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Washington State ACEs Action (WA)

A forum to inform and connect individuals and communities working to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments and prevent and mitigate ACEs in Washington State.


Birth Equity Project (BEP) Letter of Intent Due March 4, 2019 at 5:00 PST

BIRTH EQUITY PROJECT (BEP) C OMMUNITY INVESTMENTS THAT IMPROVE EQUITY IN BIRTH OUTCOMES Request for Letters of Intent Due March 4, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. PST TIMELINE PURPOSE Washington State Department of Health (DOH) proposes to fund projects aimed at improving maternal health and birth outcomes in priority populations through the Center for Disease Control Preventative Health and Health Services Block Grant (PHHS). We are inviting communities to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to apply for...

UCLA Created A New Job Specifically To Recruit More Native American Students []

It may not seem like a lot compared with centuries of genocide, displacement from their land and separation of their families, but some Southern California Native Americans say they appreciate how local public universities are moving to recruit more American Indian students and faculty and generally improve relations. UCLA is the most recent campus to reach out to Native Americans. Last fall, Chancellor Gene Block created the position of Special Advisor to the Chancellor on Native American...

From Tory Henderson: ACEs and Resilience

ACEs and Resilience Hello! This email includes several resources on the ACEs Connection website: Webinar – Self-Healing Community Model, Laura Porter, February 28 (State-to-state best practices series) Recorded Webinar – New Alaska statute directs state policy to incorporate principles of brain development (State-to-state best practices series) ACEs Connection Update from Tory Starting an ACEs Connection Community Webinar Series – Growing Resilient Communities 2.0 Resources - ACEs Connection...

Affirming Our Self-Love, Self-Acceptance, and Self-Worth

CRI hosted a training in Everett recently, focusing on the power of self-love and acceptance. As a branch of our Course Two material- CAREER, an acronym for Celebration, Affirmation, Regulation, Expectation, Education, and Education- we focused the day on Affirmation. Teri brought in arts and crafts, scrapbook paper, and our friends came to participate in making bookmarks. The day started with the song, "How Could Anyone" . How could anyone ever tell you You were anything less than beautiful...

Sponsorship Opportunity to Help Community Resilience Initiative

CRI is seeking various levels of sponsors for our Fourth Annual Beyond Paper Tigers conference. We would love if you would consider partnering with us to assist our community's education, best practices, and treatment strategies. Sponsorships will help pay for speakers, meals, supplies, and conference activities. To partner with us at our highest gift level- as a lead sponsor- would bring profound impact to our conference. We would be grateful for the honor of calling you our lead sponsor,...

Trauma Informed Schools Network Conference: Cultivating Connections

We would like to make the community aware that an amazing national team of practitioners are hosting the Trauma Informed Schools Network Conference: Cultivating Connections in Nashville, TN at Lipscomb University from July 15-16, 2019. The conference will only be around 125 participants. The mission of the conference is to create networks and connections through learning about best practices associated with trauma informed practices. The design of the conference will be trauma informed in...

CRI Course 1: Trauma-Informed Training Webcast!

CRI Course 1: Trauma-Informed Training Webcast! Date: February 26, 2019 Time: 8am - 3pm Pacific Time A dynamic six-hour WEBCAST course, Course 1 introduces CRI’s capacity-building framework for building resilience, KISS. Knowledge, Insight, Strategies and Structure describes our community’s learning and movement from theory to practice and how to implement evidence-based strategies into action. The training includes three groups of topics: the NEAR sciences , a cluster of emerging scientific...

Latest ACEs science research from PubMed, February 12, 2019

Hair cortisol in the perinatal period mediates associations between maternal adversity and disrupted maternal interaction in early infancy. Nyström-Hansen M, Andersen MS, Khoury JE, Davidsen K, Gumley A, Lyons-Ruth K, MacBeth A, Harder S. Dev Psychobiol . 2019 Feb 12. doi: 10.1002/dev.21833. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 30747450 elect item 3074 Child maltreatment is mediating long-term consequences of household dysfunction in a population representative sample. Clemens V, Berthold O, Witt A,...

CRI Celebrates its Ninth Birthday!

CRI is excited to share that the CRI Team celebrated our ninth birthday, having been first seated as a Team in February of 2010. Research confirms that intentional, creative acts of celebration are powerful organizers in family and organizational culture and provide stability in times of stress or transition. Thus CRI held a small party with a themed cake, sang happy birthday, and enjoyed time together honoring our work and growth. CRI also welcomed guests Dr. Dario Longhi and Dr. Marsha...

Starting & Growing Resilient Communities: Series Overview [Video]

The first session of the Starting & Growing Resilient Communities: Online & IRL (In Real Life) was a success. Over 100 ACEs Connection members tuned in despite some issues with registration. I have embedded the video in this post. You have also find the video on the ACEs Connection site here . If you have any questions about the series, please contact Ingrid Cockhren , TN & Midwest Community Facilitator.

Save the Date – Wednesday, May 15, 2019 - ACEs and Resilience Community of Practice Event

Mark your calendar for the third Washington statewide ACEs and Resilience Community of Practice event, hosted by the Washington State Essentials for Childhood, Washington State Department of Health, and Everett Public Schools. Time: 8:30 am – 3:00 pm Location: Everett Public Schools Community Resource Center 3900 Broadway Everett, WA 98201 Registration information will be available soon. This event will provide opportunities to connect with people across the state who are working to grow...

CRI of Walla Walla accepts $15,000 Premera Grant to create Spanish materials

Walla Walla’s Community Resilience Initiative (CRI) has been awarded a Social Impact Grant in 2019 through Premera Blue Cross. Premera’s award will provide funding to translate the CRI materials into Spanish, thus providing access to Spanish-speaking members of our community and elsewhere. Ultimately, the award will help support CRI’s community work in addressing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)- by expanding understanding of the impact of ACEs on parenting and health, and more...

2019 Beyond Paper Tigers Conference Series - Why Take Course One and Course Two?

Community Resilience Initiative is officially launching a new series of blog posts, building to our 2019 Beyond Paper Tigers conference on June 25th - 27th. We’ll cover a range of topics relevant to conference material, events, and inspirations. In addition to the regular conference, CRI is offering two training add-on options on Tuesday June 25, 2019 prior to the conference: Course One and Two “A group of very polished people...

Trauma Sensitive Schools Training Package--robust and free!

"The Trauma-Sensitive Schools Training Package offers school and district administrators and staff a framework and roadmap for adopting a trauma-sensitive approach school- or districtwide. The Training Package includes a variety of resources for educating school staff about trauma and trauma-sensitive practices and for providing school leaders with a step-by-step process for implementing a universal, trauma-informed approach using package materials..." This is a great training package that...

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