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Anna Johnson

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Points: 142
Member Rank: #1,997

Posts By Anna Johnson

You're Invited: Baby Shower Briefing for Expectant Youth in Care

Good morning PACE members, I hope you are safe and well today. I want to extend an invitation to you to our Baby Shower Briefing on May 5, 2021 at 11 a.m. so together we can Extend the Infant Supplement as a prenatal support for our youth! We will have a number of youth advocate speakers and members of the coalition speak to the issues. Will you join us for our Baby Shower Briefing for Expectant Youth in Care? Description: How does the pandemic impact expectant and parenting foster youth?

Request for Support: Healthy Futures for Foster Youth

Dear ACES Connection partners, I hope you are well. I’m writing to ask for your consideration to sign on to a budget request led by Assemblywoman Rubio, Alliance for Children’s Rights, Children’s Law Center, John Burton Advocates for Youth, National Center for Youth Law and Black Women for Wellness. We are prioritizing this budget ask and the companion bill AB 366 since it would expand a direct cash payment to our expectant youth and nonminor dependents in foster care. Let me know if you...

CalEITC 101: Expanded State Tax Credit Puts Cash into the Pockets of California’s Transition-Age Youth

John Burton Advocates for Youth (JBAY) invites you to partner with us in 2020 to support youth in care with filing taxes and claiming the expanded CalEITC. This webinar will include the California Franchise Tax Board and discuss strategies to help transition-age youth access the CalEITC. Description: In the 2019-2020 budget, the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC), a cash-back tax credit that puts money back into the pockets of California’s working families and individuals, was...

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