Communities Anka Roberto Belongs To
PublicActive64 Members
To build our community's resiliency, we work to reduce and prevent ACEs (trauma), respond to existing trauma in children, adults, and providers with knowledge, empathy, and compassion, and create opportunities for our community to form meaningful connections with one another.
Please visit to learn more about our history and our work.
PublicActive1,912 Members
A forum to inform and connect individuals and communities working to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments and prevent and mitigate ACEs in North Carolina.
PublicActive1,409 Members
Identify and promote practices that build child caregiver capabilities and improve child outcomes including: the impact of childcare business decisions; building child caregiver skills and resilience; child caregiver turnover; child caregiver ACE histories and healthy boundaries in the workplace.
PublicActive1,315 Members
A group to share ideas on investigating and mitigating the effects of adverse childhood experiences in post-secondary education environments.
PublicActive750 Members
Connecting and informing the faith community how to integrate PACE concepts into the faith-based community.