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Congratulations to the recipients of the Medication Assisted Access Points - Tribal Infrastructure Support grant (CRIHB Facebook)

Congratulations to the recipients of the Medication Assisted Access Points - Tribal Infrastructure Support grant. Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians - Lake County Greenville Rancheria - Tehama County Indian Child and Preservation Program - Sonoma County K'im:a Medical Center - Humboldt County Round Valley Indian Health Center - Mendocino County Sacramento Nativev American Health Center - Sacramento County Sonoma County Indian Health Project - Sonoma County Tule River Tribe - Tulare County...

No more ‘cowboys and Indians’: Newsom wants Californians to learn Native American history (Sacramento BEE)

By Hannah Wiley, Sacramento Bee, September 27, 2019 Gov. Gavin Newsom at an annual celebration of Native American culture said he wanted greater “truth telling” of California’s indigenous history and a stronger acknowledgment of the state’s genocide of native people. The governor opened his remarks at the 52nd annual Native American Day in Sacramento by describing California’s first governor, Peter Hardeman Burnett , authorizing a “war of extermination” against the state’s indigenous...

Native voice helped create the Boy Scouts, Charles Eastman ‘Ohiyesa’ (indiancountrytoday)

When researching the history and origin of the Boy Scouts, the story that likely comes to the surface is regarding Ernest Thompson Seton, an author, and artist that taught young men the ways of Native Americans. Seton started the Woodcraft Indians, and would eventually go on to create the Boy Scouts with the assistance, input, and guidance from author Daniel Carter Beard and British military officer Robert Baden-Powell. Seton, Beard, and Baden-Powell began to garner more support from New...

Boy Scouts ‘have been one of the worst culprits’ of cultural appropriation (indiancountrytoday)

Perhaps known, or unbeknownst to many Native tribes and communities, the Boy Scouts of America have been using an extensive amount of Native-themed adornments, Native-inspired regalia, and even full-fledged headdress in boy scout ceremonies, gatherings, and outings since the early 1900s. Ironically, the 1900s were rife with Indian children being taken from their homes and were systematically forced to assimilate into white culture while attending religious organization run boarding schools.

Indigenous 20-Somethings Work to End Trauma with Their Generation []

By Kaylee Domzalski, Oregon Public Broadcasting, September 14, 2019 Josh Cocker stood among a group of Grand Ronde tribal members and asked for someone to take a healthy risk. Cocker and his co-facilitator, Shalene Joseph, had spent the last two days in a community gymnasium in Grand Ronde, Oregon, leading group exercises meant to start the healing process and deepen the community’s understanding of belonging, interdependency and generosity. On the third day, they introduced the rope...

The Courtroom of the Future Looks A Lot Like This Navajo Tradition []

By Monica Humphries, Nationswell, September 10, 2019 The Red Hook Peacemaking program approaches justice in a new way: By sitting an offender next to their victim to resolve conflict and rebuild community. Marissa Williams has seen the power of storytelling firsthand. In her everyday life, she’s constantly telling stories about growing up in Brooklyn, New York, in the hopes that she might earn a laugh or share a positive memory. But some stories are more painful to tell: When Williams was in...

Opportunity: NIHB is Seeking Indigenous Knowledge through Key Informant Interviews (by 9/13)

Sep 3, 2019 Source: National Indian Health Board To assist Tribal Nations in building systems of support for Tribal children, the National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is working in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on a new initiative . The purpose of this project is to increase the capacity of rural and non-urban Tribal communities for identifying and addressing elevated blood lead levels in Tribal children through interviews with Tribal representatives.

Apply for: Native American Congressional Internship

Native American Congressional Internship Link View Program Website Sponsor Morris K Udall and Stewart L Udall Foundation Deadlines Jan 31, 2020 Contact Jason Curley 520.901.8564 Purpose The Native American Congressional Internship offers a summer internship for Native American and Alaska Native students who wish to learn more about the federal government and issues affecting Indian country. Interns work in congressional and agency offices where they have opportunities to...

Mendocino County names second Monday in October Indigenous Peoples’ Day [Willits News]

By Curtis Driscoll, Aug 29, 2019, Willits News The Mendocino County Board of Supervisors at Tuesday’s meeting proclaimed that the second Monday in October will now be Indigenous Peoples’ Day in Mendocino County. The move changes the day from its current Columbus Day designation to Indigenous People’s Day. Some county websites still list Columbus Day as a holiday. As part of the proclamation, the supervisors directed staff to begin working toward making the Monday in October an official...

RFA: two funding categories available [Tribal Epi Centers]

By: Tribal Epi Centers 8/29/29 TEC Blog REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are pleased to announce the second cycle of funding for Strong Systems, Stronger Communities (SSSC) for Tribes. The intended outcomes of SSSC are: Increased performance improvement practice Increased innovation in response to system integration challenges, and Progress toward national public health standards. Applications due Friday,...

San Diego Marks 250 Years—And Millennia of Kumeyaay History (

San Diego officially celebrated it’s 250th birthday Tuesday while also recognizing millennia of Kumeyaay Indian history before the European arrival. O n the hill where Father Junipero Serra blessed the first Spanish mission in California, the Kumeyaay flag was raised alongside those of the United States, Spain and Mexico. “We are establishing the fact that our Kumeyaay friends and neighbors are part of our past and our future,” said Mayor Kevin Faulconer. Faulconer was joined by Tijuana...

Elizabeth Warren unveils expansive proposal on Native American issues (

WASHINGTON — Senator Elizabeth Warren on Friday proposed a sprawling set of policies relating to Native Americans and indigenous tribes, accusing the federal government of years of neglect and calling for major economic development initiatives and new legal protections that would give tribes more control over criminal justice and development on their land. Warren proposed wholesale changes in the way the federal government interacts with Native American tribes. She pledged to revoke the...

Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Reaffirms the Constitutionality of ICWA [NICWA]

By Amory Zschach, Aug 9, 2019, ICWA (PORTLAND, Ore. August 9, 2019)— Today, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals published its decision in Brackeen v. Bernhardt , the federal court challenge to the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA). The court’s decision affirmed the constitutionality of ICWA, recognizing the unique political status of tribal nations and upholding the federal law that is so critical to safeguarding Indian child welfare. It is a resounding victory for the law and those who fought...

A new road to healing: Native American resource center opens in Ukiah (

A new Native American resource center dedicated to serving tribal community members affected by domestic violence opened this week in Ukiah. Tribal Chair Sonny Elliot from the Hopland Band of Pomo Indians came to the event. Also in attendance were Chairwoman Mary Norris and Secretary/Treasurer Kendra Campbell from the Cahto Tribe, Council Member/Historian Richard Campbell of the Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians, Vice Chairwoman Angela James representing the Pinoleville Pomo Nation,...

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