Posts By Brenda Yuen
Washington Post Article Outlines Trauma Research & ACEs Impact on Population
In-depth article on at-risk mothers, adverse childhood experiences, and trauma research! This article was published in the Washington Post on Monday, August 21, 2017:
Movie Review: "My Life as a Zucchini"
An animated short film released in 2016 that is 68 minutes in length and deals with childhood trauma. The main character, Icare (French for Icarus), who is nicknamed Zucchini by his single, alcoholic, abusive mother, accidentally causes her death and becomes an orphan who is sent to live in a foster home with other troubled children. The movie allows these children to express their feelings of pure loss and trauma, their loneliness and isolation from their families, and their attempts to...
Trauma Recovery University LIVE! Improving Care and Outcomes for Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse Through Trauma Informed Care
Embassy Suites, Lake Buena Vista Resort, Orlando, Florida
February 1, 2016 New Yorker Article
Trauma Glasses Message!
Jane Evans, a trauma therapist in England, posted this on Twitter the other day and I thought the message was terrific! Put on your Trauma Glasses, and you'll see things in a totally different way (how great is that?)
How Trauma Impacts Baltimore Residents Health
Here's a great radio spot from Sheilah Kast at WYPR's "Maryland Morning with Sheilah Kast", interviewing Baltimore's Health Commissioner Dr. Leana Wen. Dr. Wen participated in the Urban Health Institute at Johns Hopkins' Conference on Trauma's...
Chicago Humanities Festival with Dr. Bruce Perry "The First Three Years" (1 hour)
Aaron Beck (CBT Developer, Beck Institute) Video
I've watched this 2012 1 hour, 45 minute video of Dr. Judith Beck interviewing her father, Dr. Aaron T. Beck (Cognitive Behavior Therapy Developer, Beck Institute) and was fascinated with two things he talks about! One is the link between...
Trauma Screening Assessment Instruments
As many of you know, I'm working toward a Master's degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Johns Hopkins. This semester, I have been learning ALL about assessments and testing for counselors. I've spent the bulk of my time reviewing...
11th Annual Maryland Children's Alliance Mid-Atlantic Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect
Annapolis, Maryland
How Childhood Neglect Changes the Brain!
Post Traumatic Growth
How recovery from post traumatic stress can lead to happiness, and bring a new sense of personal growth! Great to see that traumatic stress doesn't always lead to a downward cycle - resilience can spring to life! Read the article here:...
Pennsylvania Bill Aimed at Proactively Screening Potential School Teacher Hires' Backgrounds Moves Forward
Here's an article showing the proactive, protective stance being taken in Pennsylvania (a State which has learned a thing or two about how child sexual abuse destroys community trust and erodes child safety). The bill rightly stresses that...
Open House - Affirming All Women House of Healing, Inc. - A Residential Sexual Abuse Trauma Recovery House
7600 Willow Hill Drive, Landover, MD 20785
Scapegoat's Cross (Poem)
This is a magnificently insightful poem for ANY member of a dysfunctional family unit who has been outcast either by their abusive childhood, or who has stopped maintaining the family code of silence. You will be blown away by the resonating...
Poisoned Arrows (poem)
Poisoned Arrows This arrow is meant to hurt This arrow is meant to control This arrow is a warning shot: Don’t be yourself, Or you’re disowned. That arrow broke my spirit That arrow broke my soul That arrow tore me into pieces, I...
Childhood Stories: A 23 minute video of POWERFUL voices!
Please take the time, when you can, to watch the 23 minute video contained in this article by Darkness to Light (a Child Sexual Abuse Prevention organization). The voices and stories are told by adult survivors - male and female - who know...
Letter Grades for Preventing Sexual Abuse (from The Wall Street Journal)
According to an article by Sophia Hollander in The Wall Street Journal, Horace Mann Alumni Action Coalition, a group of alumni, will assign letter grades to private schools in the New York City area based on the strength of their policies to prevent...

Penn State's Third Annual Conference on Child Protection & Well-Being: Families at Risk
Nittany Lion Inn, University Park Campus, Pennsylvania

From Victim to Survivor - Using Best Practices to Guide the Way
DoubleTree Hilton Hotel, Annapolis, Maryland
CA's George Miller Publicly Calls for US Congress to Address CSA in K-12 Schools!
George Miller is the new CSA Prevention Hero of 2014! Here is his letter to the House Education and Workforce Committee, calling for February and March Hearings on the disparities across the country in reporting and preventing Child Sexual Abuse...

30th National Symposium on Child Abuse
Von Braun Center, Huntsville, Alabama
Year-End Acknowledgement: Trauma, Abuse, Dysfunction & Resilience
Federal Partners Committee on Women and Trauma Report
by the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors site: Groundbreaking Federal Interagency Report on Women and Trauma-informed Approaches You are invited to download a...
Career Paths in Prevention of Child Abuse
The Invisible Daughter - A Family Trauma Poem
In childhood she escaped the madness By living outdoors, climbing trees, Searching for bugs, and four leaves Until she was dragged inside by her mother. As a teenager she escaped the frenzy By adopting a new form of play. No drugs, alcohol, or...

Webinar - Bullying in U.S. Schools, 2012 Status Report
Times adjusted Eastern (1-2:30pm Central)
Interest in a Maryland ACES Group?
National Sexual Assault Conference Aug. 28 - 30, 2013 - ACEs Was in Every Workshop!
If you ever wonder if the word is spreading about how toxic childhood trauma is affecting lives, and whether the ACE Study data is reaching people in the trenches of rape crisis centers, child advocacy centers, clinicians, detention psychologists,...