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State PACEs Action

West Virginia 2018 State Profile

Hi, Everyone:  
Here’s the state profile for West Virginia. To review the entire profile, open the PDF that is attached to this post.
If you have corrections or additions, please leave them in the comments section of this post. We’ll be reviewing the comments regularly and doing fact-checks. The information you give us will also help us determine how to organize and expand the information in the state profiles.  
We will be turning this post into a living profile that, with your help and input, we’ll keep updating over time. If you have ideas about other categories we should add, please let us know. And we’ll also make sure that we keep you informed about updates.


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Dan and Jesse --

Congrats on the campaign to have the TI community sign on to the
Biden-Harris letter re: priorities for the first 100 days. I cloned
Elizabeth's post about it to all my communities (about 60 in the SE + four
"interest-based communities) and emailed it to other folks; shared it out
on social media as @ACEsConnection

I did, however, drop the ball on getting out to you this DRAFT of an
invitation letter for the proposed SE ACEs/CTIPP Leaders call on December
15 at 2:30. There's been a lot going on with the ACEs Connection
fundraising campaign, communities coming in, etc. I apologize for not
getting this to you until now.

*Below is a draft of what I'll send tomorrow, Monday, December 7, if you
all are in agreement*. *If you think we should wait until January for our
next meeting, that's fine too.* Just let me know. Rebecca can definitely
join us on 12.15 and she could likely join us in January, too. We can also
schedule another person to join us, in addition to Rebecca, if there is a
topic that would work well in January.


Dear SE ACEs Connection/CTIPP Leader,

Thank you for participating in the quarterly calls of trauma-informed
coordinators from the Southeast, hosted by ACES Connection and the Campaign
for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP). Our last call was August
October 20. On that call we decided to move the next call up to December
instead of waiting until until January

*Our next call is December 15 from 2:30-4 p.m. Please add this date to
your calendar and plan to join us*. The Zoom information is below.


*Update from statewide leaders* and time for discussion and questions. If
there are specific issues you would like to see included in the agenda,
please let us know.

*Legislative update from CTIPP* Update on the Sign On Letter for Biden
Harris Administration's First 100 Days
There is still time to sign on! Just send an email saying you support the
letter to Jesse Kholer ( by December 8, 2020.

By our call date on December 15, we hope Congress will be enacting
legislation appropriating additional funds to address the pandemic. CTIPP has
been advocating for the inclusion of funding for trauma-informed programs
in new legislation and will share an update on these efforts.

*Trauma-informed education* shared by one of your fellow leaders in the
ACEs movement.

ACEs science leader, speaker, and consultant *Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz* knows
poverty, drug addiction, alcoholism, domestic violence. She also knows how
the right kind of non-judgemental, buffering support can rewire the
brains of people in poverty and addiction, because it happened for her and
many of the 90 families with which she's worked over the last nine years.
"Relational support" made the difference in Rebecca's being able to leave
shame, fear, and isolation, overwhelm and powerlessness and have the
ability to hope and to feel her brain rewiring itself. This rewiring
happened as she received respectful support in her walk out of poverty,
toward finishing her degree, becoming an education consultant, and
ultimately a national speaker on school transformation that supports
parents, and how to break the cycles of poverty. What systems keep people
in poverty? What can be changed to help more parents create safe,
financially stable, nurturing environments for themselves and their
children, especially as we recover from COVID?

Popular blog post by Rebecca Lewis Pancratz:

Please let me know if you will be able to participate in the call. (Please
reply only to me, Carey, with a "yes" or "no" and any concern or update
you'd like to share.)

The Zoom information is:

*Topic: Southeast Statewide Leaders Regional Meeting*

*Time: December 15, 2020 from 2:30 - 4 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)*

Carey Sipp is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 758 062 0720

One tap mobile

+16465588656,,7580620720# US (New York)

+13017158592,,7580620720# US (Germantown)

Dial by your location

+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 758 062 0720

Find your local number:

As always, please let us know how we can support you further. For people
joining this call for the first time, we believe you, especially, will
enjoy hearing the collective voices of people so passionate and learned
about ACEs science, to hear what and how your colleagues in other states
are doing!

Peace, health, and thank you for your dedication to making the world more

Carey Sipp

Elizabeth Prewitt

Ingrid Cockhren

Alison Cebulla

Dan Press

Jesse Kholer

Linda Madison

Carey Smith Sipp

*Southeastern Regional Community Facilitator*


#MatchGrantPreventACEs <>

*We’ve received a matching grant for $50K! If our members donate $50K,
we’ll have $100K for ACEs Connection.** Please click here to make your
tax-deductible donation! <>*

*ACEs = Adverse Childhood Experiences. *

*Preventing ACEs. Healing trauma. Building resilience.*

(ACEs can change the function and structure of the developing brain; lead
to a lifetime of mental, addictive, and physical illnesses. They are the
root cause of most of society's most intractable challenges. Total annual
costs attributable to ACEs were estimated to be $748 billion in North
America. More than 75% of these costs arose in individuals with two or more
ACEs.) <>

*Our December CTIPP CAN call will be about the intersection between the
trauma-informed and anti-racism movements, and we hope to see you all
there. That call will be on Wednesday, December 16, 2-3:30pm ET at the
regular Zoom link <>. Please invite
others who you think may be interested! *
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