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Brian Alman

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Posts By Brian Alman

Breaking Free: Guided Healing from Childhood Trauma

From the Collaboration of Dr. Vincent Felitti and Dr. Brian Alman After decades of working with patients struggling with stress and trauma, We’ve observed a common thread: many carry their past like rocks in an invisible backpack. These "rocks" - our Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) - can weigh on us in ways we don't always recognize. Through my collaboration with Dr. Vincent Felitti at Kaiser Permanente on the ACE Study, we've experienced and observed how these early experiences can...

How to Transform Your Inner Critic into a Powerful Tool for ACE Healing

We all have an inner voice that comments on our actions, judges our decisions, and sometimes holds us back. Commonly referred to as the “inner critic,” this voice can be both an ally and an adversary. It’s part of the human experience and has a lifetime membership, offering feedback that can encourage growth or lead to self-doubt. The key to managing the inner critic isn’t denying its presence or trying to quiet it entirely. This would be impossible. Instead, the key lies in understanding...

ACEs Impact On Generations Including All Of Our Parents And Kids

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Preventing early trauma to improve adult health 1 in 6 adults experienced four or more types of ACEs. At least 5 of the top 10 leading causes of death are associated with ACEs. Preventing ACEs could reduce the number of adults with depression by as much as 44%. Discover the value of the ACE Study for you now, for parents, kids and adults with Dr. Brian Alman because he has been creating treatment solutions alongside of the ACE Study since it first began...

Subconscious Clearing. Learn Now From A Real Case, the Doctors from the ACE Study, Vincent Felitti, MD and Brian Alman, PhD.

Subconscious Clearing. Learn Now From A Real Case, the Doctors from the ACE Study, Vincent Felitti, MD and Brian Alman, PhD. You Learned How to De-Clutter from your adverse childhood experiences and adverse life experiences: If You Attended Yesterday’s Webinar at How Much Do You Understand About Your Motivation, Your Brain, Your Mind, Your Internal Clutter And Your Reactions To Your ACEs, Traumas or Adverse Life Experiences? VERY FEW PEOPLE Know How-To Clear and...

Why The Adverse Childhood Experiences, Vincent J. Felitti, MD Deserves The Nobel Peace Prize

Why the ACE Co-Principal Investigator, Dr. Vincent Felitti, Deserves the Nobel Prize in Medicine: We have been enjoying our collaborations for over 30 years on a weekly basis. He is the smartest, most caring and inspiring person I’ve ever met. You can contribute to the world to make it a better place by helping get Vincent J. Felitti, MD nominated for the well-deserved Nobel Peace Prize in Medicine. ACE Study Publications/Bibliography July, 2019. Dear Colleague:...

Therapists That Administer The ACE Questions: New Training Opportunity

Therapists That Administer The ACE Questions Receive 1/2 Off Sessions. Here is a glimpse of our decades of collaborations: Mind-Body Healing discussion, adverse childhood experiences and the impact years and decades later with Vincent Felitti, MD and Brian Alman, PhD. 30+ years of collaborating and still collaborating on a weekly basis for ACE Treatment Solutions. Vincent J Felitti, MD, co-Principal investigator of the ACE Study, Retired...

Adverse Childhood Experiences Treatment Solutions with Dr. Felitti and Dr. Alman

Proof that Resolving Underlying Issues with ACE Treatment Solutions Can Be More Effective Than You Think with Dr. Felitti And Dr. Alman. Adverse Childhood Experiences and Treatment Solutions Free Webinar for Everyone in this 1 Session Introduction. Sign up: JANUARY 26th at noon PST Learn more: Simple Mental Health Habits to Manage Stress Before It Becomes...

Using Excess Weight as Protection with ACEs by Dr. Alman & Dr. Felitti

For decades, I’ve helped people discover the root cause of their disease—physically, mentally, and emotionally. Sometimes, internal “dis-ease” manifests into excess weight or obesity and is often rooted in adverse childhood experiences—ACEs. This is something I’ve seen repeatedly in my decades of work alongside Dr. Felitti and the ACE Study. Interestingly, I’ve had patients who realized they were using their excess weight as a form of protection from the outside world and the opposite sex.

How to Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is proven highly beneficial as a daily practice, not just something we save for the holidays. Learn a couple of easy ways to practice gratitude, and find out how to get personalized support to heal from ACEs and live the stress-free life you deserve.

Adverse Childhood Experiences and 3 New Videos from Dr. Felitti and Dr. Alman

PACES, ACE Study, Collaboration of Treatment Solutions: Applied to Texas School Shootings As PACES Connection educates the world that mass shootings are preventable, here is support for their ideas and all of our hopes with actionable solutions. ACE Study’s Vincent J. Felitti MD describes what must be considered to help patients get better: Trauma Prevention and Healing, The ACE Study, San Diego TV Show, Texas School Shootings 2022 Please contribute your ideas and...

Will Smith Slaps Chris Rock at the Oscars Demonstrating His ACE

Are You Sick Of Will Smith’s Slap? (There are 2 TV shows on ACEs in this blog.) He has dad trauma from age 9; Trauma doesn’t get better with time; Trauma gets stronger when it’s not resolved; Trauma gets pushed down into the body; Trauma freezes emotions at the age it occurred; Will smith is a 9 year old boy in a big body. Will needs to find ACE trauma informed care and the only way to be sure the right care is to reach out to ACE co-principal investigator, Vincent J. Felitti MD. Will...

The Seven Secrets To A Happy & Stress-Free Partnership

Based on decades of asking people young and old this question, I’ve found that there are seven keys to happy and stress-free partnerships. From dating couples to married ones celebrating 60+ years of marriage, to even long-time business partners, these seven secrets will unlock a relationship that is rewarding and fulfilling on all levels.

Medications for ACE-Related Weight Gain

To get up to speed on the latest science, Relish Life founders, Liz Dickinson and Shannon Shearn, and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Al Ray, are hosting a webinar on the medications prescribed at Relish Life and how they differ from the “diet pills” of the past. Learn more and RSVP here!

Medication for ACE-related Weight Gain

Many patients develop food addictions to cope with the challenging feelings of depression and anxiety, and certain medications work to balance the chemicals in the brain responsible for those ACE-related struggles. Curious to learn more? Join our upcoming FREE webinar!

The “Best Of” ACE Treatment Solutions from Dr. Felitti & Dr. Alman

The “Best Of” ACE Treatment Solutions from Dr. Felitti & Dr. Alman You know the value of the ACE Study. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here at PACEs Connection reading this post! You’re here because you’re passionate about identifying and healing the root cause of trauma, whether that’s for yourself, your loved ones, or your patients. While the ACE Study shows the connection between ACEs, physical, and mental dis-ease and the ACE Assessments helps pinpoint which traumas, specifically, could...

Toxic Stress & ACEs

I’ve packaged my best, tried-and-true stress management techniques from the past three decades of work with students, patients, and private clients into my flagship course, Less Stress Now. Dr. Felitti, the Co-Principal Investigator of the ACE Study, endorses this course as an effective treatment solution for ACEs and toxic stress. Read on to learn more.

ACEs, Weight Gain, and a Solution that Addresses the Root Cause by. Dr. Felitti & Dr. Alman

Something I’ve seen in my work with patients is a connection between ACEs and an unhealthy relationship with food. In these cases, food is used to cope with toxic stress and unresolved ACEs, and a frequent side effect of that relationship is weight gain. Losing this weight requires healing the root cause (the trauma), not just fighting the symptom (the weight) with diet and exercise. Read on to learn more.

Overeating: An ACEs Coping Mechanism? by Dr. Alman & Dr. Felitti

We know a high ACE score is connected to “substance-related disorders,” but it’s often overlooked that food can be that substance of choice, too. Learn why overeating and the resulting weight gain can be a symptom of unresolved ACEs and what Dr. Alman & Dr. Felitti are doing with Relish Life to bring a powerful, scientifically proven solution to the world.

The Link Between Trauma Healing & Weight Loss by Dr. Felitti and Dr. Alman

It’s clear that, in many cases, food is not the real problem, but rather a solution to temporarily relieve stress, feel comforted, and have a temporary escape from the bad memories, shame, and guilt that often come with trauma. Addressing the root cause of weight gain isn’t as black-and-white as simply changing the way one eats or exercises. Learn what it takes and how you can get the support you need along the way.

Using Excess Weight as Protection with ACEs by Dr. Alman & Dr. Felitti

I’ve had patients who realized they were using their excess weight as a form of protection from the outside world and/or the opposite sex. In childhood, they experienced sexual trauma. Since then, in an attempt to make themselves invisible or undesirable, they purposely—albeit sometimes unconsciously—kept on weight. Naturally, this makes any effort to lose weight in adulthood much more challenging.

ACEs, Sugar Addiction, and Weight Gain by Dr. Felitti & Dr. Alman

In many cases, sugar addiction (just like other forms of addiction) can be linked to ACEs. When adverse childhood experiences go unresolved, sugar is easily accessible and can provide a temporary pressure relief valve from toxic stress. Sometimes, this way of coping is unconscious because the sugar-eating habits are reinforced by the brain’s altered hardwiring that craves that next dopamine hit. Then, there's the weight gain...

ACEs, Food Addiction, and What Most Weight Loss Programs Get Wrong According to Dr. Felitti and Dr. Alman

We know a high ACE score is connected to a higher likelihood of “substance-related disorders.” However, sometimes it’s overlooked that food can be that substance of choice, too—not just drugs or alcohol. Learn about food addiction and ACEs, and a weight loss solution that heals from the inside out endorsed by Dr. Felitti, the CO-Principal Investigator of the ACE Study.

Emotional Eating as a Way to Cope With ACEs by Dr. Felitti & Dr. Alman

When we engage in emotional eating, we’re using food as our coping mechanism of choice to deal with whatever is inside. After all, it’s easy, accessible, and gives a perceived sense of relief—at least for a little while. The problem is, we never actually deal with the deeper emotion, sometimes rooted in ACEs. It just gets stuffed down and repressed. Then, there's the weight gain...

How ACEs Impact Unconscious Eating

If you suffer from unconscious eating, your ACEs may be impacting your ability to lose weight. Unfortunately, a simple diet or exercise program won’t work because it doesn’t address the WHY behind your unconscious eating patterns in the first place. Learn the link between ACEs and unconcious eating.

ACEs, Preventing Suicide, PTSD and Evidence-Based Solutions in this Free Event and Conversation with Dr. Vincent J. Felitti the Co-Principal Investigator of the ACE Study

Stress, Teen Suicide, ACEs and This HELP is FREE Join me and a group of wonderful, compassionate and wise healers on August 29 and 30 — this coming Sunday and Monday. I’ll be presenting on ACE’s (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and how i learned to help people help themselves during the decades of collaborations with Vincent J..Felitti MD, the Co-Principal Investigator of the ACE Study. Our objectives have always been and still are to help people adapt...

ACEs In The Tokyo Olympics Thanks To Simone Biles Authenticity

The Far Reaching Impact of Dr. Felitti, ACEs, Simone Biles, Heart Of Gold, Olympic Success, Mental Health on NBC-TV And The Course That Has The Same Solutions Available To Everyone Now. Here is the NBC TV segment and the 2021 course for sports psychology, ACEs, mental and emotional wellness, mental health and stress management: NBC TV: ACE Solutions 2021 Course: ...

ACEs in the Tokyo Olympics: Simone Biles Has A Heart of Gold and Opens Up Healthy Conversations on Mental Health

PACEsConnection, ACEs, Stress, Simone Biles, Tokyo Olympics Discussed Today from San Diego on Sunday, August 1st, 2021 How can Olympic Athletes, including Simone Biles go from not getting the Gold to Being a Gold Medal Winner for people all around the world in 1 day that will continue to help for many generations? Potential Nobel Peace Prize candidate? She and you can learn how to Relish.Life today at or watch the TV show now:...

ACE Techniques in FREE Webinar Today, July 20, 2021 with Dr. Brian Alman at 1:00 PM PST

Good Morning PACEs Connection "How to Ease Your Stress Webinar" will begin soon: Stress & New Techniques! Dream Journals Mind-Body Communication as utilized alongside ACE Study (group treatment). One of Dr. Milton Erickson’s Favorites Date Time: Jul 20, 2021 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device: Click Here to Join: Or join by phone: US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 346...

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