Posts By Aaron Weibe
Investing in Community Resilience Webinar: Advocating for Trauma-Informed Policy and Systems Change
Building on the Foundation’s Trauma-Informed Philanthropy series, we are pleased to present a 10-month learning series, Investing in Community Resilience . This series, presented in partnership with the Scattergood Foundation, will provide vital information to funders and cooperative extension professionals for developing trauma-informed, healing-centered approaches in their work. Please join us for the sixth and final webinar in the series, Advocating for Trauma-Informed Policy and Systems...
Investing in Community Resilience Webinar: Advocating for Trauma-Informed Policy and Systems Change

Investing in Community Resilience Web Series, Trauma-Informed Cross-Sector Networks

Investing in Community Resilience Series - Trauma-Informed Practice: Moving From Knowledge to Action (Learning Circle)
Investing in Community Resilience: Evaluating Trauma-Informed Practice
Webinar: Investing in Community Resilience - Trauma-Informed Practice in Action: Case Studies Across Sectors
We believe it is critical to acknowledge what is happening to our communities. From the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic that has taken many lives, to the systemic racism and inequalities that continue to deeply affect communities of color, we are seeing trauma in a multitude of ways. Our mission is to serve the U.S. Cooperative Extension System by partnering to make a greater collective impact and promote accessibility to all in communities across the nation. We are committed to fostering...

Investing in Community Resilience - Trauma-Informed Practice in Action: Case Studies Across Sectors
(Learning Circle) Investing in Community Resilience: Using ACEs and Trauma Science for More Effective Practice
The spread of COVID-19 has created a myriad of challenges for communities around the globe. The science of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), trauma, toxic stress as well as healing and resilience, can provide helpful tools for supporting communities through this time of crisis. Please join us on Wednesday, May 13th from 3-4pm ET for the first Learning Circle of the Investing in Community Resilience web series. Connect with others from around the country who are integrating ACEs and...

Investing in Community Resilience: Using ACEs and Trauma Science for More Effective Practice

Investing In Community Resilience: What Is Trauma-Informed Practice?
Investing In Community Resilience: Deploying Trauma-Informed Practice for Funders & Capacity Builders (Webinar Series)
Register Here As a philanthropist, your passion for building just, healthy, resilient communities is evident. Until recently, we have been missing critical information that can help us develop best practices to achieve such a goal. Today, the science is clear – adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and trauma can impact the brain and body, contributing to a host of negative outcomes in all aspects of life. Some effects can even be passed from generation to generation. In the last two decades,...