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ana joanes

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Posts By ana joanes

Reassessing our Priorities and Healing during the Pandemic: A Resource

Recently a friend reached out to say they finally got to read through the "Healing Program" on Wrestling Ghosts' Website and how helpful it was. It made me reflect on how the pandemic, like most crises in our lives, can open up the opportunity to reassess our priorities and refocus on our and our families' wellbeing. Healing childhood trauma starts with understanding the impact of toxic stress in childhood. That understanding lifts our shame and self-blame. Then comes visualizing what...

Podcast with Donna Jackson Nakazawa about her new book: The Angel and The Assassin: A radical new understanding of the way our brain works.

Donna Jackson Nakazawa is interviewed for Healing Our Ghosts about her new book. She provides a radical new way of thinking about the brain and its interaction with the rest of the body. Donna provides essential and paradigm-shifting information for anyone who has suffered from depression, Alzheimer’s, or auto-immune diseases.

Heal Childhood Trauma with Neurofeedback

Another episode from the podcast Healing Our Ghosts that might be of interest to you. Sebern, at age four, was abducted and abused. Her parents never believed her and by the time she was a young adult, she ended up in lengthy psychiatric hospitalizations. She somehow pulled together and became a thriving psychotherapist and director of a residency program for severely disturbed youth. Despite Sebern...

The Link Between Childhood Trauma and Sexual Abuse in Adulthood

Please check out our latest Healing Our Ghosts' podcast with ECHO's executive director and #metoo Harvey Weinstein's silence breaker Louise Godbold. Healing Our Ghosts shines light into the suffering we keep hidden. We are not alone in our struggles and when we share our pain, we lift the shame secrecy that keeps us alone and disconnected from each other and prevents us from healing. With humor and compassion, Ana Joanes interviews a wide variety of guests about their messy lives, how they...

Wrestling Ghosts, a heart-opening documentary about parenting, childhood trauma and healing, is now available for home viewing!

Wrestling Ghosts provides audiences a rare opportunity to bear witness to the healing process. At each and every screening we hear that seeing what healing looks like changes lives. And without fail we are asked “how can I show this movie?” and we weren’t satisfied with the answer we could give them. Our focus has been community and educational screenings, but not everyone can organize a screening and we are committed to reaching as wide an audience as possible!

Two Wrestling Ghosts Screenings in Beacon, NY

If you are in the Hudson Valley, please join us for a screening of Wrestling Ghosts, an inspiring and powerful documentary about parenting, childhood trauma and healing. This movie premiered in LA and NY in the fall to standing ovations and screenings are being organized around the country. Kim and Matt Montleon, the subjects of the documentary, and the director, Ana Joanes, will be there for an hour-long discussion after the movie. Saturday Feb. 23rd @ 5:30pm FB Event and Tickets:...

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