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Carmela Garcia

Last Visit: N/A
Points: 8
Member Rank: #16,962

Communities Carmela Garcia Belongs To

This community is for resource and referral (R&R) staff implementing California's Emergency Child Care Bridge Program for Foster Children (Bridge Program). This forum is for you to share resources, ask questions, and connect with fellow R&Rs to plan & implement trauma-informed care training and coaching for child care providers throughout California.
A group of practitioners, healers, policy advocates and all other people committed to making California a place that is healthy and safe for everyone.
Resilient Sacramento is dedicated to preventing and reducing the number of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and traumatic events that can result in toxic stress affecting physical, social and emotional well-being . We are a diverse collective of individuals and organizations committed to supporting public policy and change that promotes healing and resiliency in the greater Sacramento Area.
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