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Barbara Leaf

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Posts By Barbara Leaf

Safe ways to get emotions out

I wanted to share a few ideas I've used in the classroom that have really helped my ACEs students (mostly middle school, but could be tweaked to use for younger kids): 1. Write the event/name of person upsetting them on an index card. Have them slowly tear the paper and put the pieces in a trash can while calmly repeating, "you are not worth my anger." Write the event/name again on another index card. Tear up the card and throw away the pieces while calmly repeating, "I control myself."...

The Challenge of Breathing on Purpose

i need advice about breathing! i want to incorporate more mindfulness and meditation into my classroom, BUT...i have always been a shallow breather, and breathing ON PURPOSE makes me very anxious. i feel like i'm suffocating. i enjoyed yoga, but couldn't handle counting while inhaling and exhaling. diaphragmatic breathing seemed like a good idea when my psycho suggested it, but it stressed me out. how do i learn to change my own breathing patterns and teach that to my students? i suspect...

Natural Disaster and Gun Violence as Significant ACEs in my area

I teach middle school Special Education in eastern New Orleans, Louisiana. This area is one of the most violent in the city, and also one of the most devastated during Hurricane Katrina. I know the ACEs Study used the most common sources of childhood trauma, but would it be relevant to tweak the questionnaire to include Gun Violence and Natural Disaster for my students? 1. Gun violence is part of every day life for my students. Nearly all have had a family member, peer or family friend...

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