Tagged With "Sonoma County Field Nurses"
Blog Post
A photographer captured a track star's powerful MMIW statement. We all need to know what it means. (upworthy.com)
A red hand over her mouth. The letters MMIW painted down her leg. What message was this high school track star sending? When photographer Alex Flett attended the WIAA 1B State Track and Field Championships at Eastern Washington University , he didn't expect that to capture an iconic image of a high schooler with a powerful message. Rosalie Fish, from Muckleshoot Tribal School in Auburn, WA, showed up on the track with a statement painted on her body—a red hand covering her mouth and the...
Blog Post
Adverse Childhood Experiences Response Team in Manchester, NH, helps children grapple with trauma, violence, addicted parents
An often-overlooked aspect of the opioid epidemic that has exploded across the U.S. in recent years is how often the abuse of heroin or prescription opiates is accompanied by domestic violence. This is tragic enough for the adults involved, but it’s a ticking time bomb for children who are exposed to these adversities, raising their risk for future drug use and multiple health and mental health conditions. Here’s how one community is trying to address the problem.
Blog Post
An Agenda of Equity: Communities Lay Foundation for Trauma-Informed Change
Administrators in the Bellingham, Washington school district realized that a free public education actually came at a price. School supply lists could easily run up a $250 tab at office supply stores; families were tapped for field trip fees, sports uniforms and musical instruments. And those costs inevitably pinched hardest in the least affluent neighborhoods. In the 11,000-student district, where one-acre wooded lots sit next door to apartment complexes housing migrant workers,...
Blog Post
How a natural disaster led one town to do something about its ACEs, past and future
Tracy Franke, principal of Darrington Elementary School, a K-8 school with 300 students, had heard about CLEAR, and called Dr. Christopher Blodgett, who runs the program, to arrange a visit from Turner. “We were hurting,” says Franke. “Our students and staff needed some tools to get through the trauma.”
Blog Post
New Study Shows Communities Can Reduce the Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences [Mathematic Policy Research]
[ Ed. note: Following is a media release published yesterday by Mathematica Policy Research. This follows on the heals of the report, "Self-Healing Communities" that Laura Porter, Dr. Robert Anda and WHO wrote for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Both reports and executive summaries are attached to this blog post. Both reports are significant, because they show that community ACEs initiatives -- with "modest investments and limited staff" -- are solving some of our most intractable...
Blog Post
Prevention Works a Coalition of Clallam County
PW! Update is published on Tuesday every week. If you would like to be added to our mailing list please send your name and email to info@pw4kids.org This is December 3, 2019 Newsletter! Mission: Prevention Works! is a coalition that promotes positive childhoods in Clallam County ANNOUNCEMENTS Today!!! Prevention Works will be participating in #ClallamGives. Our site it at: https://clallamgives. mightycause.com/story/Xtz3fg P lease Share! Check out our Community Clallam Resilience Project:...
Blog Post
Recap: NW Conference on Behavioral and Addictive Disorders
It is no secret that Adverse Childhood Experiences and trauma in childhood have a wide-ranging impact on health-risk outcomes across an individual’s lifetime. This includes behavioral, physical, and mental health impacts, such as smoking, alcoholism, and substance use; depression, suicide attempts, heart disease, and cancer. At the 32 nd Annual Northwest Conference on Behavioral and Addictive Disorders, topics focused on trauma treatment, neuroscience and therapy, and the intersection of...
Blog Post
Reflection on the Challenges of the Coronavirus Pandemic
Join us in reflecting on the pandemic challenges shared by our ACEs Connection community members so far
Blog Post
"Resilience" Documentary Screening and Panel Discussion - May 2
Sound Disciplin e is delighted to be able to host the documentary “Resilience” on May 2nd in partnership with King County Library System. Join us Wednesday night, 6-8pm at the Burien Library. We’ve been supporting schools and families with trauma- informed practices to build resilience for 10 years. This one hour film by Jamie Redford illustrates the impacts of chronic stress on children’s brains. This information is critical for everyone who is interested in the impact of stress and trauma...
Blog Post
"Resilience" Film Screening at UW on May 7
Sound Disciplin e is delighted to present the film "Resilience" on May 7 in conjunction with Michelle Martin, the Beverly Cleary Professor for Children and Youth Services at the Information School, University of Washington. Join us at the Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center at 7pm for the film, panel discussion and moderated Q & A. $5 Registration fee. Register here. This one hour film by Jamie Redford illustrates the impacts of chronic stress on children’s brains. Following the movie...
Blog Post
Call for Abstracts for NCHDV 2020 conference
The National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence (NCHDV) seeks submissions that highlight research reports, practice innovations, advocacy initiatives, educational advances, and/or community programs that address one or more aspects related to domestic/sexual violence, other forms of violence, and health. The Call for Abstracts (CFA) invites leaders working in the fields of health and domestic/sexual violence to present their work at the 2020 Conference. Submission Deadline: Monday,...
Blog Post
Campaign for Trauma Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) Recognized by APA!
Less then 5 years ago long-time trauma informed advocates, Sandra Bloom, MD and Andrea Blanch, PhD, brought together a small group of similarly-minded folks to talk about forming a new national organization focused on trauma informed policy and practice. Months later the Campaign for Trauma Informed Policy and Practice CTIPP was born. In May of 2019, CTIPP was selected by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to receive its Distinguished Service Award for meritorious service to the...
Blog Post
Developing Community Resilience During the COVID-19 Outbreak
I have been fielding requests about community resilience development and want to share with all of you a document that others are finding helpful. I initially created the document (below and pdf attached) for our host entities to distribute to the cohorts (1500-plus people) of N.E.A.R. Master Trainers embedded in 25 states and a province. Dr. Rob Anda, Laura Porter and I train Master Trainers in N euroscience, E pigenetics, the A CE Study, and R esilience; additional information can be found...
Blog Post
Durbin, Capito, colleagues introduce bipartisan, bicameral legislation to address childhood trauma [Office of Senator Durbin of IL]
The following is a press release issued by the office of U.S. Senator Durbin (D-IL) on Monday, June 10, announcing the introduction of bipartisan bicameral legislation that builds on last year’s opioid legislation SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act and recommendations from a recent GAO report. A link to the bill and other information will be provided as soon as possible. In the meantime, an earlier draft of the bill and a section by section are attached to this post. For Immediate...
Blog Post
Free Online Hope Forum - Kids at Hope
Wednesday, March 25, 2020 2:00pm Eastern Time 1:00pm Central Time 12:00pm Mountain Time 11:00am Pacific Time (AZ) To register, click here . Rick Miller Founder of Kids at Hope and Professor of Practice and Clinical Director at Arizona State University’s Center for the Advanced Study and Practice of HOPE will be joined by very special guests for a series of weekly Online HOPE Forums exploring the soul, science and practice of HOPE during times of uncertainty. Joining Rick for the first of...
Blog Post
Resource List - Trauma Informed Approaches and Autism Spectrum and Other Developmental Disabilities
Resources for individuals, organizations, and communities moving along trauma and hope-informed pathways in order to: Prevent and mitigate adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Promote resilience and safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments. Promote equity and racial justice. Prevent substance abuse and promote mental health. … so that all children, youth, families and communities have equal opportunity for educational success, economic stability, health, and well-being.
Blog Post
Resource List - Trauma Informed Pathway
This resource list is based on a pathway suggested by some local community leaders: LEARN about Neuroscience, Epigenetics, ACEs and Resilience (NEAR) and how a history of trauma can impact individuals. DISCUSS how a history of trauma impacts service delivery. IMPLEMENT policies and procedures that support people with a history of trauma and the staff who work with them. DEVELOP organizational and community culture that embeds trauma-informed and restorative practice. It includes information...
Blog Post
The Center for Youth Wellness Launches Childhood Adversity Screening Program with Leading North Carolina Health Systems [PR Newswire]
Charlotte pilot program with Atrium Health and Novant Health supports state's goal to address social, economic and environmental health to improve child and family health outcomes The Center for Youth Wellness (CYW) announced it is partnering with two leading U.S. health systems in the Southeast to launch a screening program on childhood adversity. CYW's National Pediatric Practice Community (NPPC) has done on-site training at the headquarters of Atrium Health and Novant Health in Charlotte,...
Blog Post
The Science of Hope Conference - Foundation for Healthy Generations
April 26-27, 2017, Hilton Seattle Airport & Conference Center The Science of Hope brings together health equity front-line practitioners, system leaders and leading researchers and academics to learn from one another, build new relationships across silos and sectors, and explore leading -edge issues to foster innovation and positive change. Featured Speakers & Workshops Keynote panel with renowned health equity leaders discussing the new norms needed at all levels to create enduring...
Blog Post
Webinar Oct. 17 — Integrating ACEs science in pediatrics: Early adopters share lessons from the field
An ACEs Connection webinar co-sponsored with 4 CA In 2017, California became the first state in the country to pass a law supporting universal screening for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in the 5.3 million children in the state’s Medicaid program. As clinicians around California await the state’s announcement of what this new policy will entail, many are wondering what it takes to integrate ACEs science in a pediatric practice. Meet Drs. Deirdre Bernard-Pearl, R.J. Gillespie and...
Calendar Event
Oprah to discuss ACEs and trauma on 60 Minutes this Sunday!
Re: Coping with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak - WHO
Brava for the list. Nicely done. I am thankful for helpful resources. And of course I would add, to that list, learn effective self-care. Personally, I continue to teach Emotional First-Aid, especially for times like these, and always I include the evidence-based 'people's tool' known as EFT Tapping. Easy to learn, apply, remember ...and just as importantly, it's effective . I have taught thousands to use these Emotional First-Aid tools to combat worry and anxious, looping thoughts, before...
Blog Post
Reimagining Healthcare as a Community Investment
At this point, COVID-19 has been a part of our lives for nearly six months now. While the most recent current events are not unfamiliar social problems, this pandemic has provided us with a stronger lens with which to see many of the underlying inequities within our communities. This article, “The Moral Determinants of Health,” explores these inequities by illustrating the systemic imbalances within the field of medicine and the amount of resources we allocate to solving problems as opposed...
Blog Post
New Resource: Trauma-Informed Nutrition Factsheet
A newly developed factsheet, “Trauma-Informed Nutrition: Recognizing the Relationship between Adversity, Chronic Disease, and Nutritional Health” has just been released. This factsheet is intended for Registered Dietitians (RDs) and was designed to support and describe the connection between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), the impacts of trauma and its relationship to chronic disease, and trauma-informed nutrition practices. This factsheet was developed through a collaborative...
Blog Post
Why the dean of early childhood experts wants to get beyond the brain [centerforhealthjournalism.org]
By Ryan White, Center for Health Journalism, July 23, 2020 Harvard’s Jack Shonkoff, a luminary in the field of early childhood, has spent years showing that events in the earliest years of life have profound implications for how budding brains develop, and in turn, shape a child’s later potential at school and work. Now, Shonkoff says it’s time to connect the brain to the rest of the body. “The message now is to say that there is a revolution going on in molecular biology and genomics and in...
Blog Post
Free 2020 Virtual Trauma-Informed Care Conference
Each year, STAR hosts a Trauma-Informed Care Conference to help educate the next generation of leaders and build a strong network of Trauma-Informed professionals in the state of Georgia. The conference will be held on Saturday, October 3rd from 10:00am- 1:00pm EST and Sunday, October 4th , 2020 from 2:00pm-5:00pm EST conducted virtually via Zoom.
Blog Post
Resource: Civil Survival
Please check out Civil Survival . Their mission: Civil Survival organizes people who have been directly impacted by the criminal justice system to build connections, gain knowledge and increase political participation . Many resources and forms are available on their website Here is a bit more of what you will find on their site - Our Work Civil Survival engages its members by conducting full-day educational Workshops followed by monthly Game Changer Group (GCG) meetings around the State of...
Blog Post
Sonoma County field nurses use ACEs science to educate families
Santa Rosa, CA, resident Lisa Marden watches her 15-month-old baby gleefully play with magic markers and relays how she’s been coping with feeling anxious. (We're using a pseudonym to protect the family's privacy.) “I’m just super stressed out with everything, and as soon as I eat anything, I get nauseous, so I’ve been eating snacks instead of meals,” she explains to Liz George, a field nurse with the Maternal/Child Field Nursing team of Sonoma County, CA, who has been seeing Marden on home...
Blog Post
Join the Compassion in Therapy Summit: A Free Online Training with Awake Network January 30th—February 3
The free 2021 Compassion in Therapy Summit co-produced by The Awake Network and The Center for Mindful Self-Compassion begins Saturday, January 30th! If you or someone you care about is a therapist, social worker, clinician, psychologist, counselor, or anyone else working in mental health or you want to learn more about applying self-compassion to your own well-being, please check it out below and help spread the word! Join this FREE online event and learn mindfulness, self-compassion, and...
Teresa Conboy
Blog Post
Former PACEs Connection employees Dana Brown (L) with Vincent Felitti, MD, co-author of the 1998 Adverse Childhood Experiences study, and Carey Sipp (R) in San Diego in January, 2024. The last few months have been quite challenging, but we pushed, persevered, and didn’t give up hope. The “we” is Carey Sipp and Dana Brown. We were long-time staff members of PACEs Connection determined to reinstate the website and the resources and information we provide to communities after the platform went...