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Allison Kasch

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Member Rank: #3,696

Posts By Allison Kasch

Wrapping Up Resilience Week VA 2021

As we wrap up this year’s Resilience Week VA, I want to thank you for taking part in this celebration! Trauma-informed community networks (TICNs) across the state have found so many ways to recognize and promote resilience in their communities, and it is exciting to see the wide variety of events and activities that have been offered. Many of these events and trainings are recorded and still open to view, so it’s not too late to check out the offerings from the past week! The Greater...

#ResilienceWeekVA Celebrating the Importance of Happiness & Play

During this year’s Resilience Week VA , the Greater Richmond Trauma-Informed Community Network (GR-TICN) is focusing on seven different themes that allow for a holistic understanding of resilience. One of my favorite themes of the week is Happiness & Play. As adults, it can be easy to forget the importance of playfulness, creativity, and our imagination. Our lives quickly become filled with numerous responsibilities and tasks, and it can feel nearly impossible to find a moment to...

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