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Washington State ACEs Action (WA)

A forum to inform and connect individuals and communities working to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments and prevent and mitigate ACEs in Washington State.

Tagged With "Maui County HI"


Re: Community-Based Interventions for Trauma Are Cost Effective

Johanna Roe ·
Hi Patrick, I read your comment regarding the recent article on the work in Washington State and wanted to make a few clarifications. The Washington State Family Policy Council was the mother ship, so to speak, overseeing and providing administrative support for the local efforts by what were designated as Community Public Health and Safety Networks (as we were designated in Washington statute). We were not called Family Policy Councils. To simplify things we referred to ourselves as...

Re: WSCADV Presents: Resilience, Self-Regulation and Healing Event

Jennifer Hayes ·
Hi there, I confirmed yesterday with Leigh Hofheimer and WSCADV that this event is scheduled for July 26th 9am-4pm. On the ACES CONNECTION calendar it is listed as June 26th as well as on this page. It would be good to correct to the July 26th date and time. Best, Jennifer Hayes

Re: Recap: NW Conference on Behavioral and Addictive Disorders

McKinley McPheeters ·
Hi Shannon! The Beyond Paper Tigers is coming up towards the end of the month; myself and a co-worker are carpooling so definitely let me know if you are able to go and want to join us. Here's info for that: Also feel free to join the Tacoma-Pierce County ACEs Connection page here for additional updates local to us: There's a recent blog post about an upcoming screening of...
Blog Post

Directory of ACEs Connection How-Tos

Gail Kennedy ·
Hi all- With the beautiful new changes to our site, please take a moment to review the updated "How-Tos" below . If you can't find what you need or are having issues with the site please let me know. ( Gail ) JOIN How-To: Join ACEs Connection How-To: Join ACEs Connection Groups INVITE How-To: Invite Others to Join ACEs Connection How-To: Invite Others to Join an ACEs Connection Group SIGN IN & UPDATE PROFILE How-To: Sign In to ACEs Connection How-To: Update Your...
Blog Post

Do you live in Arizona, Hawaii, California, Nevada or the US Pacific Islands? Come to our no-cost mental and school mental health Winter Institute!

Leora Wolf-Prusan ·
Do you live in Arizona, Hawaii, California, Nevada or the US Pacific Islands?If so...Check it out! 👇 NO COST. MENTAL HEALTH & SCHOOL MENTAL HEALTH WORKFORCE. AMAZING FACULTY. JANUARY 14, 15, & 16th! LONG BEACH, CA. JOIN US. 🤝 👏 Learn more here: Register here:

Re: September 12 - "Resilience" Movie Screening and Panel Discussion

Mary Power ·
Hi Dario - sorry for the delay in responding. I forwarded your message to our Executive Director. Thanks!

Re: Save the Date – Wednesday, May 15, 2019 - ACEs and Resilience Community of Practice Event

McKinley McPheeters ·
Hi, Is there a way to be connected with one of the presenters? I missed the event, but Karen Clemmer and I met on Friday last week and she recommended being connected w/ Ron Murphy and the work he's doing around Trauma-Informed Care and Racial Equity. I tried to find contact info online but no luck. Thank you for any help you can provide!

Re: Save the Date – Wednesday, May 15, 2019 - ACEs and Resilience Community of Practice Event

Tory Henderson ·
I responded to Melissa via Private Message.
Blog Post

DCYF Strategic Plan Feedback Survey - needs your input!

Karen Clemmer ·
Before the creation of DCYF, funding and services were not always connected. The draft strategic plan helps our agency focus on how we serve children, youth, families and our communities as one entity. This framework helps to build on existing funding and services to strengthen our ability to serve families as well as to disrupt racial inequity and disproportionality in our systems. There is more work ahead for us to accomplish the priorities set out in the draft plan. The process to gather...
Blog Post

"Who's in Your Canoe?": Ho‘oikaika Partnership Draws on Hawaiian Values to Promote Protective Factors

Anndee Hochman ·
Title image: Jeny Bissell, Ho‘oikaika Partnership founder and Core Partner, gives a shaka at a Child Abuse Prevention Month mayor's proclamation and concert. A brochure from the Ho‘oikaika Partnership shows four people paddling a slender boat, their bodies silhouetted against an apricot-hued sky. The tagline: “When it comes to parenting, who’s in your canoe?” The image and the metaphor are intentional, says Karen Worthington, coordinator of the 60-member, cross-sector Ho‘oikaika Partnership...

Re: Washington State: Sliding Scale Therapy from a Black Therapist

Former Member ·
Hi, I'm also working as a therapist in California. So as a black therapist in California my aim to help those black people who feel shy or any other problem in telling about their mental health condition. In California, many black people are suffering from different mental illnesses and only a therapist can help them to get rid of these issues.
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