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Brenda Yuen

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Member Rank: #186

Posts By Brenda Yuen

Movie Review: "My Life as a Zucchini"

An animated short film released in 2016 that is 68 minutes in length and deals with childhood trauma. The main character, Icare (French for Icarus), who is nicknamed Zucchini by his single, alcoholic, abusive mother, accidentally causes her death and becomes an orphan who is sent to live in a foster home with other troubled children. The movie allows these children to express their feelings of pure loss and trauma, their loneliness and isolation from their families, and their attempts to...

Trauma Glasses Message!

Jane Evans, a trauma therapist in England, posted this on Twitter the other day and I thought the message was terrific! Put on your Trauma Glasses, and you'll see things in a totally different way (how great is that?)  

Post Traumatic Growth

How recovery from post traumatic stress can lead to happiness, and bring a new sense of personal growth!  Great to see that traumatic stress doesn't always lead to a downward cycle - resilience can spring to life! Read the article here:...

Scapegoat's Cross (Poem)

This is a magnificently insightful poem for ANY member of a dysfunctional family unit who has been outcast either by their abusive childhood, or who has stopped maintaining the family code of silence.  You will be blown away by the resonating...

Poisoned Arrows (poem)

Poisoned Arrows   This arrow is meant to hurt This arrow is meant to control This arrow is a warning shot: Don’t be yourself, Or you’re disowned. That arrow broke my spirit That arrow broke my soul That arrow tore me into pieces, I...

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