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2016 Regional Restorative Justice & Restorative Practices Summit (Human Relations Commission)

What is Restorative Justice? "Restorative justice is a process to involve, to the extent possible, those who have a stake in a specific offense and to collectively identify and address harms, needs and obligations, in order to heal and put things as right as possible." What was the purpose of this summit? "The purpose of this summit is to raise awareness about Restorative Justice and Restorative Practices and the benefits to the community including victims, offenders, and society. The goal...

‘Racism is a Public Health Crisis': San Diego County Board of Supervisors Passes Resolution (

The San Diego County Board of Supervisors voted 5-0 Tuesday to declare “racism a public health crisis,” passing policies to combat racism locally and create equitable response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Chair Nathan Fletcher and Vice Chair Nora Vargas introduced the resolution to address systemic racism last week. "In declaring racism as a public health crisis, we are acknowledging that racism underpins the health inequities throughout the region," said Fletcher. According to the supervisors,...

How counseling aims to help CSU freshmen graduate in four years []

By Larry Gordon, EdSource, December 17, 2020 Right out of high school and not sure where the advising office is, let alone how to register for classes, freshmen need special care at California’s big public universities. Without it, they are at higher risk of not making it back for a second year. That’s why about a quarter of the 23 campuses in the California State University system recently overhauled their academic advising to first-year students. [ Please click here to read more .]

A college professor's Thanksgiving message to students is bringing people to tears (

A college student on Twitter shared a pre-Thanksgiving e-mail she and her classmates received from a professor, and it's just the best example of real human-kindness. It reads: "Good morning. I know this has been a difficult time for a lot of you—some of you have had Covid, some of you are currently in quarantine, and some of you may not be able to go home for Thanksgiving as you have family members who are socially distancing. I don't want anyone to feel alone at Thanksgiving, or to miss...

Affirmative action ballot measure fails, but these students are still fighting to diversify their universities (

Californians voted this week by a 56.1% to 43.9% margin to continue the state’s ban on considering race, ethnicity and gender in public college admissions, hiring and contracting. But universities are pushing forward with other efforts to recruit and retain a diverse student body. Black and Latino students are underrepresented at the University of California compared to those groups’ share of the state’s population. Statewide, many students of color enter college but don’t graduate. Among...

Without A Whisper - Konnón:kwe (

Explore the untold story of how Indigenous women influenced the early suffragists in their fight for freedom and equality. Mohawk Clan Mother Louise Herne and Professor Sally Roesch Wagner shake the foundation of the established history of the women’s rights movement in the US joining forces to shed light on the hidden history of the influence of Haudenosaunee Women on the women’s rights movement. Streaming online from 11.2.20 - 12.1.20 Click here: ...

The Black Experience in Higher Education

By October 23, 2020, A Special Series. Higher education has not been exempt from scrutiny during America's current racial reckoning. Far from it, as people increasingly question whether colleges and universities have failed in their stated mission of increasing equity in society. [ Please click here to read more ]

Fentanyl Warning in San Diego County (

Please disseminate the attached information: As you may already be aware, San Diego County is currently experiencing a marked increase in deadly drug overdoses from fentanyl which is often being marketed to substance users as other drugs, including prescription oxycodone (blue pills), cocaine and methamphetamine. Attached are informational flyers about fentanyl and a public awareness campaign that will be coming out soon. It is important that all substance users and potential substance users...

Introducing 'A Better Normal': Real Talk With Rafael! October 16, 2020, 12pm PDT

Real Talk with Rafael is joining the A Better Normal (ABN) webinar series. Real Talk with Rafael i s designed to give the ACEs Connection community and guests an opportunity to have a safe space to talk about issues around the intersections of race, identity, and toxic stress. For those of you who attended the ABN “Episode 32: Reinterpreting American Identity, A Community Discussion” , you’ll recognize that Real Talk with Rafael is very similar, and will continue these conversations over...

La Jolla pediatric office to pilot new childhood trauma screening, citing importance during COVID-19 []

By Ashley Mackin-Solomon, La Jolla Light, September 28, 2020 A La Jolla pediatric office is one of a select few to pilot a new screening and treatment program for adverse childhood experiences, known as ACEs, as a way to lessen the possible long-term negative health effects associated with them. Through an initiative known as ACEs Aware, a first-of-its-kind effort led by the California surgeon general’s office and the Department of Health Care Services to cut ACEs and related stress in half...

Free 2020 Virtual Trauma-Informed Care Conference

Each year, STAR hosts a Trauma-Informed Care Conference to help educate the next generation of leaders and build a strong network of Trauma-Informed professionals in the state of Georgia. The conference will be held on Saturday, October 3rd from 10:00am- 1:00pm EST and Sunday, October 4th , 2020 from 2:00pm-5:00pm EST conducted virtually via Zoom.

California colleges increase online mental health services to serve expected student need []

By Larry Gordon, Ed Source, August 31, 2020 With surveys showing that the pandemic is worsening anxiety and depression among college students, campus counseling centers across California are bracing for an expected sharp rise in the numbers of students seeking mental health services. Like most college and university classes, psychological therapy sessions switched to online — or on telephone — in March. The campuses say they will try their best to advertise, expand and improve those virtual...

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