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State PACEs Action

Tagged With "campaign for a trauma-informed va"

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Mississippi 2018 State Profile

Morgan Vien ·
Hi, Everyone: Here’s the state profile for Mississippi. To review the entire profile, open the PDF that is attached to this post. If you have corrections or additions, please leave them in the comments section of this post. We’ll be reviewing the comments regularly and doing fact-checks. The information you give us will also help us determine how to organize and expand the information in the state profiles. We will be turning this post into a living profile that, with your help and input,...
Blog Post

Missouri 2018 State Profile

Morgan Vien ·
Hi, Everyone: Here’s the state profile for Missouri. To review the entire profile, open the PDF that is attached to this post. If you have corrections or additions, please leave them in the comments section of this post. We’ll be reviewing the comments regularly and doing fact-checks. The information you give us will also help us determine how to organize and expand the information in the state profiles. We will be turning this post into a living profile that, with your help and input, we’ll...
Blog Post

MO House Resolution would shine spotlight on youth violence as epidemic []

Samantha Sangenito ·
State lawmakers are considering a measure to declare youth violence as a public health epidemic. The House Resolution sponsored by Democrat Bruce Franks Jr. of St. Louis calls for the establishment of statewide trauma-informed education. Franks contends PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – is a condition that afflicts kids who’ve experienced violence. “The fact that I am 33 and I have been to now 155 funerals, an average of seven funerals since the age of six is not normal” said Franks.
Blog Post

Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities through Policy and Advocacy: A Toolkit for Trauma-Informed, Cross-Sector Networks

Clare Reidy ·
The Health Federation of Philadelphia is excited to launch Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities through Policy and Advocacy: A Toolkit for Trauma-Informed, Cross-Sector Networks . This resource supports network engagement in policy and advocacy efforts that are critical for achieving trauma-informed change and building community resilience. Use it to: Explore what counts as "trauma-related" policy. Think critically about advocacy roles networks can play. Be inspired by examples of...
Blog Post

Montana 2018 State Profile

Morgan Vien ·
Hi, Everyone: Here’s the state profile for Montana. To review the entire profile, open the PDF that is attached to this post. If you have corrections or additions, please leave them in the comments section of this post. We’ll be reviewing the comments regularly and doing fact-checks. The information you give us will also help us determine how to organize and expand the information in the state profiles. We will be turning this post into a living profile that, with your help and input, we’ll...
Blog Post

Moving Upstream to Address Adverse Childhood Experiences in Missouri, Kansas []

Alicia Doktor ·
Adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, may lead to poor outcomes later in life. When a child is shot or beaten, for instance, it increases the likelihood that he or she might develop substance-use or eating disorders in adulthood. With that in mind, leaders in the Kansas City area have banded together to launch an initiative called Resilient KC, which has brought community members together to help battle childhood trauma and prevent those long-term health issues that can arise from such...
Blog Post

National Crittenton Signs on to PUSHOUT ACT []

By Natalia Orozco, National Crittenton, December 5, 2019 National Crittenton is a 136-year-old national advocacy organization with a singular focus on the needs, potential, and power of girls and young people across the gender spectrum, centering those of color. The public education system has always been our best chance at having an early warning system that recognizes the complex context of students’ lives – ideally offering safety, support and opportunities for students to heal, learn and...
Blog Post

NCSL provides database of 2020 ACEs legislation

As it did in 2018 and 2019, the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) is tracking state legislation that contains the words “adverse childhood experiences” (ACEs). Trauma-related legislation that does not include those words is not included in the database. This link will take you to the Injury Prevention Legislation Database|Opioid Abuse Prevention page on the NCSL site to access the ACEs legislation database. Under “Topics,” choose the first topic listed (ACEs) and under...
Blog Post

NCSL provides database of ACEs legislation in 2018 and 2019

As it did in 2018, the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) is tracking state legislation that contains the words “adverse childhood experiences” (ACEs). Trauma-related legislation that does not include those words is not included in the database. This link will take you to the Injury Prevention Legislation Database|Opioid Abuse Prevention page on the NCSL site to access the ACEs legislation database. Under “Topics,” choose the fist topic listed (ACEs) and under “States,” choose...
Blog Post

Nebraska 2018 State Profile

Morgan Vien ·
Hi, Everyone: Here’s the state profile for Nebraska. To review the entire profile, open the PDF that is attached to this post. If you have corrections or additions, please leave them in the comments section of this post. We’ll be reviewing the comments regularly and doing fact-checks. The information you give us will also help us determine how to organize and expand the information in the state profiles. We will be turning this post into a living profile that, with your help and input, we’ll...
Blog Post

Nevada 2018 State Profile

Morgan Vien ·
Hi, Everyone: Here’s the state profile for Nevada. To review the entire profile, open the PDF that is attached to this post. If you have corrections or additions, please leave them in the comments section of this post. We’ll be reviewing the comments regularly and doing fact-checks. The information you give us will also help us determine how to organize and expand the information in the state profiles. We will be turning this post into a living profile that, with your help and input, we’ll...
Blog Post

New Community!!! Ardmore OK Behavioral Health Collaborative

Ingrid Cockhren ·
I'm excited to announce the newest ACEs Connection geographic community for my region, the Midwest & TN: Ardmore OK Behavioral Health Collaborative . This community is a partnership of local organizations taking a trauma-informed stance on behavioral health in Carter County, OK. Their goal is to build a healthy, connected and resilient community. The community manager is Ashley Godwin . Ashley Godwin joined Ardmore Behavioral Health Collaborative in March 2017 as the Director where she...
Blog Post

New documentary focuses on trauma faced by first-responders (

“Keeping the Peace,” a new documentary that recently premiered at the University of San Diego, brings to light the trauma often faced by first responders and encourages police officers, firefighters and others in the field to seek counseling when dealing with emotional issues. They’ve lost colleagues to suicide, had people die in their arms, seen horrifying injuries and had to tell family members about a loved one’s death. It takes a toll on law enforcement officers, firefighters and other...
Blog Post

New Hampshire 2018 State Profile

Morgan Vien ·
Hi, Everyone: Here’s the state profile for New Hampshire. To review the entire profile, open the PDF that is attached to this post. If you have corrections or additions, please leave them in the comments section of this post. We’ll be reviewing the comments regularly and doing fact-checks. The information you give us will also help us determine how to organize and expand the information in the state profiles. We will be turning this post into a living profile that, with your help and input,...
Blog Post

New Iowa ACEs Report released today

Sarah Welch ·
A new report from the Central Iowa ACEs 360 Coalition shows most Iowa adults have experienced childhood trauma, an indicator of higher rates of chronic diseases, mental illness, violence, risky behaviors, and reduced life expectancy among adults. The 2016 ACEs report, Beyond ACEs: Building Hope & Resiliency in Iowa, examines three years of data collected among adult Iowans measuring eight types of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), defined as physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and...
Blog Post

New Jersey 2018 State Profile

Morgan Vien ·
Hi, Everyone: Here’s the state profile for New Jersey. To review the entire profile, open the PDF that is attached to this post. If you have corrections or additions, please leave them in the comments section of this post. We’ll be reviewing the comments regularly and doing fact-checks. The information you give us will also help us determine how to organize and expand the information in the state profiles. We will be turning this post into a living profile that, with your help and input,...
Blog Post

New Mexico 2018 State Profile

Morgan Vien ·
Hi, Everyone: Here’s the state profile for New Mexico. To review the entire profile, open the PDF that is attached to this post. If you have corrections or additions, please leave them in the comments section of this post. We’ll be reviewing the comments regularly and doing fact-checks. The information you give us will also help us determine how to organize and expand the information in the state profiles. We will be turning this post into a living profile that, with your help and input,...
Blog Post

New Report Calls for Statewide Coordinated Response to Protect New Jersey's Children from Adverse Childhood Experiences []

By PR Newswire, Yahoo Finance, July 30, 2019 NEWARK, N.J., July 30, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- A new report released today details the challenges New Jersey faces in addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and sets forth opportunities and actions for a coordinated statewide response to mitigate their lasting effects on children's health and well-being. ACEs are stressful or traumatic events, including abuse, neglect, domestic violence, household mental illness, household substance misuse,...
Blog Post

New study pushes Pa. to embrace trauma-informed education (

A new study from the nonprofit Research for Action highlights “promising models” nationwide and calls on state lawmakers to implement a comprehensive approach in Pennsylvania. “There are two areas where the research is extremely clear. Childhood trauma is an extremely common experience, and traumatic stress can have a wide range of negative consequences for children,” said Rachel Comly, a senior analyst at Research for Action. The study recommends that schools provide professional...
Blog Post

New York 2018 State Profile

Morgan Vien ·
Hi, Everyone: Here’s the state profile for New York. To review the entire profile, open the PDF that is attached to this post. If you have corrections or additions, please leave them in the comments section of this post. We’ll be reviewing the comments regularly and doing fact-checks. The information you give us will also help us determine how to organize and expand the information in the state profiles. We will be turning this post into a living profile that, with your help and input, we’ll...
Blog Post

New York State Trauma-Informed Virtual Rally

Kira Labinger ·
I was so proud to be a part of the New York Trauma-Informed Coalition’s virtual rally on April 30th, in honor of ACEs Awareness and National Trauma-Survivors Day. In an effort to cultivate networking amid a common goal and having just attended an impressive virtual rally for HALTsolitary, Teena Brooks guided our coalition to organize this successful event in only a little more than two weeks! Throughout six Zoom brainstorming meetings, we designed an invitation: ,formulated a list of desired...
Blog Post

Nominate a Trauma-Informed Care Champion: #TICchampion

Mariel Gingrich ·
Becoming a trauma-informed organization requires clear communication about the transformation process, and support from staff at all levels of an organization. Often these efforts are spearheaded by “trauma-informed care champions”— individuals committed to raising awareness regarding the health effects of trauma and toxic stress and improving care for people who have experienced trauma. This week, the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) invites you to recognize people around you who...
Blog Post

North Carolina 2018 State Profile

Morgan Vien ·
Hi, Everyone: Here’s the state profile for North Carolina. To review the entire profile, open the PDF that is attached to this post. If you have corrections or additions, please leave them in the comments section of this post. We’ll be reviewing the comments regularly and doing fact-checks. The information you give us will also help us determine how to organize and expand the information in the state profiles. We will be turning this post into a living profile that, with your help and input,...
Blog Post

North Dakota 2018 State Profile

Morgan Vien ·
Hi, Everyone: Here’s the state profile for North Dakota. To review the entire profile, open the PDF that is attached to this post. If you have corrections or additions, please leave them in the comments section of this post. We’ll be reviewing the comments regularly and doing fact-checks. The information you give us will also help us determine how to organize and expand the information in the state profiles. We will be turning this post into a living profile that, with your help and input,...
Blog Post

North Dakota Trauma Initiative Sparked at August 16th U.S. Senate Field Hearing and Roundtable in Bismarck

Dr. Tami DeCoteau, holds the sign-up sheet for a North Dakota trauma initiative, flanked by Dr. Zach Kaminsky, (left), Dr. Mary Cwik, (right) of the Center for American Indian Health, Johns Hopkins University, and Megan DesCamps, health policy advisor for U.S. Senator Heitkamp ________________________ There is often a distinct event that leaders in the trauma movement mention when asked about how it all got started in their community. Many times it is when one of the authors of the ACE...
Blog Post

Northeast and Mid-Atlantic trauma leaders share successes to make big change at May 1 convening

Leaders in ACEs/trauma/resilience movement from nine states in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic and the District of Columbia gathered for a networking call on May 1 to learn about flexible funding opportunities for states under the CARES Act, ways to get involved in advocacy, and share their successes and challenges in building statewide coalitions. The meeting of leaders was organized by ACEs Connection and the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) in response to COVID-19...
Blog Post

Ohio 2018 State Profile

Morgan Vien ·
Hi, Everyone: Here’s the state profile for Ohio. To review the entire profile, open the PDF that is attached to this post. If you have corrections or additions, please leave them in the comments section of this post. We’ll be reviewing the comments regularly and doing fact-checks. The information you give us will also help us determine how to organize and expand the information in the state profiles. We will be turning this post into a living profile that, with your help and input, we’ll...
Blog Post

OK Trauma-Informed Care Task Force to launch

(l to r) Joe Dorman, CEO, OK Institute for Child Advocacy, OK State Rep. Mark Lepak _______________________________________________________________ Joe Dorman, CEO of Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy (OICA) , and former Oklahoma state representative and challenger to Republican Governor Mary Fallin in 2014, conveyed surprise and satisfaction when he told me that Fallin gave him the pen she used to sign a bill to create a Task Force on Trauma-Informed Care ( SB 1517 ) in April. This...
Blog Post

Oklahoma 2018 State Profile

Morgan Vien ·
Hi, Everyone: Here’s the state profile for Oklahoma. To review the entire profile, open the PDF that is attached to this post. If you have corrections or additions, please leave them in the comments section of this post. We’ll be reviewing the comments regularly and doing fact-checks. The information you give us will also help us determine how to organize and expand the information in the state profiles. We will be turning this post into a living profile that, with your help and input, we’ll...
Blog Post

Oklahoma First Lady Stitt to provide resilience workshop at Northwestern

Linda Manaugh ·
Alva and Northwestern Oklahoma State University will host Oklahoma's First Lady Sarah Stitt on Feb. 13 at an event designed to educate community members about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE). Stitt and her office have joined forces with the Potts Family Foundation, Northwestern and Northwest Family Services to present a film screening and panel discussion on this important topic. The documentary film "Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope" will be shown at 11 a.m. in...
Blog Post

Oregon 2018 State Profile

Morgan Vien ·
Hi, Everyone: Here’s the state profile for Oregon. To review the entire profile, open the PDF that is attached to this post. If you have corrections or additions, please leave them in the comments section of this post. We’ll be reviewing the comments regularly and doing fact-checks. The information you give us will also help us determine how to organize and expand the information in the state profiles. We will be turning this post into a living profile that, with your help and input, we’ll...
Blog Post

Oregon bill takes preventive approach to psycho-social-spiritual impacts of climate change

A hearing will be held on April 3 on a recently introduced bill ( SB 1037 ) to create a task force to determine how to make resilience training available to all Oregonians in response to climate change. Under the bill, an 18-member task force would be created to study aspects of psychological, emotional, and psychosocial resilience education and skills training. The Oregon members of the International Transformation Resilience Coalition (ITRC), including ITRC coordinator, Bob Doppelt, have...
Blog Post

Oregon psychiatrist testifies before Senate Finance Committee on the impact of childhood adversity and toxic stress on adult health

Appearing before the powerful Senate Finance Committee in Washington, DC, recently, Dr. Maggie Bennington-Davis, psychiatrist and chief medical officer of Health Share Oregon, devoted a significant portion of her testimony to the role of adversity and toxic stress during childhood on adult health, both physical and emotional. She explained how Health Share Oregon—that state’s largest Medicaid coordinated care organization—examined the people with the costliest health bills and found them to...
Blog Post

Our government is traumatizing immigrant families and communities. We can’t be silent. (

Seventy years ago, the US signed on to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , vowing to recognize individuals’ rights to protection from arbitrary interference with family life and the right to seek asylum from persecution. Today, these fundamental rights are under assault. Separating families and making it harder for people to claim asylum in the US are just the latest moves in this administration’s persecution of immigrants, refugees, and people of color. Aggressive and arbitrary...
Blog Post

Pennsylvania 2018 State Profile

Morgan Vien ·
Hi, Everyone: Here’s the state profile for Pennsylvania. To review the entire profile, open the PDF that is attached to this post. If you have corrections or additions, please leave them in the comments section of this post. We’ll be reviewing the comments regularly and doing fact-checks. The information you give us will also help us determine how to organize and expand the information in the state profiles. We will be turning this post into a living profile that, with your help and input,...
Blog Post

Personal stories from witnesses, U.S. representatives provided an emotional wallop to House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing on childhood trauma

Room erupts in applause for the grandmother of witness William Kellibrew during July 11 House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing. The power of personal stories from witnesses and committee members fueled the July 11 hearing on childhood trauma in the House Oversight and Reform Committee* throughout the nearly four hours of often emotional and searing testimony and member questions and statements (Click here for 3:47 hour video). The hearing was organized into a two panels—testimony from...
Blog Post

Preventable trauma in childhood costs north America and Europe US$ 1.3 trillion a year [WHO]

Karen Clemmer ·
By World Health Organization (photo by WHO/Malin Bring) The findings of a new study on the life-course health consequences and associated annual costs of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) show that preventable trauma in childhood costs north America and the European Region US$ 1.3 trillion a year. The article, published in the Lancet and co-authored by Dinesh Sethi and Jonathon Passmore, Programme Manager, Violence and Injury Prevention, WHO/Europe, looks at the legacy of ACEs and their...
Blog Post

'Prison-like' migrant youth shelter is understaffed, unequipped for Trump's 'zero tolerance' policy, insider says (

Colleagues at a government-contracted shelter in Arizona had a specific request for Antar Davidson when three Brazilian migrant children arrived: "Tell them they can't hug." Davidson, 32, is of Brazilian descent and speaks Portuguese. He said the siblings - ages 16, 10 and 6 - were distraught after being separated from their parents at the border. The children were "huddle together, tears streaming down their faces," he said. The caseload is straining a facility he described as understaffed...
Blog Post

Program updates from the Illinois ACEs Response Collaborative April 2019

Madison Hammett ·
Hello, Welcome to our April newsletter! This month, we are busy making plans for Illinois' inaugural Trauma-Informed Awareness Day coming up on May 15. Find out more about Trauma-Informed Awareness Day and all the great events happening throughout Illinois in this month's newsletter...
Blog Post

Providers Hope Trauma Legislation Will Help Native Children in Foster Care []

Samantha Sangenito ·
Recent federal legislation put forward by senators Sens. Dick Durbin (D-IL), Al Franken (D-MN) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) proposes to address the issue of childhood trauma through the creation of a federal trauma task force. The Trauma-Informed Care for Children and Families Act would gather federal officials and members of tribal agencies to create a set of best practices and training to help create a better way to identify and support children and families that have experienced trauma. In...
Blog Post

Realizing Opportunity for All Youth: Members of the National Academies Report Committee discuss the Report

edward strickler ·
April 3 2020, Charlottesville VA, presented by Institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy, School of Medicine, University of Virginia. Members of the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine report committee present and discuss Realizing Opportunity for all Youth . Faculty for the day will be Richard Bonnie, Professor with the UVA School of Law, and ILPPP Director, who was chair of the committee producing the report, and other members of the report committee including...
Blog Post

Recap- Virginia Summit On Childhood Trauma And Resilience 4/25/19

Chloe Edwards ·
On Thursday April 25, 2019 Voices hosted over 950 attendees at the Virginia Summit on Childhood Trauma and Resilience . The goal of the Summit was to connect child-serving professionals and advocates across the Commonwealth to best practices to prevent, and better address, the impacts of childhood adversity. California’s first Surgeon General and well-known ACEs expert, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, provided the keynote address. Both Governor Northam and First Lady Pamela Northam addressed the...
Blog Post

Recording: Trauma-Informed Policy Making presentation at Alaska State Capitol

Laura Norton-Cruz ·
Last Wednesday, March 13th, I had the opportunity to present a Legislative Lunch and Learn to legislators, legislative staff, administrative staff, and the public in the Alaska State Capitol Building. To a room of ~ 30 - 40 people munching on lunch provided by the Alaska Children's Trust , and broadcast live via Gavel to Gavel (now archived here ), I had the honor to premiere the policymaker version of our History and Hope curriculum. This curriculum, and the policy-maker version, was...
Blog Post

Researchers Find PTSD Genetic Vulnerabilities Among U.S. Vets (

A genome-wide association study (GWAS) and bioinformatic analysis of more than 165,000 U.S. veterans confirms a genetic vulnerability to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), specifically noting abnormalities in stress hormone response and/or functioning of specific brain regions, report scientists in a paper published July 29, 2019 in Nature Neuroscience . In the new paper, a diverse team led by Murray B. Stein, MD, MPH, Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and Family Medicine and Public...
Blog Post

Resource Guide to Trauma-Informed Human Services [ACF.HHS.gove]

Samantha Sangenito ·
The Administration for Children and Families, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrations, the Administration for Community Living, the Offices of the Assistant Secretary for Health and the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation at HHS have worked together to develop this Guide to Trauma-Informed Human Services. The guide is intended to provide an introduction to the topic of trauma, a discussion of why understanding and addressing trauma is important for human...
Blog Post

Responding to adverse childhood experiences: An evidence review of interventions to prevent and address adversity across the life course [Public Health Wales]

Jane Stevens ·
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are stressful events during childhood that can have a profound impact on an individual’s present and future health. Growing up in the face of such adversities is recognised as an important public health concern in Wales and internationally. Actions to prevent and mitigate ACEs and their associated harms are essential to improve population health for present and future generations.
Blog Post

Rhode Island 2018 State Profile

Morgan Vien ·
Hi, Everyone: Here’s the state profile for Rhode Island. To review the entire profile, open the PDF that is attached to this post. If you have corrections or additions, please leave them in the comments section of this post. We’ll be reviewing the comments regularly and doing fact-checks. The information you give us will also help us determine how to organize and expand the information in the state profiles. We will be turning this post into a living profile that, with your help and input,...
Blog Post

Monroe County, Indiana candidate for prosecutor acknowledges the need for the criminal justice system to recognize the effects of trauma on children

Laura Pinhey ·
Margie Rice, a candidate for prosecutor in Monroe County, Indiana, recently published the following press release on her campaign website, : For immediate release Thursday, April 12, 2018 Rice calls for community summit on trauma effects County Prosecutor candidate Margie Rice is calling for a community conversation with family trauma experts, social service organization leaders, and justice systems officials to discuss the effects of family trauma on...
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