We have so many wonderfuhttps://pacesconnection.crowdstack.io...ccesible_English.pdfl resources shared by members. However, a few of you have asked me for help in retrieving them. Here's several of the most commonly shared ACEs handouts, info graphics and one pagers, with links to download. PLEASE share yours! I'm working on maintaining this one blog post and will keep adding more. Please share whatever ones you know of, like, use, have created (with detail about if and how they can be used).
Our own ACEs Connection flyers can be found in the resources center. Click here Understanding ACEs and here for Parenting to Prevent & Heal ACEs.
This was created for Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic but much of the advice is applicable for all kinds of stress.
Spokane, WA developed one of the first ACEs flyers, and it's recently been updated. It's available here.
The Truth About ACEs Infographic by RWJF on RWJF.org is below and here's the link to varied form/formats to download here.
To download the Center for Child Counseling info graphic, cick here. This is the most recent one I've seen. I love how powerful and different each of these are.
The Center on the Developing Child (Harvard University) has an info graphic can be downloaded here.
The CDC Veto Violence pdf is available here.
Using the Pair of ACEs Guide (here).
Young Minds (in the UK) has this info graphic for addressing childhood adversity. It can be downloaded here.
This one below is about asking about ACEs via REACh, which was implemented throughout many sites in via general practices in the North West of England in 2017. It can be downloaded on the ACEs Public Health Network.
This is a flyer created by the Family Health Care Centers of West Virginia.
Cost of ACEs in Alaska flyer by the McDowell Group.
This is not an exhaustive list. If you don't see yours here it means i couldn't get my hands on the link in the comment or blog post if was once shared. Please share a link in the comments and I'll add to it and know how grateful I am!
ACEs Connection Community Facilitators
Also, if you're starting or growing a community as an individual or an initiative, please reach out to a regional Community Facilitator for support.
Northeast, Mid-Atlantic states, contact Cissy White
Western states, contact Gail Kennedy
Northwest states, contact Karen Clemmer
Southern states, contact Carey Sipp
Midwest states, contact Ingrid Cockhren
Communities in California:
Southern California, contact Dana Brown
Northern California, contact Karen Clemmer
San Francisco Bay Area, contact Donielle Prince
Capitol region, Central Valley, contact Gail Kennedy
International communities:contact Gail Kennedy
GRC 2.0
If you have questions about the process of starting or growing an initiative, our Growing Resilience Communities (GRC 2.0) is an excellent resource. There's a detailed blog post, written Jane Stevens, and an interactive graphic for exploring what's involved with each of the four-part phases in the process (Educate. Engage. Activate. Celebrate).
- Blog Post
- Interactive Graphic
- Once you click on the interactive graphic, click on each of the words, (for example, Presentations) to find detailed information and resources, by topic.
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