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Akacia Smith

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Points: 306
Member Rank: #913

Profile Information


Napa, CA


United States

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What is it you do for a living? (Parenting, volunteering, CEO of social service organization, etc.)

Blogger, Independent Positive Psychology/ACEs/Resilience/Addiction/PTSD/Recovery Researcher (no credentials), Inspiring Resiliency Sponsor, Parent and Family Advocate, Mother

What organization(s) do you volunteer or work for?

Founder of A Resilient Parent ( coming soon.

What is your interest in PACEs and resilience science?

I'm a survivor striving to help survivors and letting nothing, not my past of lack of credentials, stop me. I have an ACE score of 9, maybe 10 but 9 that I'm sure of. I have done much research on ACEs, Restorative Parenting, Resilience, Positive Parenting and Positive Psychology and more and know enough to make a difference and am still learning more everyday. I have a blog in the making called A Resilient Parent which will advocate for parents trying to restore their relationship with their children, fight to regain custody of their children removed by CPS, educate all parents about ACEs (their own and their children's) raising awareness and opebing their minds and perception, and finally helping parents change their lifestyle, begin the healing process within the family system, move on from their shame and use their past to fuel their positive future in a new life of hope and positive, restorative, empathetic, trauma-informed perception to parenting! *gasp* Currently, I am still buildibg the framework and strategizing. Doing this and still having time for my research, my children, college, and my own personal recovery means time well spent yet time consumed. Patience is a virtue. Thank you.

Followers (1)

  • Summer Luke
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