Tagged With "othering & belonging"
Blog Post
How Parents Can Identify Mental Health Problems in Their College Kids [Health.USNews.com]
As a parent, you’ve watched your child grow from infancy to adolescence and now your son or daughter is entering a whole new world. While most kids will get through college just fine, others find themselves on a different, more precarious path. According to the latest results from the National College Health Assessment , many college students experience mental health difficulties. More than 1 in 5 felt overwhelming anxiety in the 12 months prior to the survey. In addition, 18 percent felt...
Blog Post
Meditation on Campus [HuffingtonPost.com]
When the University of North Texas designed and planned their new 130 million dollar student union, all possible options and ideas were on the table. And why not? You only get one chance to build a facility like UNT’s new union, so you better get it right. As the master plan evolved, one idea that made the cut was a dedicated space for introspection. The process was student driven, and the students had spoken. They wanted a meditation room. As unusual as that request may have sounded to...
Blog Post
Meditation on Campus [HuffingtonPost.com]
When the University of North Texas designed and planned their new 130 million dollar student union, all possible options and ideas were on the table. And why not? You only get one chance to build a facility like UNT’s new union, so you better get it right. As the master plan evolved, one idea that made the cut was a dedicated space for introspection. The process was student driven, and the students had spoken. They wanted a meditation room. As unusual as that request may have sounded to...
Blog Post
Mental health laws for students should involve students [TheDailyCougar.com]
While one could argue that every action that the Texas legislature takes is important and should be evaluated, the sheer volume of bills they pass makes that impractical. It is our duty as citizens and as students to look at the policies that affect us personally. For many students here at the University of Houston, one of those issues is higher education and/or mental health resources. In November 2015, Speaker Joe Straus formed the Select Committee to look at the behavioral health system...
Blog Post
Mental Health on the Syllabus [InsideHigherEd.com]
Colleges and universities generally try to make information about mental health services accessible to students. But at Northwestern University, students may start seeing such information in a surprising place: syllabi. Wanting the campus to be “accessible and welcoming to all students,” Northwestern’s Faculty Senate last week passed a resolution encouraging “all faculty to include language in their syllabi similar to the following: ‘If you find yourself struggling with your mental or...
Blog Post
Providing Direct Services to Children and Families During a Crisis: Navigating Psychosocial Impacts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=PfiWJQEMlF8&feature=youtu.be Dr. Beth Cohen, "Providing Direct Services to Children and Families During a Crisis: Navigating Psychosocial Impacts" This webinar is geared towards service providers during COVID-19, but the webinar is beneficial for anyone wanting to understand theirs and other peoples emotions, feelings, and behaviors due to triggers from COVID-19 through a trauma-informed lens.
Blog Post
Psychiatrist Burnout: Q&A with Thomas Skovholt, PhD [Pro.PsychCentral.net]
TCPR: Dr. Skovholt, you’ve done plenty of research and writing on clinician burnout and how to avoid it. What are some of the key concepts that you think psychiatrists should understand? Dr. Skovholt: One of the great challenges of being a therapist is that we have to form attachments to many clients, and then eventually those relationships often end for various reasons, perhaps because the patient no longer needs treatment or just drops out of treatment. We don’t want to become overly...
Blog Post
Stopping Suicides on Campus [Blogs.ScientificAmerican.com]
When I was a sophomore in college, our campus looked like a prison. My classmates and I walked to class between eight-foot tall chain-linked fences. Security guards patrolled bridges around the Ivy League school. It was 2010 and, in the last academic year, six students had killed themselves at Cornell University . Two jumped off bridges into the Ithaca gorges on consecutive days in March. Classmates anxiously checked in on one another. Parents panicked. The administration scrambled to...
Blog Post
Vanderbilt launches mental health series, “GO THERE – Break the Silence, Break the Stigma” [VanderbiltHustler.com]
For Provost Susan R. Wente, the meaning of mental health and wellness from the university’s standpoint means encouraging a culture of openness and honest discussion about mental health and wellbeing. “Mental health and wellbeing to us means really having a healthier community that’s very transparent and willing to share with one another what our challenges are and how to help one another, and that mental health and wellbeing does not at all infer that we think everyone has to be, and will...
Blog Post
What You Should Do if Mental Health Issues Get in the Way of Studying at College [T2Online.com]
Studying for a college degree takes a lot of mental energy. Generally speaking, you will spend around three to four years of your life studying for a college degree, with some programs requiring that work is completed on an almost daily basis. For many students, the studying and revision alone can become very mentally taxing, not to mention any other commitments that they may have. Thanks to online learning, more and more students are returning to school whilst continuing to work full-time...
Kevin Gee
Kristina Gelardi
Arthur Hernandez
Blog Post
CRC Accelerator Hiatus Reminder & April “Hour of Power” to Support CRC Participants With Only One Event to Completion Learn CRC Fellowship Next Steps
As we’ve recently announced, the CRC Accelerator is taking an indefinite hiatus, but this moment of growth is anything but goodbye. Two years into this unique program, we are aware of the incredible impact access can have on PACEs initiatives and we now have a CRC Fellowship that grows with each CRC graduate.