Tagged With "Minnesota NEAR Communities"
Blog Post
2019 Beyond Paper Tigers Conference Series - Why Take Course One and Course Two?
Community Resilience Initiative is officially launching a new series of blog posts, building to our 2019 Beyond Paper Tigers conference on June 25th - 27th. We’ll cover a range of topics relevant to conference material, events, and inspirations. In addition to the regular conference, CRI is offering two training add-on options on Tuesday June 25, 2019 prior to the conference: Course One and Two https://criresilient.org/beyondpapertigers/pre-conference-event/ “A group of very polished people...
Blog Post
ACEs Connection, our Cooperative of Communities, and....Pando!
Last month, we officially launched the ACEs Connection Cooperative of Communities. We are SO excited about this! And the communities that are part of the handful of ACEs initiatives that are piloting the Cooperative are, too! Before describing the Cooperative, I want to reassure our 40,000+ members and 277 ACEs initiatives (plus another 100 in development) that have communities on ACEs Connection that nothing on ACEsConnection.com changes! Membership is and remains free ! And it will remain...
Blog Post
How a natural disaster led one town to do something about its ACEs, past and future
Tracy Franke, principal of Darrington Elementary School, a K-8 school with 300 students, had heard about CLEAR, and called Dr. Christopher Blodgett, who runs the program, to arrange a visit from Turner. “We were hurting,” says Franke. “Our students and staff needed some tools to get through the trauma.”
Blog Post
How does a regional healthcare organization integrate trauma-informed care?
Slowly, but at warp speed. That’s what it feels like to take on educating 16,000 staff member in 21 hospitals that serve 29 counties, says Becky Haas, trauma informed administrator for Ballad Health. Turning around a culture, especially a health culture that’s more familiar with doing things the “traditional” way rather than embracing change, will take time and lots of repetition.
Blog Post
By Pepper Fisher, Aug 9, 2019, Local News SEQUIM – At Thursday evening’s MAT clinic meeting presented by the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe, some 700-800 people squeezed into Guy Cole Center in Sequim, with a hundred more seated outside to listen to the proceedings broadcast over speakers. Opponents of the proposed clinic were matched in number by supporters, but a solid law enforcement presence and the decision to start the proceedings with a prayer calling for civility contributed to easing...
Blog Post
"Learn to Love Others, Learn to be Free." Celebrating The Life of Chaz...
How we care for the most vulnerable citizens in our community is a reflection of who we are…
Blog Post
Self-Healing Communities: A Transformational Process Model for Improving Intergenerational Health
Self-Healing Communities: A Transformational Process Model for Improving Intergenerational Health Laura Porter, Kimberly Martin, PhD, and Robert Anda, MD, MS Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, June 2016 http://www.rwjf.org/en/library/research/2016/06/self-healing-communities.html
Blog Post
New Study Shows Communities Can Reduce the Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences [Mathematic Policy Research]
[ Ed. note: Following is a media release published yesterday by Mathematica Policy Research. This follows on the heals of the report, "Self-Healing Communities" that Laura Porter, Dr. Robert Anda and WHO wrote for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Both reports and executive summaries are attached to this blog post. Both reports are significant, because they show that community ACEs initiatives -- with "modest investments and limited staff" -- are solving some of our most intractable...
Blog Post
NJ medical school program requires all first-year students to learn about ACEs science
In 2015, Dr. Beth Pletcher, a pediatrician and associate professor specializing in genetics, was at the annual conference of the American Academy of Pediatrics in Washington D.C. when she heard two speakers that forever changed her work with medical students. Dr. Beth Pletcher “I went to two talks on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) that were so mind-boggling to me that I decided on my drive back to New Jersey that I had to do something about it,”says Pletcher, director of the Division...
Blog Post
Our effort to explain the many voices of Walla Walla, for the Beyond Paper Tigers conference
Hello! We wanted to help conference attendees at our June 28-29 Beyond Paper Tigers Conference here in Walla Walla get a sense of the many "Paper Tigers" at work in Walla Walla. This 12-min. video features why a community-wide approach is so critical is helping to create a resilient community. We want to share it with other communities working toward the same goal of creating healthier, more connected communities, around the framework of the NEAR (neurobiology, epigenetics, aces, resilience)...
Blog Post
Resource List - Introduction to ACEs and Resilience
This resource list includes links to internet resources that introduce people to ACEs and the ACE Study. It also includes links to resources related to self-care, equity and historical trauma, the NEAR speakers bureau, resilience, and addressing ACEs in your community and in Washington State. Introduction to ACEs and Resilience Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – www.cdc.gov/ace/index.htm Adverse Childhood Experiences: Looking at How ACEs...
Blog Post
Babies and toddlers might not know there's a fire but disasters still take their toll
Thanks to ACEs Action Alliance, Clark County for posting this on Facebook. By Karleen Gribble and Nina J Berry, The Conversation. Medicalxpress.com January 13, 2020 Thousands of families with babies and toddlers have been affected by Australia's bushfire disaster. This includes children whose homes have been under direct threat or impacted by severe smoke pollution, or where their parents volunteer or work as fire fighters. Babies and toddlers may not be aware of the danger the fires pose to...
Blog Post
CRI Course 1: Trauma-Informed Training Webcast!
CRI Course 1: Trauma-Informed Training Webcast! Date: February 26, 2019 Time: 8am - 3pm Pacific Time A dynamic six-hour WEBCAST course, Course 1 introduces CRI’s capacity-building framework for building resilience, KISS. Knowledge, Insight, Strategies and Structure describes our community’s learning and movement from theory to practice and how to implement evidence-based strategies into action. The training includes three groups of topics: the NEAR sciences , a cluster of emerging scientific...
Blog Post
Developing Community Resilience During the COVID-19 Outbreak
I have been fielding requests about community resilience development and want to share with all of you a document that others are finding helpful. I initially created the document (below and pdf attached) for our host entities to distribute to the cohorts (1500-plus people) of N.E.A.R. Master Trainers embedded in 25 states and a province. Dr. Rob Anda, Laura Porter and I train Master Trainers in N euroscience, E pigenetics, the A CE Study, and R esilience; additional information can be found...
Blog Post
Enhancing Resilience Through Human Design
{Photo above is the visual depiction of my human design} Have you ever wondered how the day and time of your birth, coupled with the precise location in which you were born could help you enhance your own resilience? If you’re like me, that thought may have never crossed your mind. And until very recently, I had never heard of “this thing” called Human Design , a visual representation of how individuals function that names our feelings and provides insights into how we work as human beings.
Blog Post
'Facing the Monster': WA Firefighter Battles PTSD [Firehouse]
Not long ago, had you asked Lou Franchino, a Spokane firefighter for 23 years, if he would ever return to work, he would have said no. He was experiencing extended bouts of insomnia. While awake, he described a near-constant state of anxiety. Traumatic calls flashed through his head at a breakneck pace: People who shot themselves in front of their family members, people who died in fires, from sudden infant death syndrome or a heart attack at a family dinner. Franchino was having breakdowns,...
Blog Post
Resource List - Trauma Informed Pathway
This resource list is based on a pathway suggested by some local community leaders: LEARN about Neuroscience, Epigenetics, ACEs and Resilience (NEAR) and how a history of trauma can impact individuals. DISCUSS how a history of trauma impacts service delivery. IMPLEMENT policies and procedures that support people with a history of trauma and the staff who work with them. DEVELOP organizational and community culture that embeds trauma-informed and restorative practice. It includes information...
Blog Post
Talking ACEs and building resilience in prison
At Washington State Penitentiary, Tony McGuire talks to the inmates in his construction trades apprenticeship preparation (CTAP) class about ACEs, trauma and resilience every single day. Not only is he teaching the guys a trade, but he also teaches them how to be a healthy, happy and well-adjusted employee. Note: Becoming a healthy, happy, well-adjusted employee is way harder than basic carpentry, plumbing, electrical and HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning).
Blog Post
The Journey From Me to We: The Walla Walla Way
“We’re all humans and we’re all going through the same things,” Kelsey Sisavath explains. “It’s important for everyone to know. It can change your perspective on how you see yourself, how you see others, and how you see the world.” The “it” Kelsey is talking about is trauma-informed and resilience-building practices based on the science of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) . She has a unique perspective on the topic given her range of experiences throughout her 19 years of life. The story...
Blog Post
Thrive Washington: 3rd Edition of NEAR@Home Toolkit Released
Thrive Washington is pleased to announce that the 3 rd edition of the NEAR@Home toolkit is now available and offers home visitors more guidance on how to safely, respectfully and effectively address Adverse Childhood Experiences with the families they serve. This new edition reflects what was learned when the toolkit was incorporated into a Facilitated Learning Process with 225 home visitors and 54 supervisors in the four states of federal Region X: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. It's...
Blog Post
United Way of Clallam County sets kickoff for Clallam Resilience Project [Sequim Gazette]
B y Sequim Gazette Staff , Jun e 12, 2019. United Way of Clallam County is the new home for Clallam Resilience Project: a countywide consortium of agencies collaboratively building resiliency in Clallam County. The organization kicked off the first of two events highlighting and celebrating the work of Clallam Resilience Project on June 11, and will host a second event from 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, June 19, at Roosevelt Elementary School, 106 Monroe Road. Led by Bonnie Schmidt, Early Childhood...
Blog Post
We Want YOU to be Part of The League of Extraordinary People
You are extraordinary. Writing this post feels like I have come full circle. In April of 2019, Alfred White reached out to me on ACEs Connection. Shortly after, we spoke at length about the plans he had to create a place of healing and hope in Federal Way and King County, Washington, specifically for individuals with a history of trauma and who were now impacted with symptoms such as addiction and homelessness. I recall sharing with Alfred that there was such a need for this in that...
Blog Post
What’s in the well? Pediatrician probes ACEs and the biology of toxic stress in kids [seattletimes.com]
Boot-strapping types who believe that surmounting a difficult childhood is mainly a matter of will may be perplexed by an anecdote near the beginning of Nadine Burke Harris’s new book, “The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity.” In it, the pediatrician describes a 7-year-old boy named Diego, who showed up at her Bay Area clinic looking like an undersized 4-year old. He had been referred by a school nurse for suspected ADHD . But Burke Harris also noted that her...
Calendar Event
ACEs: Implications for Mentoring
Calendar Event
CRI Course 1 LIVE WEBCAST: Trauma-Informed Training
Calendar Event
CRI Course 1: Trauma-Informed Training (Pasco, WA)
Re: ACEs-ResourceList-GettingStartedList-FINAL.docx
This resource list includes links to internet resources that introduce people to ACEs and the ACE Study. It also includes links to resources related to self-care, equity and historical trauma, the NEAR speakers bureau, resilience, and addressing ACEs in your community and in Washington State.
Blog Post
ACEs and Resilience Local Groups and Initiatives
This document provides a list of county-wide (mostly) groups and initiatives in Washington State addressing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), trauma-informed approaches, toxic stress, and resilience. In many communities there are other local ACEs-related groups and initiatives. In most cases, the contact people listed can provide information about the work throughout their county. The purpose of this list is to encourage connections to and across the groups and initiatives, in order to:...
Blog Post
State of Babies Yearbook: 2020 (zerotothree.org)
Telling the story of America’s babies is more important than ever. Last year, the inaugural State of Babies Yearbook: 2019 revealed that the state where a baby is born makes a big difference in their chance for a strong start in life. New data this year shows that even among states with high averages, significant disparities exist in the opportunities available to babies of color to thrive, as well as those in families with low-income, and in urban or rural areas. Now as our country faces an...
Blog Post
Greater Richmond Trauma Informed Community Network, first to join ACEs Cooperative of Communities, shows what it means to ROCK!
In 2012, Greater Richmond SCAN and five other community partners hatched a one-year plan to educate the Richmond, Virginia, community about ACEs science and to embed trauma-informed practices. Eight years later, the original group has evolved into the Greater Richmond Trauma-Informed Community Network (GRTICN) with 495 people and 170 organizations. And they're just scratching the surface.
Blog Post
Spreading the Science: Michigan's NEAR Collaborative Aims to Infuse ACEs Science into State Departments and Agencies
Mary Mueller likes to call herself an “opportunistic infection.” What that means is that Mueller, project coordinator for trauma-informed systems in the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), is determined to share the science of ACEs and resilience wherever she goes. After Mueller attended the state’s first ACE master trainer two day session hosted by the Michigan ACE Initiative , she wanted to bring the foundational science shared by ACE Interface back home—to her MDHHS...
Blog Post
"NEAR Science in Partnership with Communities": Local ACEs Collaboratives Grow Across Minnesota
The third annual gathering of Minnesota ACEs collaboratives—“Growing Resilient Communities: Collaboratives Addressing ACEs”—began with a sober recitation of inequities: We acknowledge that the wealth of this country was built on stolen land and with enslaved and underpaid labor of African American, Native, and Immigrant people…We acknowledge that the recent global uprising, which was sparked by the murder of George Floyd right here in Minnesota, paired with the COVID-19 pandemic, makes for a...
Blog Post
“Unite in a Common Cause”: Minnesota Tribal Communities Use NEAR Science to Address Trauma and Promote Healing
As the Minnesota trainers expected—and welcomed—the ACE trainings in tribal settings began late and lasted for hours: multiple generations of people from the White Earth and Fond du Lac communities gathering around simmering Crock-Pots of food, sharing stories, standing in line to talk with the trainers afterward. Once, a White Earth elder was the only person to show up for a presentation, recalls Linsey McMurrin, Director of Prevention Initiatives and Tribal Projects for FamilyWise Services...
Blog Post
Empower Action Model Provides Framework for Strategic Coalitions in South Carolina's Marlboro County and Beyond
Lauren Szymonik kept posing the same questions to members of the Empower Action coalition in Marlboro County: “What is the data telling you? What is the data saying about education? What is the data telling you about trauma?” The numbers were clear: according to 2014-16 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) surveys, 56% of the county’s 24,000 adults had experienced at least one ACE. In 2017-18, there were 212 cases of child maltreatment, including abuse and neglect, among the...
Blog Post
Sonoma County field nurses use ACEs science to educate families
Santa Rosa, CA, resident Lisa Marden watches her 15-month-old baby gleefully play with magic markers and relays how she’s been coping with feeling anxious. (We're using a pseudonym to protect the family's privacy.) “I’m just super stressed out with everything, and as soon as I eat anything, I get nauseous, so I’ve been eating snacks instead of meals,” she explains to Liz George, a field nurse with the Maternal/Child Field Nursing team of Sonoma County, CA, who has been seeing Marden on home...
Blog Post
Sonoma State receives near $5 million from NASA to engage autistic learners in STEM [news.sonoma.edu]
By Nate Galvan, Sonoma State University News, January 26, 2021 Sonoma State University has been awarded $4.96 million from NASA to design and implement a program that will engage students on the autism spectrum in informal STEM learning. NASA’s Neurodiversity Network (N3) aims to broaden participation in NASA programs to include autistic and other learners with neurological differences. As part of NASA’s Science Activation Program , which is composed of teams across the nation to help...
Blog Post
Moving beyond “Paper Tigers” to a science of hope: Q & A with CRI's Rick Griffin
Rick Griffin knows a lot about hope – how to understand it, instill it, develop it. Griffin is the director of training and curriculum development for the non-profit Community Resilience Initiative (CRI) in Walla Walla, Washington. Walla Walla’s Lincoln High was the subject of a 2015 film, “Paper Tigers,” by the late Jamie Redford, about how the school principal, Jim Sporleder, adopted an ACEs-informed approach that positively transformed the school as well as the surrounding community.