The designation of “state initiative” in this list refers to a formal statewide collaboration that is community-based and cross-sector with a primary focus on ACEs science—trauma-informed—resilience policy and practice.
* State level advocates are planning to form a state initiative but have not yet created a formal organization.
AL | Alabama |
No AC site. No initiative.
AK | Trauma and Resilience Work in Alaska |
Community members, advocates, and professionals who share the goals to reduce trauma and build resilience in Alaska share information and exchange ideas related to adversity, trauma and resilience that lead to practical and community-centered solutions. By trauma, we are referring to childhood and developmental trauma, intergenerational trauma, and historic and ongoing systemic trauma.
AZ | Arizona ACEs in Action |
The members of Arizona ACE Consortium promote ideas, policies and practices that reduce and prevent childhood adversity and build resilience in individuals, families and communities. ACEs can last a lifetime, but they don't have to.
AR | Arkansas ACEs/Resilience Workgroup |
We are a cross-sector collaborative dedicated to creating a safe, positive, nurturing, and flourishing families and communities.
CA | California ACEs Action |
A group of practitioners, healers, policy advocates and all other people committed to making California a place that is healthy and safe for everyone.
CO* | Colorado ACEs Connection |
The Colorado ACEs Connection group is dedicated to preventing and reducing the number of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in Colorado. We are a diverse collective of community members striving to promote healing and create trauma-aware and resilient communities across the state of Colorado.
CT | Connecticut |
No AC site. No initiative.
DC* | Washington DC Metro Area ACEs Connection |
This group explores issues related to adversity, trauma and resilience in the District of Columbia and surrounding areas. We are advocates, trauma survivors, concerned community members, and professionals who share information and develop practical solutions, to support the Washington, DC metro area to become trauma-informed, address sources of adversity, and promote health and resilience.
DE | Delaware ACEs Action |
The mission of the Delaware ACEs Action group is to advance trauma-informed initiatives in Delaware, including trauma-informed approaches in any and all settings where people are served.
FL | Florida ACEs Connection |
The Florida ACEs Connection is a collaborative effort of state agencies; schools; institutes of higher learning; faith, community, and grassroots organizations; and other interested individuals; to provide education and training on trauma informed approaches and interventions to mitigate the negative effects of stress and adversity on children and their families.
GA* | Georgia ACEs Action |
We support safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for children, youth and families by promoting change in organizations, systems, policies and social norms across the state.
HI* | ACEs Connection Hawai'i |
Hawai'i is a place of natural beauty, multicultural heritages and practicing cultural arts that provides wellness and healing. However, cultural, historical & generational trauma has lead to an imbalance in our ahupua'a or ecosystem. Join us as we educate, empower & celebrate wellness and resilience building in our communities using trauma and culture aware strategies. Mahalo
ID | Idaho Resilience Project |
Recognizing trauma and adverse experiences as underlying factors which may lead to substance abuse, suicide, child abuse, domestic violence, mental illness and more. Together we support our communities to prevent childhood trauma, and bring prevention methods to scale. Together we build strong communities that support resilient families, leading to happy, healthy, and thriving children.
IL | Illinois ACEs Response Collaborative |
The Illinois ACEs Response Collaborative is a broad range of multi-sectoral stakeholders committed to expanding the understanding of trauma and ACEs and their impact on the health and well-being of Illinois children, families, communities, and systems. Through advocacy and mobilization efforts, we work to put the issues of ACEs, trauma, and resilience on the forefront of health equity in Illinois.
IN* | Indiana ACEs Connection |
Grassroots attempt to unify all levels of our State to embrace the science of ACEs to develop supportive services and resources for prevention, education and treatment.
IA | Iowa ACEs Action |
Iowa ACEs Action connects individuals and communities across Iowa who are reducing adverse childhood experiences and the impact of toxic stress. This collaborative online community serves as the venue for sharing resources and best practices, and for launching discussion and open communication across all regions of our state.
KS | Kansas ACEs Connection |
Kansas ACEs Connection is dedicated to connecting and supporting organizations, systems, and communities who are interested in better understanding the prevalence of ACEs and trauma, recognizing the impact that these have on individual and organizational health, and developing policies and practices that promote resiliency and healing.
KY | Kentucky |
No AC site. No initiative.
LA | Louisiana |
No AC site. No initiative.
ME | Maine Resilience Building Network |
MRBN promotes building resilience for Maine’s children, families and communities by increasing the understanding of the impacts of trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES). We work to strengthen families and communities by increasing protective factors and resilience-building relationships. We aim for a comprehensive, cross-sector, and systematic approach to foster education, awareness and action.
MD | Maryland ACEs Action |
This group is for anyone who wishes to share information about and promote ACEs research awareness, trauma-informed/resilience-building practices, and to influence positive social change in Maryland.
MA | Massachusetts Essentials for Childhood |
Massachusetts Essentials for Childhood promotes safe, stable, nurturing, environments and relationships for the communities in which we live, learn, and work. By establishing robust public private partnerships, we promote social connection and foster collective responsibility for the wellness of families, so that regardless of race or socio-economic status, all children can thrive.
MI | Michigan ACEs Action |
Healthy and resilient kids, families, and communities are the foundation for a flourishing, vibrant region. We are dedicated to creating a trauma-informed Michigan and working together across sectors to share our efforts in building resilience and reducing toxic stress for Michigan children and families.
MN | Minnesota ACEs Action: A Trauma-Informed Network |
We share information and exchange ideas related to adverse childhood experiences, trauma and resilience that lead to practical and community-centered solutions in Minnesota.
MS* | Mississippi ACEs Connection |
Mississippi ACEs Community is a diverse group of individuals from a cross sector of organizations and agencies dedicated to supporting and advocating for continuous trauma-informed care for all children and families in the state.
MO* | Missouri ACEs Action |
We are committed to moving our organizations and communities toward being trauma-informed.
MT | Elevate Montana |
Elevate Montana is a movement dedicated to elevating the well-being and futures of our children through awareness and actions based on ACEs and trauma-informed approaches to build resilience in children and families.
NE | Nebraska |
No AC site. No initiative.
NV | Nevada |
No AC site. No initiative.
NH | New Hampshire |
No AC site. No initiative.
NJ | New Jersey |
No AC site. No initiative.
NM | New Mexico |
No AC site. No initiative.
NY | New York |
No AC site. No initiative.
NC | North Carolina ACEs Connection |
North Carolina ACEs Connection is a forum to inform and connect individuals and communities working to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments and prevent and mitigate ACEs in North Carolina.
ND | North Dakota |
No AC site. No initiative.
OH | Ohio ACEs Action |
The purpose of this group is to connect people and organizations in Ohio who are working to address issues related to trauma and ACEs.
OK | Raising Resilient Oklahomans! |
We convene and facilitate collaborative efforts to reduce adversity and trauma while building resilience throughout Oklahoma. We are advocates, concerned citizens, policy-makers and professionals who share information and develop practical, trauma-informed solutions to improve the lives of our children and families.
OR | Trauma Informed Oregon |
Trauma Informed Oregon is a collaboration of university, public and private partners, individuals with lived experience, youth and family members that are committed to creating and sustaining a trauma informed system of care in Oregon.
PA | Pennsylvania Trauma-Informed Network |
To enhance the psycho-social-emotional, physical, and spiritual health and wel-lbeing of all individuals throughout Pennsylvania. PATIC-Net provides education and training about mental health, trauma, and ACEs throughout Pennsylvania to address the root causes of issues that impact families, communities, and systems across the Commonwealth.
RI | The Ocean State Trauma Informed Community Coalition |
The Ocean State Trauma Informed Community Coalition (OSTICC) is a collaborative group of public and private community stakeholders coming together to provide the vision, organization, training, and leadership needed to actively promote an understanding of trauma informed approaches and how to implement them across service systems and in public/private settings throughout the State of Rhode Island.
SC | South Carolina Adverse Childhood Experiences ACE Initiative |
Led by the Children's Trust of South Carolina, the South Carolina Adverse Childhood Experiences Initiative empowers communities to help build resilience and works to prevent poor health outcomes and improve well-being.
SD | South Dakota ACEs and Resiliency Connections |
Our goal is to begin a dialogue around the topic of trauma and resiliency and create a shared language and understanding of effective responses to trauma. Together we can create a united, yet community-customized approach to the integration of trauma informed care in communities all across South Dakota.
TN | Building Strong Brains Tennessee |
This is a public-private initiative to address, prevent, and mitigate adverse childhood experiences. Its mission is to change the culture of Tennessee so the state’s overarching philosophy, policies, programs and practices for children, youth, and young adults utilize the latest brain science to prevent and mitigate the impact of ACEs.
TX* | Texas ACEs Connection |
An online platform to foster communication and collaboration across communities and sectors in Texas with the goal of promoting ideas, policies and practices that reduce and prevent childhood adversity, build resilience in individuals and families, and help those affected by trauma to heal and thrive.
UT | Trauma-Informed Utah |
The Trauma-Informed Utah page was created in response to requests for support in navigating challenges highlighted due to COVID-19. This page serves as a resource bank and networking opportunity for organizations seeking to implement trauma-informed approaches both in policy and practice. This effort is dedicated to improving the well-being of Utahns and those who serve them.
VT | Building Flourishing Communities (Vermont) |
The Building Flourishing Communities team works by activating local leadership through an understanding of the importance of early childhood development and how our earliest experiences affect our health and well-being throughout life. We're developing highly-trained volunteer Master Trainers, who in turn identify local leaders and train them in the model.
VA | Virginia ACEs Connection |
The Virginia ACEs Connection initiative promotes safety and connection to empower self-healing communities in Virginia.
WA | Washington State ACEs Action |
A forum to inform and connect individuals and communities working to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments and prevent and mitigate ACEs in Washington State.
WV | West Virginia ACEs Coalition |
The WV ACEs Coalition includes over 70 different organizations and individuals working together to improve the health and well-being of all West Virginians by reducing the impact of ACEs and preventing their occurrence.
WI | Wisconsin ACEs Action |
The Wisconsin Children's Mental Health Collective Impact initiative is charged with aligning efforts across systems to make sure that every Wisconsin child is safe, nurtured and supported to promote optimal health and well-being.
WY | Wyoming |
No AC site. No initiative.
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