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PACEsConnectionCommunitiesWashington State ACEs Action (WA)

Washington State ACEs Action (WA)

A forum to inform and connect individuals and communities working to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments and prevent and mitigate ACEs in Washington State.


Growth through Trauma-Informed Strategies: Coaching and Consultation with Rick Griffin

There is a Chinese proverb that states, “If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people." The benefits are evident, yet the real question becomes, “how do you grow people?” This Big Idea Session, CRI’s Trauma Coaching and Trauma Consultation Training, answers this question. Schools, organizations, and parents are discovering that the traditional “command and control” style of working with...

"Resilience" Film Screening at UW on May 7

Sound Disciplin e is delighted to present the film "Resilience" on May 7 in conjunction with Michelle Martin, the Beverly Cleary Professor for Children and Youth Services at the Information School, University of Washington. Join us at the Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center at 7pm for the film, panel discussion and moderated Q & A. $5 Registration fee. Register here. This one hour film by Jamie Redford illustrates the impacts of chronic stress on children’s brains. Following the movie...

Federal funding opportunity primary prevention of abuse and neglect

The purpose of this FOA from the federal Administration on Children, Youth and Families - Children's Bureau is to fund cooperative agreements that support the development, implementation, and evaluation of primary prevention strategies to improve the safety, stability, and well-being of all families through a continuum of community-based services and supports. During the project period, grantees will address site-specific barriers and mobilize communities to prevent child maltreatment,...

Building Resiliency 1: Strategies to Engage Youth Exposed to Trauma

Workshop May 9 - Building Resiliency 1: Strategies to Engage Youth Exposed to Trauma DO THE YOUTH IN YOUR LIFE OVER REACT TO SMALL THINGS? DO THEY STRUGGLE TO REGULATE EMOTION? DO THEY ACT YOUNGER THAN THEIR AGE? Many children and students have been exposed to trauma and as a result have difficulties in school and in life. Learn: What trauma and insecure attachment do to growing brains. How to lead a classroom to benefit all students - including those exposed to trauma. How to teach youth...

42 States and DC have collected ACE data in the BRFSS 2009-2018

The US Department of Health and Human Services CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recently updated information about the states' inclusion of the ACE module in the BRFSS (Prevention Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey). CDC reports that “…since 2009, 42 states plus the District of Columbia have included ACE questions for at least one year on their survey.” In 2018 alone, 17 states included the ACE module, four of them (Idaho, Indiana, New Jersey, and West...

VYFS aims to create ‘trauma informed community’ []

With a grant from King County’s Best Starts for Kids, Vashon Youth & Family Services plans to help Vashon become a “trauma informed community” in an effort to improve the overall health and resilience of islanders. “With this program, we see a unique opportunity to create a culture shift,” Roderick McClain, VYFS’ grantwriter, said. “The ultimate goal is for individuals and organizations to be better equipped and organized to deal with those experiencing the effects of trauma.” The roots...

‘Keeping talking about it’: Surviving Sexual Assault panel focuses on helping victims [Edmonds News]

Keep talking about it. And don’t be afraid to empower your children to talk about it. That was a common thread of advice running through the “Surviving Sexual Assault” presentation sponsored by the Edmonds Police Department March 27 at Westgate Chapel. “It’s not our awful. It’s their (the perpetrator’s) awful. And the more we talk about it, we get in the light,” said keynote speaker Amity Addrisi, a KING-TV journalist and weekend anchor who last year shared with viewers her own story about...

Child sexual assault survivors testify for bill to prosecute alleged abusers [KOMO News]

OLYMPIA, Wash. -- A survivor of child sexual abuse says she can now rest easy after delivering a tearful testimony at the state Senate. It was in support of a bill that extends the statute of limitations for prosecuting child sex crimes. There was not a dry eye as Dinah Griffey made her plea. "I've shared my story before, but this time I want to share a different perspective as the mother of a survivor," she told the Senate Law and Justice Committee. Griffey is a survivor of child sex abuse...

2019 BPT Early Bird Ticket Pricing ENDS April 1st!

Purchase Your Tickets NOW! Early Bird Ticket Pricing ENDS April 1, 2019! Join us for the latest information, and strategies to build RESILIENCE! CRI is honored to have expert presenters in their fields to showcase a diverse selection of sessions revolving around the BPT Conference theme, "Building Resilience Across the Life Span." Conference Session Descriptions and Presenter Biographies are now available for review! Buy Tickets Now! The 2019 Beyond Paper Tigers Trauma-Informed Care...

Carnegie Resource Center Opens as an Innovative Gateway to Services (Pioneer Human Services)

EVERETT, WA, December 17, 2018 – In partnership with Pioneer Human Services, Snohomish County is proud to announce the opening of the Carnegie Resource Center [CRC]. The CRC will operate as a hub for individuals from across Snohomish County, providing them with the opportunity to seek and become connected to community services including housing, mental health and substance use treatment. Agencies with proficiency in these areas will be onsite offering appointments to complete applications...

Rebuilding Lives while Building Homes: Tony McGuire's Resilience-Building Carpentry Class

Tony McGuire is a great carpenter. He ran his own construction business for years. Then he wanted to get into teaching. He became a Tenured Faculty member at a local community college, and landed in the state penitentiary as a Basic Skills Carpentry instructor. So how could that be connected to saving lives with a 20 buck investment? Tony got touched by CRI’s trauma-informed training. He saw himself past and present and knew somehow that, “with this information comes the responsibility to...

It started in her garage. Now, a Puyallup woman helps clothe almost 1,500 foster kids a year (The News Tribune)

It all started in Erika Thompson’s garage. Thompson, who has been a foster parent for a decade, remembers it well. Not long before, she welcomed the first of what would become many foster children into her home. Like many foster kids, the child arrived on Thompson’s doorstep in crisis and with almost nothing. The child was from King County, so Thompson was able to turn to a Seattle-based nonprofit that provides support and services for foster kids and their caregivers, including new and...

NJ medical school program requires all first-year students to learn about ACEs science

In 2015, Dr. Beth Pletcher, a pediatrician and associate professor specializing in genetics, was at the annual conference of the American Academy of Pediatrics in Washington D.C. when she heard two speakers that forever changed her work with medical students. Dr. Beth Pletcher “I went to two talks on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) that were so mind-boggling to me that I decided on my drive back to New Jersey that I had to do something about it,”says Pletcher, director of the Division...

Virtual Screening of Broken Places on March 21st & Registration for ACEs Connection Members!

Please join us on Thursday, March 21st for a special virtual screening of Broken Places , the latest U.S. documentary on early childhood trauma and resilience. The film will be offered via a private Vimeo link with passcode to all registered members of ACEs Connection, for free, accessible in the United States and internationally. REGISTER TODAY: To register, please visit : The viewing portal for the film will open on Vimeo at 6am EST and close at 11pm...

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