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Bob Lancer

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Posts By Bob Lancer

How Kabbalah Delivers Healing And Abundance

Listen to my recent podcast interview with an intuitive healer, where I discuss how Kabbalah can guide us in healing all areas of our life by understanding our true destiny and establishing us in balance and harmony, to experience the universe as a loving support system. Here's the link:

The Method For Feeling Better

Particularly we who passed through ACE’s have difficulty with our feelings. In this article we explore how to feel, and how to feel better. Our example is how one individual turned the label “cancer” into a liberating experience. I know this sounds illogical, but you choose and want to feel however you feel. Whether you feel overjoyed at news you were looking forward to, or grief, loneliness or even agonizing despair, you are creating the situation the causes you to feel those emotions. The...

The Ultimate Life Summit For Teens: A Unique Motivational Teen Self-Leadership Development Experience

Bob Lancer here, and I want to alert parents and educators of teens regarding a marvelous opportunity to help any teenager for great school and life success. This coming July 7-13, 2019 7 Mindsets (see ) will be presenting the 10 th Anniversary of Ultimate Life Summit for teens and educators from around the world, and They are bringing it back to Disney World! The Ultimate Life Summit presents a unique, amazing motivational growth opportunity for today’s teens. It is...

The Method For Falling In Love… Consciously

Those of us who have suffered with ACE’s have the most difficult time dealing with falling in love. We seem to fall most deeply in love with the most unavailable people, or with people capable of hurting us the most. As a consequence, we may wall ourselves off from the experience of falling in love, out of fear. Or, we continue to futilely and painfully seek someone to gratify the deep desire for intimate acceptance that is inflamed by falling in love. In this article we will explore another...

How To Raise A Joyous, Spiritual Child

All children are born innately spiritual and loving. They are sponges and quickly absorb the nuances in their environment. As tiny, dependent beings they view their parents/caregivers as the living embodiment of God. Hence, we parents, play a very crucial role in our child’s spiritual development... For more on this important topic for enriching children's lives and avoiding ACE's in the home, See my blog post: How To Raise A Joyous, Spiritual Child .

The Method For Receiving Infinite Support and The Power of Gratitude and Appreciation

Those who struggle with ACE’s have a tendency to focus on the negative as a means of self-protection. We fear opening our hearts because of the brutality we experienced in early childhood when our hearts were already open. It takes a tremendous amount of inner work to free our energy from continuing to produce the false barrier of protection, which constitutes our barrier to experiencing all of the love and joy and support that we long for. In this article I offer an alternative view that...

The Method For Gaining All You Want From Loss

You may not be ready to hear this, but if you are, the message is sure to be healing: Sooner or later you will have to lose all hope in gaining any real or lasting happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction from any worldly condition. When this level of loss happens we plunge into depression, not realizing that this loss heralds the greatest gain of all. For, just because you finally realize that you cannot gain any lasting happiness from any worldly condition, that does not mean that you...

Successful Parenting: A Remedy And Way To Avoid ACE's

Perhaps the most common cause of ACE's comes down to parents lacking the "tools" for supporting their child's development. Instead, parents often automatically follow the parenting patterns they received - including the absent parenting - particularly when their responses to child behavior are dis-regulated by their own adverse early childhood experiences. See my latest youtube posted audio: Successful Parenting. Many parents, teachers and care givers have found it to be extremely helpful as...

Are You A Thought-oholic?

A thought-aholic is someone who displays an addictive relationship with thinking. In other words, they continue thinking despite the fact that their thoughts are producing the very problems they are trying to think their way out of! Their minds are out of control. The results of this are not very much unlike the consequence of someone who’s drinking alcohol is out of control. Soon, their lives spin out of control. Adverse childhood experiences contribute enormously to though-holism. Our...

The 7 Mindsets Blueprint For A Great (and "Terrible") Relationship

The 7 Mindsets consist of seven ways of thinking and using our minds that are demonstrated by the highest and happiest achievers in history (see for more about the background of The 7 Mindsets). Interestingly, these Mindsets not only show the way to a great life, they show the way to a great relationship. They also reveal the basic flaws of a relationship that is really not good for us, no matter how strongly attracted we might feel to it! Let’s begin with an understanding...

Raising The Organic Unity Of Child-And-Community

“When a child displays a behavior problem, the first place to look for the cause and for the solution is to the child’s environment.” Maria Montessori We cannot truly separate the child from the community. In our efforts to “fix” child behavior or heal the child from the traumatic impact of adverse childhood experiences, we need to relate to the community as an extension of the child’s physical and psychological constitution. An organic unity operates here. There is more than just a...

Our Traumatized Nation And How We Can Recover

This article is not meant to be political. It attempts to be a factual and functional approach to understanding and recovering from our national trauma. The fact is that we in the U.S. are living in a nation that is increasingly traumatized by the malignant, narcissistic rhetoric of its leadership and the shocking natural disasters and human violence that it minimizes and evades. Traumatized people are frozen in their fearful feelings of hopelessness, helplessness and pathetic dependency. As...

Parenting with the Growth Mindset

Learn about the Growth Mindset for happier, more successful parenting in my post at: And be sure to sign up for (and share the word about) my next Great Child Behavior seminar in Atlanta for parents, teachers and child care pro's: Sat. Dec. 8th, 2018 9:30 AM - 12:15 PM Applications Of The 7 Mindsets For Extraordinary Parenting, Teaching, And Child Behavior (4 bfts credits) For fee info and to register, E -mail or call...

The 7 Mindsets For Extraordinary Parenting, Teaching, And Living Bob Lancer on the Healing Place Podcast

My New Video: The 7 Mindsets For Extraordinary Parenting, Teaching, And Living Bob Lancer on the Healing Place Podcast On this video I also discuss overcoming childhood traumas that hold us back, how to avoid passing those onto our children, and how to help children access their full positive power to overcome and recover from any trauma patterns they may have received. Paste this link into your browser: v=Ub3-Y8s2Fs0&

Meet Your Child’s Needs For Improved Behavior

Understanding WHY a child behaves as he/she does provides you with the answer as to what the child needs to willingly and capably improve his/her behavior. Communication is a behavior, and all forms of behavior are ways of communicating. The child who resists bedtime is communicating something, and the message goes beyond merely saying, “I don’t want to.” The same is true for the child who refuses to turn off the TV or turn away from the video game. The child who speaks to you...

From Trauma Informed To Trauma Transformed: Achieving Post-Traumatic GROWTH for the Youths In Our Most Disenfranchised Public Schools and Communities

Roberto Rivera was a troubled, addicted youth engaged in criminal behavior who discovered his path to transformation in the pit of his traumatic pain. He harnessed the fire of early childhood trauma to change himself from being a problem to being a solution, not just in his own life, but also in the lives of many, many other under-privileged and under-performing young people. The name of his solution is Fulfill The Dream (FTD). FTD is a unique, hip-hop(e) based, Social Emotional Learning...

Self-Compassion Is Your Perfect Present Guidance, Even In The Most Troubled And Turbulent Of Times.

There is one sure form of guidance you can follow every moment of the day, even in today's most turbulent of times, to ensure that you follow the path in life that is truly right for you, truly good for you. The simple way of describing this form of guidance is: making self-loving or self-compassionate choices for yourself in the present moment . Be guided by your heart-sense regarding your every thought and action . When things don’t turn out the way you want them to, instead of blaming and...

Understanding And Dissolving Our Toxic Ties

I know that you have thought of the childhood roots of your toxic ties in adulthood. A toxic tie is when you feel yourself being held hostage in a relationship in which you feel yourself losing power. You don’t want to feel this way, but you don’t seem able to stop. One common root of this is being raised by parents who had a toxic tie to one another. We cannot change our past, but we can change our present for a brighter future, and in so doing. support our children in developing healthy...

Heal The Beaten Child Inside

Do you carry around a beaten child within you? Do you find yourself looking out at the big bad world around you from the internal vantage point of a frightened, injured child who cannot trust anyone, who cowers in the corner of his or her own dark inner corner? You can be a large, strong looking man or woman on the outside and carry a wary, wounded, weak-feeling child bound up in a ball of too much vulnerability to deal with on the inside. This beaten child within you characterizes the...

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