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Strengthening our Native Communities: How Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences Can Help (Association of American Indian Physicians)

Native communities face many challenges. Too often the strengths of families are strained by these challenges, and finding effective ways to support our families can be difficult. Our communities often find themselves dealing with the results of family and community disruption, (alcohol or drug abuse, unintended pregnancies, dropping out of school, etc) and are challenged to address the core issues. ACE scores are significantly higher in indigenous American communities than in the broader...

U.S. Department of Education begins investigation into discrimination against Native students in Montana’s Wolf Point School District (

After years of documented instances of anti-Native racism — including the use of racial slurs and harmful stereotypes by white administrators, faculty, and staff — in a school where 94 percent of Native students are below proficiency in reading, compared to 49 percent of white students, the U.S. Department of Education is starting an investigation into discrimination against Native students in Montana’s Wolf Point School District. Investigators with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office...

Demanding Justice for Native Women (

In 2013, The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation implemented a special provision of the Violence Against Women’s Act (VAWA). The tribal domestic violence criminal jurisdiction made it possible for federally recognized tribes to prosecute non-Indian offenders who committed acts of domestic or dating violence on tribal lands. They were one of the first three tribes in the U.S. to do so. Currently, 24 tribes have implemented the special jurisdiction provision, while several...

How a tiny Native American community's trauma might impact education law (

A lawsuit brought on behalf of schoolchildren in the most remote Native American community in the United States is addressing an emerging question in public education — namely, are school districts required to provide disability services to children who’ve suffered trauma related to poverty and discrimination. U.S. District Judge Steven P. Logan last week denied a request by the federal government to dismiss most of the case involving children at the Havasupai Elementary School, which is...

Announcing the first comprehensive study on child removal in Native communities (Indian Country Today)

National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition aims to learn more about individuals’ experiences of child removal, the impacts these experiences have had on them and their descendants, and the methods that individuals are successfully using for healing intergenerational traumas. The National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition (NABS), the First Nations Repatriation Institute, and the University of Minnesota are pleased to announce the launch of a new study, Child...


SACRAMENTO, Calif. — For centuries, the California condor's range covered the entire West Coast of the United States, even extending north into British Columbia and south into Mexico. But by 1985, the species had dwindled to just 22 known birds. In a desperate attempt to save the species, wildlife officials took the remaining condors into captivity and began a breeding program to revive them. Today, 290 California condors live in the wild — but only in the desert Southwestern U.S. and areas...

Announcing the first comprehensive study on child removal in Native communities [Indian Country Today]

National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition aims to learn more about individuals’ experiences of child removal, the impacts these experiences have had on them and their descendants, and the methods that individuals are successfully using for healing intergenerational traumas News Release National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition The National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition (NABS), the First Nations Repatriation Institute, and the University...

Trump administration forms presidential task force for protecting Native children in IHS [Indian Country Today]

Presidential Task Force created in response to a predatory pediatrician that had assaulted Native American children for years while employed at Indian Health Service On Tuesday, President Donald Trump announced the formation of the Presidential Task Force on Protecting Native American Children in the Indian Health Service System. A senior administration official hosted a White House conference call, and released statements to the media which outlined that President Trump has “charged the...

Grants Available for Policy and Advocacy Efforts Aimed at Native Nutrition and Health

First Nations Development Institute ( First Nations ) is accepting grant proposals through a new effort known as the Fertile Ground Advocacy Campaign under its Native Agriculture and Food Systems Initiative, or NAFSI. First Nations will award up to five grants of $75,000 to $100,000 each to support Native American-led efforts aimed at advancing new policies and innovative policymaking approaches that benefit Native American nutrition and health. These can involve efforts to improve access to...

CDC FUNDING: Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country [TEC News]

30 grants totaling $20M* to address Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country *See website and attached document for further details Expected Number of Awards: 30 Applications due by May 15, 201 9 Estimated Total Program Funding: $20,000,000 Award Ceiling: $1,450,000 Award Floor: $100,000 Five-year funding cycle / Award date 9-30-19 Learn more: conference Call: Tuesday, March 19, 2019 from 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m., EDT. Call 1-800-857-9824. Participant Passcode: 4720690 Submit questions:...

Four Corners Native american Trauma-Informed conference

Reminder that the Warrior Spirit Conference and Ceremony in Window Rock is coming up April 4-5. It will feature panels on bringing trauma-informed approaches to reservation schools, to health care and to law enforcement. There will also be a sweat lodge and a talking circle for men and women. The agenda and registration information is attached. Or contact Ken White Jr. at Hope to see you there.

Daphne Bramham: First Nations' solution to a modern, medical crisis is a return to traditional ways [Vancouver Sun]

First Nations women are the most forgotten victims in the opioid overdose crisis. Helping them heal requires more than just drugs and it may provide a blueprint for path to wellness for others. Ending Canada’s opioid overdose crisis will likely require much more than sophisticated drug therapies. In fact, it might mean following the lead of First Nations health-care providers and transforming how we think about and deliver medical services. First Nations people are dying of opioid overdoses...

Starting on the Nez Perce Reservation, Jo Ann Kauffman built a national consulting firm [Seattle Times]

When Jo Ann Kauffman applied for one of her first business loans, a lender told her, “You have zero net worth.” She was living on trust land on the Nez Perce Reservation, which she couldn’t use for collateral. Her vehicle had 300,000 miles, so she couldn’t pledge it against a loan, either. “I felt about this big,” said the president and founder of Kauffman & Associates in Spokane. Despite early challenges with financing, Kauffman went on to build an American Indian- and woman-owned...

Calling all California health departments and community-based nonprofit organizations interested in the Community Reinvestment Grants Program!

The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) is soliciting input and feedback from interested stakeholders on the details of the California Reinvestment Grants (CalCRG) Program Draft Grant Solicitation. I really encourage all interested stakeholders to provide their feedback to GO-Biz early so they can best serve the needs of your organizations and ultimately build resilient and flourishing communities. Stakeholders may submit feedback by email, ,...

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