Communities Chan Hellman Belongs To
PublicActive213 Members
A hub for sharing information about HOPE and working together to build strategies, programs and tools based on the HOPE positive experiences framework. as part of a strength-based framework to address adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).
PrivateActive48 Members
We are a community of hope centered, trauma informed organizations striving to promote workforce wellness, especially for
those exposed to secondary trauma due to the nature of their work.
PublicActive31 Members
We improve the well-being of residents by focusing on empowerment and equity, the prevention of ACEs, and the building of resilience.
PublicActive43 Members
MS PACEs Community is a diverse group of individuals from a cross sector of organizations and agencies dedicated to supporting and advocating for continuous trauma-informed care for all children and families in the state
PublicActive238 Members
We convene and facilitate collaborative efforts to reduce adversity and trauma while building resilience throughout Oklahoma. We are advocates, concerned citizens, policy-makers and professionals who share information and develop practical, trauma-informed solutions to improve the lives of our children and families.
PublicActive334 Members
A forum to inform and connect individuals and communities working to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments and prevent and mitigate ACEs in Washington State.