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Mobile Health Clinics for schools in Yolo County?


Read the article from the East Bay Times about beautiful new mobile health clinics at high schools in Contra Costa County making it easier for students to access to medical services.  Find the full article HERE

This idea of a mobile clinic that travels around to schools is something that Michelle Flowers, Principal of King High School in Davis and I chatted about recently.   I know high school students in Davis recently got a new food truck; a "health truck" would be a great addition to the fleet!

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As we work to open our Wellness Center at King High School, I have come to the conclusion that ALL schools need access to basic health care. A wellness van/bus would be able to reach all of the schools. It could include general health services, reproductive health services, and mental health services. If it could include a dental clinic, that would be even more fantastic. I know first hand that some children in EVERY town, even Davis, are going without basic healthcare. I feel a deep obligation to ensure the basic health needs of my students, and all students, are met before we can really expect for them to learn.  Michelle Flowers530-979-7011

From: ACEsConnection <>
To: Michelle Flowers <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2016 7:31 PM
Subject: Post By Gail Kennedy: Mobile Health Clinics for schools in Yolo County?

Post By Gail Kennedy: Mobile Health Clinics for schools in Yolo County?== To reply by email, write above this line. == Hello, Michelle Flowers: We're sending you this notification because you are following the blog and/or author below. New Blog Post
| Title: Mobile Health Clinics for schools in Yolo County? By: Gail Kennedy Group: Yolo County [CA] ACEs Connection | |

Read the article from the East Bay Times about beautiful new mobile health clinics at high schools in Contra Costa County making it easier for students to access to medical services.  Find the full article HERE. This idea of a mobile clinic that travels around to schools is something that Michelle Flowers, Principal of King High School in Davis and I chatted about recently.   I know high school students in Davis recently got a new food truck; a "health truck" would be a great addition to the fleet!   View This Blog Post ACEsConnection To adjust your email notifications for this site, please update your notification settings. To suspend ALL email notifications from this site, click here. Powered By
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