! We had a wonderful presentation on T rauma Across the Lifespan by Dr. Mark Katz, which generated some rich discussions! See attached for meeting minutes and handouts. Hope to see you all in December!
Blog Post
San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team May 5, 2017 Meeting Minutes
It was great to see all the new, and returning, faces at our Guide Team meeting on May 5th! We had 38 attendees! See the meeting minutes below (and attached), as well as the PowerPoint and handouts from the Addressing Islamophobia presentation. Introductions – Included welcome of new members and the addition of sharing what brings you to the meeting Trauma Informed Journey - Addressing Islamophobia and its Impact on Children, using a Trauma-Informed Lens presented by Lallia Allali, Linda K.
Blog Post
Paper Tigers Screening 10/26/15
Paper Tigers, the documentary of the 1st Trauma Informed School in our nation, is being hosted by the Landmark Theatre in Hillcrest on Monday, October 26th, at 6.30 pm. FREE! Robert Redford's son, James, and his film crew followed...
Blog Post
City (San Diego) Accepting Applications for Urban Agriculature Incentive Zones
Two years ago, the San Diego City Council unanimously approved my Urban Agricultural Incentive Zone Proposal. The program helps expand community access to fresh produce through a property tax incentive for qualifying land owners who allow urban gardens on their property. There’s a new website for the program (listed below). Applications and an interactive map highlighting eligible lots are available for the public to view. The program gives communities throughout the City an economic tool to...
Blog Post
Early childhood educators learn new ways to spot trauma triggers, build resilience in preschoolers
A hug may be comforting to many children, but for a child who has experienced trauma it may not feel safe.
That’s an example used by Julie Kurtz, co-director of trauma informed practices in early childhood education at the WestEd Center for Child & Family Studies (CCFS), as she begins a trauma training session. Her audience, preschool teachers and staff of the San Francisco-based Wu Yee Children’s Services at San Francisco’s Women’s Building, listen attentively.
Calendar Event
Love Thy Neighbor 1st Annual PEACE GATHERING
Blog Post
A Native American voice so strong even Oprah shared his message (newsbreak.com)
SAN DIEGO — A revered tribal elder in the Native American community has a message for all of San Diego. In this Zevely Zone, I profile a voice so strong even Oprah shared his message. Bankers Hill may be the last place you'd expect to receive a history lesson, but it is where Native American customs and traditions are still alive. With every song, the Red Warrior drum group remembers Native American history. "A lot of people don't even know about Native Americans anymore and they think we...
Blog Post
Stepping into School in Style! (Access, Inc.)
Starting a new school year is a time for new beginnings - especially after the last few years! As parents struggle to outfit their youngsters for that special first day and beyond, one of the least affordable and most challenging to “make do” are shoes. Hand-me-down, thrift store, or bargain bin shoes don’t fit, are worn in weird places, are uncomfortable, and are often just plain ugly. Brand new stylish well-fitting shoes are way too expensive for families on tight budgets. Addressing this...
Blog Post
Therapy dogs offer service with a smile... and a little slobber (cbs8.com)
Photo credit; Pawsitive Teams Author: Jeff Zevely's article, please click here. There's a reason why dogs are often called man's best friend. In this Zevely Zone, I profiled Pawsitive Teams , a non-profit organization celebrating twenty-five years of success. It started with what may have been the most adorable interview I have ever done. "This is Bobby. He is a Chocolate English lab," said Carol Davis. "This is Sandy. He is a Golden Retriever," said Charli King. 25 years ago, Charli and...
Blog Post
Parental Discipline
Associations between 11 parental discipline behaviours and child outcomes across 60 countries Ward KP, Grogan-Kaylor, A, Ma J, et al. BMJ Open 2023;13:e058439. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-058439 Abstract Objectives To test associations between 11 caregiver aggressive and non-aggressive discipline behaviours and outcomes (aggression, distraction and prosocial peer relations) of children under 5 years in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). Participants Data came from the fourth...