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Join us for the PACES Connection Race, Equity and Inclusion webinar September 16!

Race Equity and Inclusion Opportunity Thursday, September 16, 2021 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM EDT Did you know the WV ACES Coalition is part of a national network of people and organizations championing the understanding of positive and adverse childhood experiences? This is all thanks to PACEs Connection. Did you also know the WV ACES Coalition values race, equity and inclusion? In fact, this year’s work plan includes examining how race, equity and inclusion may impact ACES. This is where YOU come...

The Wait is Over! - The Vital Village NOW Playbook []

Please make a commitment to personal use ONLY! NOW Playbook Transformative Community Capacity to Advance Equity We are excited to share the Vital Village Networks of Opportunity for Child Wellbeing (NOW) Playbook . The NOW Playbook is a resource guide designed to provide tools for local leaders, community coalitions and networks, educators, practitioners, and policymakers working to promote the wellbeing of children and families, advance equity, and align systems of care and education in...

Tribute to Dr. Felitti

By, Felicia Nelson, Christina Velez, and Mark Egan 7/19/21 A pioneer in the field of internal medicine, Dr. Vincent J. Felitti has over 50 years of experience with extensive knowledge in the areas of childhood trauma, the genetic disease Hemochromatosis, and obesity. Here at The Relationship Foundation, Dr. Vincent Felitti is our mentor and an inspiration to us all. He has spent a greater part of his life, serving as a co-principal for the ACEs Study. ACE stands for “Adverse Childhood...

2021 Kids Count Data Book []

From The Annie E. Casey Foundation, June 21, 2021 SUMMARY The 32nd edition of the Annie E. Casey Foundation's KIDS COUNT ® Data Book describes how children across the United States were faring before — and during — the coronavirus pandemic. This year’s publication continues to deliver the Foundation’s annual state rankings and the latest available data on child well-being. It identifies multiyear trends — comparing statistics from 2010 to 2019. In addition, the report shares data on how...

40 Acres and a School - Fundraising for Black Liberation in New England States

I am a member of Done for DiDi: White Labor Collective - an international direct giving collective instructed by Black women and non-men organizers and executed by a network of white labor. We are redistributing white wealth - money, land, time, skills, and resources - to Black women and non-men. I’m sharing with your group the opportunity to participate and amplify an incredible campaign called 40 Acres and a School. The project is led by DiDi Delgado and Black Marginalized Genders (MaGes).

The Wisdom of Trauma - Encore Event - This Weekend until Midnight PST Sunday

If you missed the recent world premiere of The Wisdom of Trauma Movie with Dr. Gabor Maté, this weekend you can watch the encore of the movie plus get full access to the Talks on Trauma series including my talk with Dr. Gabor Maté and Nneka Jones Tapia on "A Vision for Compassionate Prison." The link is here (all donations will go to Compassion Prison Project by using this link!): Opening Kick Off Introduction with Gabor...

PACEs Connection presents the "Historical Trauma in America" series

PACEs Connection's Race & Equity Workgroup will be examining historical trauma in the United States of America and its impact on American society in a series of virtual discussions. This series will highlight each unique region within the United States and outline how unresolved historical trauma has impacted every aspect of American life and directly shapes the socio-political landscape of today as well as the overall well-being of Americans. Discussions will make connections between...

ACEs Parent Handouts & ACEs One Pagers & Link to GRC (UPDATED 4/28/21)

We have so many wonderfu l resources shared by members. However, a few of you have asked me for help in retrieving them. Here's several of the most commonly shared ACEs handouts, info graphics and one pagers, with links to download. PLEASE share yours! I'm working...

Learn how to secure federal funding for your community. A Better Normal with CTIPP, Dave Ellis, Dan Jurman

The nearly $2 trillion American Rescue Plan Act has several buckets of funding that can be used to promote trauma-informed and healing-centered projects. PACEs Connection communities can apply for this funding, according to leaders of the Campaign for Trauma-informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP), the National Trauma Campaign, and PACEs Connection. The “Better Normal” webinar on Friday, May 14 at 3 p.m. EST; Noon PST, Dan Press, Jesse Kohler and Marlo Nash of CTIPP will begin by describing...

NEW CONFERENCE - Becoming Trauma Informed Faith Communities

Hello, I am the program/retreat coordinator at the Franciscan Spirituality Center in La Crosse, WI. We are very excited to virtually host this conference! Participants can choose a particular day/track or sign up for the entire event. Track payment includes the keynote speaker session, Dr. Frederick Streets, on June 1 from 6-7:30pm (CST) Together on Our Way: Becoming Trauma-Informed Faith Communities, Franciscan Spirituality Center virtual conference - Franciscan Spirituality Center [[GOLIVE...

Child Care Relief Funding in American Rescue Plan: State-by-State Estimates [CLASP]

March 10,2021 Editor’s note: This article includes CLASP estimates on child care relief funding each state, D.C., and Puerto Rico will receive of the $39 billion included in the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP Act) For decades, our country has had a child care crisis fraught with inequitable access for communities of color, unaffordable care for far too many families, poverty-level wages for early educators, and razorthin margins for providers. This long-term crisis has been exacerbated by the...

The pandemic is changing how we think about domestic violence, new survey shows (

Amid a pandemic that shined a harsh light on domestic violence , Californians are increasingly viewing these abuses as a pressing social issue, according to a new survey of nearly 2,000 adults. Two-thirds of Californians consider domestic violence a public issue rather than private family matter, and 91% of participants said domestic violence is a serious societal issue, the survey found. “This info has given some validation to things folks have been talking about for a long time...

Spreading HOPE Summit – Afternoon Session Feature, Pt. 5: Jane Stevens and Dr. David Willis []

Chloe Yang, 3/29/21, Our first annual summit is less than a month away! Please register at this link , which you can also find on the Summit landing page (registration closes at 5:00 pm ET on Monday, April 5th). Our virtual summit seeks to inspire a group of leaders who will, together, champion a movement to shift how we support children and families, creating systems of care based on understanding, equity, and trust. Morning plenary sessions will feature Dr. Bob...

A Better Normal Friday, March 26, 2021: PACEs and HOPE with Dr. Christina Bethell

Please join us for our next installment of A Better Normal, our live webinar series in which we imagine and create our society as trauma-informed! You may have seen we changed our name recently from ACEs Connection to PACEs Connection. Please join us to learn all about the groundbreaking research of Positive Childhood Experiences and how this is going to transform the work we are all doing. >>Click here to register<< PACEs and HOPE Live Event Friday, March 26, 2021 Noon PT / 1pm...

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