Posts By Alicia St. Andrews
Romeo is Bleeding / Clip [1min]
PAPER TIGERS Educational Version Now Available on DVD or Digital Streaming!
From, March 17, 2016 Tugg Edu is proud to present the highly anticipated ACEs documentary PAPER TIGERS to the educational marketplace. Directed by James Redford ( THE BIG PICTURE: RETHINKING DYSLEXIA, RESILIENCE ), PAPER TIGERS follows a year in the life of an alternative high school that has radically changed its approach to disciplining its students, becoming a promising model for how to break the cycles of poverty, violence and disease that affect families. With over 450...
Maternal and Child Health Journal Call for Papers: The ACE Study: Implications for MCH Policy and Practice
Findings of the ACE Study have had a swift and substantial impact on MCH policy, practice and research. This issue of the journal is intended to provide a forum to enhance knowledge of the Study and its implications across the field. Topics of interest include: The aims and findings of the ACE Study, The implications of the Study and use of Study findings to shape MCH practice in clinical, program and policy settings, The import of the Study in relation to life course theory and the social...
Tim Wise: Owning the Call to Be Agents of Change in Overcoming Racism (42 min)
Integrating Somatic Psychotherapy with EMDR
Berkeley, CA
2016 Black History Month Event: Racial Trauma: Healing Ourselves, Our Clients and Our Communities: Dr. Joy DeGruy and Dr. Kenneth V. Hardy
Laguna Honda Rehabilitation Center Gerald Simon Theatre 375 Laguna Honda Blvd. San Francisco, CA 94127
Sex Trafficking Prevention: A Trauma-Informed Approach for Parents and Professionals [National Clearinghouse on Families & Youth]
A trafficking survivor shares personal and professional insights in a book written for those who care about young people’s safety and well-being. Savannah Sanders experienced years of sexual abuse before running away from home as a teenager. Once on the streets, she used drugs and attempted suicide before meeting a man who coerced her into performing sex acts for money. But it wasn’t until age 25, while reading an article online, that Sanders first realized she had been...
End Police Violence: Stories, Maps, Reports, Policy Solutions, and Activist Toolkit
Ironically, the UK's Guardian has the most comprehensive news coverage about U.S. police killings, and it's updated regularly. This post has links to other databases, including the Washington Post and Mapping Police Violence.
Trauma-Informed Organizational Assessment Tools: Check out the grid from T2!
The San Francisco Bay Area Trauma-Transformed (T2) regional center put together this grid of trauma-informed organizational assessment tools to assist with the beginning stages of transformation. Follow up tools coming soon! Trauma-Informed Organizational Assessment Tools
The Quiet Time Program: Teacher turnover drops to zero
High-quality evaluations document that schools with the Quiet Time program have significantly improved in key areas: 1. Decreased teacher turnover After three years of the Quiet Time program at Visitacion Valley Middle School, teacher turnover dropped to zero, leading to the institution’s removal from the district’s “Hard to Staff” school list. 2. Greater academic achievement Youth who meditated at Quiet Time schools had improved grades, attendance, and standardized...
Sold-out Paper Tigers screening and panel in Berkeley, CA; more than 250 screenings of film across U.S. in last seven months
(l to r, Joyce Dorado, UCSF HEARTS; Jennifer Lynn-Whaley, Contra Costa County's Youth Justice Initiative; Barbara McClung, Oakland Unified School District; and Anh Ta, Bay Area Regional Trauma Transformed Center) __________________________________________________________ Over 130 residents from across the San Francisco Bay Area representing education, health, and law enforcement attended the sold-out screening of Paper Tigers and panel on December 9 at the Brower Center in Berkeley,...
Trauma Transformed Bay Area [4min]
Dance As Therapy: Natalia Duong at TEDxStanford [13min]
The Raising of America Documentary Series Now Available Online Through Nov 30, 2015
When parents and communities are squeezed, their young children pay the price. How can we do better? California Newsreel's acclaimed new documentary series, The Raising of America: Early Childhood and the Future of Our Nation , explores how a...
Collective Impact: Working Together to Protect San Francisco’s Kids []
For the last year, Olive Grove has been highlighting the work of leading practitioners of Collective Impact through our on-going blog series Voices From the Field. Collective Impact is a participatory sport and there is really no way to understand...
Online Mindfulness Summit: 31 Days of Mindfulness, Oct 1 - 31, 2015
Register at: Schedule: DAY 1 Professor Mark Williams : An Introduction To Mindfulness DAY 2 Joseph Goldstein : Practical Guidance On Mindful Living & Overcoming Common Obstacles DAY 3 Dan Harris : From Sceptic to Meditator. Dan Shares How He Tamed The Voice In His Head & How You Can Too DAY 4 Jono Fisher : Mindful Masculinity, Conscious Capitalism and Kindness DAY...
Twitter Chat: Tues Sept 29, 1-2pm (PST)
Twitter Chat: #HelpingChildrenHeal
Destiny Arts, Oakland CA [2 min]
Black Lives Matter: What is the role of public health?
Alameda County Health Dept, 5000 A & B
Participation/Partnerships with Black Lives Matter?
Dodging Equity Bombs and Avoiding "Fakequity" []
Erin Okuno It feels like equity is the new buzzword. It has become the new “diversity.” My question is, “How are you defining equity?” I ask because it feels like we have different definitions. I...

Helping Children Heal: Fostering Love, Hope, and Justice
RYSE Youth Center
ACEs, Trauma, and Resilience Curriculum for Children and Youth?
The Origins of a Paradigm Shift: From "What's wrong with you?" to "What happened to you?"
Pictured: Joe Foderaro , LCSW, BCD, program director and co-founder of The Sanctuary Programs from 1980-2001. From Ann Jennings, PhD, executive director of The Anna Institute : I believe the source for this now widely used way of...
Transforming lives in City Heights []
Instead of dodging bullets on the street, they’re dodging paintball pellets in a park. Instead of marking their turf with graffiti on public property, they’re cleaning up taggers’ work from swing sets and basketball courts. Instead...
Trauma & Abuse – “The Gift That Keeps on Giving” []
June is recognized as PTSD Awareness Month and June 27 th, National PTSD Awareness Day. I am grateful that there is recognition to help raise awareness, but I truly hope that someday they change the name to Post Traumatic Stress. I no longer feel we...
Now Hiring: ACEs Connection Network Southern California Regional Community Manager
Please note: Applications will be accepted through Mon June 15. OVERVIEW The ACEs Connection Network comprises and The network is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the California...
US Department of Education Project Prevent Grantee Awards
Check out the list to see if a school district in your community has the following efforts underway: PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides funding to LEAs to increase their capacity...
Now Hiring: ACEs Connection Network Southern California Regional Community Manager
OVERVIEW The ACEs Connection Network comprises and The network is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the California Endowment and currently engages over 4,000 members. is...
A ‘More Hawaiian' Way To Deal With Delinquent Kids: Honolulu Civil Beat []
Angry. Frightened. Sad. When teenagers are marched in handcuffs through a discreet back entrance at the Susannah Wesley Community Center in Kalihi — or walk through the front door with their parents clutching a police citation —...
Police Violence and Public Health []
Pediatrician Rhea Boyd says it's time for the effects of police violence on African-American communities to be treated as a public health issue. In the wake of Sandy Hook, the response from physicians, and pediatricians in particular, was...
Poor Teens in Baltimore Face Worse Conditions Than Those in Nigeria - Study []
A global study of adolescents from low-income neighborhoods revealed that teenagers from Baltimore, a city located just 40 miles from the US capital, are faring worse than their counterparts in Nigeria. Many people tend to associate child...
How-To: Invite Others to Join an ACEs Connection Group
Starting in a group, click invite others to this group link on the upper right corner of the ACEs Connection group site under ABOUT THIS GROUP . Type email address and add Personal Message (optional). Scroll down and click Send...
Oakland schools' mission to end child trafficking
Barbara McClung hopes money can be found to fund a program to fight child prostitution in Oakland. Photo: Lacy Atkins, The Chronicle The girl in the halter top with long hair and pink lipstick stood on a corner at 19th Avenue and International...
The Science Is In: To Boost Your Immune System, Give, Connect & Hug (Dr. Aviva Romm MD)
This blog was born a few weeks ago. I was sitting at my dining table responding to emails from my readers, wonderful women like you, which often include a comment like, “Dr. Romm, thank you for all you do,” followed by, “I...
San Diego Youth Services embraces a trauma-informed approach; kids do better, staff stay longer, programs more effective
Staff of the San Diego Youth Services TAY Academy welcome all Transition Age Youth (TAY) to drop-in. Left to right: Vanessa Arteaga, Indie Landrum, Stephen Carroll, and Gillian Leal. In 2010, 16-year-old Indie Landrum ran away from an unstable home...
CYW Staff at CA ACEs Summit
CA ACEs Summit: Building the Foundation to Help Children Thrive in Child Welfare Systems
Child Welfare Panel, November 7, 2014, San Francisco, CA Moderator Charles Wilson of the Chadwick Center for Children and Families opened the session with a brief history on the system, coming from a rescue philosophy. In the 1970’s the...
The Raising of America: Early Childhood and the Future of Our Nation
CA ACEs Summit: Local Panel Explain Responses to ACEs Here and Now
November 6, 2014, San Francisco, California The speakers included Kimberly Beckstead , San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team ; Dave Lockridge , ACE Overcomers ; Jim Sporleder , Sporleder Consulting; Jane Stevens , ACEs Too High and ACEs...
What's Your 30 Second ACEs Elevator Rap?
How to: Start a Group
If you're interested in starting a group on ACEs Connection, here are suggestions to guide you: Review the ACEs Connection Network Overview , which describes , a social network for people who are implementing...
Adolescent Trauma & Resilience Toolkit: Please Help Spread The Word!
TRAUMA & RESILIENCE TOOLKIT MODULE: Brought to you by the San Francisco Adolescent Health Working Group (AHWG). DESIGNED FOR:Administrators, service providers, youth/young adults, and parents/caregivers across service systems including health, education, and juvenile justice. GOAL:Increase communication and collaboration among around issues of trauma and approaches to care. INCLUDES OVER 50 HANDOUTS ON:Spectrums of trauma and resilience, trauma...