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Alfredo Leano

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Posts By Alfredo Leano

Why Asian Parents Don’t Talk About Mental Health (and How to Heal From It) (

"For many Asian Americans, talking about mental health issues, especially to their parents, is like pulling teeth. Asian Americans are actually three times less likely to seek mental health services than other Americans, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America . Anxiety, depression, and mental health issues aren’t really topics discussed in Asian households and are considered taboo. Often times, we are told to “ get over it” and “we had it so much worse than you, you...

Why We Need to Stop Casually Throwing Around Words Like 'Bipolar' or 'OCD' (

"Why would you say you're experiencing overwhelming and disabling anxiety, feeling like you're being choked to death or having a heart attack, wanting to collapse under the desk, when you're not?" "Dr. Zsofia Demjen is a linguist who studies the intersections of language, mind, and health. She explained why this trend matters. "Using bipolar or schizo or essentially technical words to describe mundane or everyday experiences means the original technical meaning of the term becomes diluted...

Thriving—Beyond Surviving: Resiliency After Trauma (

"We studied what it meant to be “mentally tough” and what characteristics the mentally tough athlete possessed. Characteristics of Mentally Tough Performers Cope more easily with setbacks Have control over anxiety and use it productively Have higher self-confidence Use more positive self-talk Have a positive outlook on the future Set specific goals and visualize accomplishing goals Have a support network" "But the reality is that the majority of people who experience stressful or traumatic...

How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime [Nadine Burke Harris] (

"I n the mid-'90s, the CDC and Kaiser Permanente discovered an exposure that dramatically increased the risk for seven out of 10 of the leading causes of death in the United States. In high doses, it affects brain development, the immune system, hormonal systems, and even the way our DNA is read and transcribed. Folks who are exposed in very high doses have triple the lifetime risk of heart disease and lung cancer and a 20-year difference in life expectancy. And yet, doctors today are not...

New generation of Asian-American women are fighting to normalize mental health treatment (

"When Kristina Wong’s mother told her if anyone finds out she went to therapy she would never be able to get a job, it became crystal clear just how taboo discussions of mental health were in her family." "There are a number of reasons why, according to experts. Discussing mental health concerns is “taboo” in a variety of Asian-American communities where seeking help is stigmatized, explained Koko Nishi , a licensed psychologist on the counseling staff at San Diego State University. As a...

How I Learned To Talk To My Filipino Mom About My Mental Health (

"She responded: "You don't need therapy. You're fine . Imagine what it was like for me." She then recited the story I had heard so many times before. She came alone to this country from the Philippines in the early 1980s. She raised my little sister and me as a single mom. She worked two jobs to support us, including working grueling overnight shifts and holidays. Life was hard. Really hard." "She didn't think that what I was going through was a big deal. This absolutely crushed me. Whatever...

Helping Someone with PTSD: Helping a Loved One While Taking Care of Yourself (

"PTSD can take a heavy toll on relationships. It can be hard to understand your loved one’s behavior—why they are less affectionate and more volatile. You may feel like you’re walking on eggshells or living with a stranger. You may have to take on a bigger share of household tasks, deal with the frustration of a loved one who won’t open up, or even deal with anger or disturbing behavior. The symptoms of PTSD can also lead to job loss, substance abuse, and other problems that affect the whole...


"So many teachers take home loads of work each night, yet others somehow find themselves going home empty-handed. What’s the difference? While you may be tempted to say this is due to laziness or a lack of effort (which, unfortunately, is sometimes the case), that’s not always true. Some teachers have really learned the art of being ultra-efficient while they’re at work… they can take less home." "6. Focus on efficiency, not speed. If you’re anything like me, when you try to rush &...

The Pressure Of Answering Work Emails At Night Takes Toll On Mental Health, Study Finds (

"The authors specifically wanted to look at what they call “organizational expectations for email monitoring,” or OEEM. They wagered that the “competing demands of work and nonwork lives present a pervasive resource allocation dilemma for employees, which trigger feelings of anxiety and negatively impacts personal well-being and relationship quality.”" "If companies want to address this issue, which probably affects a great many people, they may want to institute “no email” hours, the...

Breakdown: California’s mental health system, explained (

"Mental health advocates have long described California’s fragmented mental health system with words like “struggling” and “broken.” Evidence of its consequences can be found in our jails and prisons, our hospitals and clinics, our schools and colleges. The problem touches those living in comfortable middle class suburbs, remote rural towns, and on the streets of the state’s biggest cities." "Not only do a sixth of Californians experience some mental illness, but 1 out of every 24 have a...

How Self-Compassion Supports Academic Motivation and Emotional Wellness (

"In contrast, “self-compassion isn’t about self-evaluation at all,” said Neff. “It’s about being kind to oneself. Self-compassion is a healthy source of self-worth because it’s not contingent and it's unconditional. It’s much more stable over time because it is not dependent on external markers of success such as grades.”" "But self-criticism brings with it “lots of unintended consequences such as anxiety and fear of failure,” said Neff. Students may become more susceptible to perfectionism...

Burnout at Work Isn’t Just About Exhaustion. It’s Also About Loneliness (

"Close to 50% of people say they are often or always exhausted due to work. This is a shockingly high statistic — and it’s a 32% increase from two decades ago. What’s more, there is a significant correlation between feeling lonely and work exhaustion: The more people are exhausted, the lonelier they feel." "The social repercussions of this discomfort directly impact work productivity because people disengage. And both the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University and the Gallup...

Zero-Tolerance Policies and the School to Prison Pipeline (

"Zero-tolerance policies require school officials to give students a specific, consistent, and harsh punishment, usually suspension or expulsion, when certain rules are broken. The punishment applies regardless of the circumstances, the reasons for the behavior (such as self-defense), or the student’s history of disciplinary problems. "Zero-tolerance policies were written into school handbooks in the 1990s, created originally to be a deterrent for bringing weapons into schools. These...

Linda Cliatt-Wayman: How to fix a broken school? Lead fearlessly, love hard

"On Linda Cliatt-Wayman’s first day as principal at a failing high school in North Philadelphia, she was determined to lay down the law. But she soon realized the job was more complex than she thought. With palpable passion, she shares the three principles that helped her turn around three schools labeled “low-performing and persistently dangerous.” Her fearless determination to lead — and to love the students, no matter what — is a model for leaders in all fields." To see Linda...

The hidden dangers of caring about your career too much (

"People who feel called to their careers, according to these researchers, have a passion for the work, a sense of obligation or moral duty to do it, and the need to make a positive social difference. This attitude makes for incredibly valuable employees—but their passion for their work also means that they are easy to take advantage of. " "Between 40-50% of new teachers will leave the teaching profession by their fifth year of service. Teachers who leave the profession cite many different...

Learn to shine bright- the importance of self care for teachers. (

"Self-care is proving to be difficult to master and weave into our teachers frantic lives. As human beings we must prioritise our own well-being and as teachers as well we can begin to place the same emphasis on staff well-being in our schools as we do for the mental health of the children we teach. Self-care starts with you and small acts every single day. Imagine connecting to and feeling the magic you work so hard to create in the classroom and in your life. Imagine the impact on those...

When Students Are Traumatized, Teachers Are Too (

"Data shows that more than half of all U.S. children have experienced some kind of trauma in the form of abuse, neglect, violence, or challenging household circumstances—and 35 percent of children have experienced more than one type of traumatic event, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)." "“Being a teacher is a stressful enough job, but teachers are now responsible for a lot more things than just providing education,” says LeAnn Keck, a manager at Trauma Smart...

Increasing Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Health Psychology: Lessons Learned from Two Expert Panel Discussions Held by Division 38 (

"Representation of racial and ethnic minority psychologists is of special importance to the field of health psychology. Members of racial and ethnic minorities experience health disparities that are closely linked to social, economic, and environmental disadvantages." "A lack of diverse faculty was also identified as a barrier. Minority faculty serve as role models for young minority students. " "The nation is diversifying, and so should the field of health psychology to meet the nation’s...

Filipinos, Colonial Mentality, and Mental Health: A psychological approach to exploring the effects of colonialism among Filipinos (

"So yes, colonial mentality—particularly skin-whitening—has been on many Filipinos’ minds lately. But as Philippines Vice President Leny Robredo acknowledged when I asked her about it, it’s a centuries-old issue, and there’s been plenty of work on it, going as far back as Jose Rizal! Indeed, many folks have documented and shared their painful stories, struggles, confusions, and heartaches about colonial mentality throughout the years." Based on the CMS, there seem to be at least five...

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