- Family Justice Centers, COVID-19 and HOPE on 4/2
Thursday, April 2, 2020 at 8:30-10 AM PST
Join us for a webinar hosted by Alliance President Casey Gwinn and CEO Gael Strack to provide valuable information about COVID-19 and the work of Family Justice Centers and other collaboratives across the country and around the world. Victims of domestic and sexual violence need hope now more than ever. They need services to be available and accessible even if some of those services must be impacted by public health orders, shelter in place requirements, and social distancing guidelines. We must also be sure to support and protect our frontline workers in every way possible. This 1.5-hour webinar, including question and answer time, will be a resource for Family Justice Centers and their allied agencies – working with both adults and children impacted by trauma and violence.
To register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ nGCC4ZjJTFm3wbmb7WJduw - Family Environment Instability: How Early Childhood Shapes Social Maladjustments Over Time on 4/8
April 8, 2020 @ 1:00 pm-2:00 pm Pacific
Early family contexts can shape the trajectories of children’s adjustment throughout childhood. Families can provide a safe and stable base for children that is protective against adversity. However, when family environments are not stable (e.g., when parents/parent figures are moving in and out of the home), children may suffer. Join Dr. Elizabeth Karberg of Child Trends as she explores how family instability in early childhood shapes children’s social (mal)adjustment over time.
To register: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/ 8566340577450157324

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