We invite you to a FREE online tribute screening(s) of CAREgivers film from August 1-8 through our website as a way to honor our healthcare, EMT, and many other essential workers during the COVID epidemic. Given the suffering of so many people and the stigma that caregivers sometimes have about seeking emotional support, we hope you’ll spread the word about the film’s online availability with friends, family, and colleagues.
Although produced before COVID, during what used to be called “normal times”, CAREgivers film provides an important look at the emotional and physical impacts on many professionals who provide empathic care for traumatized clients or patients, indeed showing how this empathy can at times become an “occupational hazard,” or secondary trauma for the helpers. CAREgivers film provides us also with thoughtful solutions and with hope! We see in the documentary how the caregivers can nurture themselves and each other through self-care activities – and through creative staff resiliency or wellness programs in their organizations.

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