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Charlotte Eure

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Points: 839
Member Rank: #429

Communities Charlotte Eure Belongs To

The Greater Richmond (VA) Trauma-Informed Community Network (TICN) is a diverse group of professionals from a cross sector of organizations and government agencies and community members who are dedicated to supporting and advocating for continuous trauma-informed care for all children and families in the City of Richmond and surrounding counties.
Where individuals and initiatives gather to meet, brainstorm, and collaborate about using ACEs Science inclusively to create trauma-informed families, communities, systems, and change with and for all.
Advanced PACEs initiatives in cities, counties and regions work together to gather and use data to measure progress and outcomes, share resources, learn together, and accelerate the PACEs movement, for as long as it takes to create healthy families and communities.
A group to share ideas on investigating and mitigating the effects of adverse childhood experiences in post-secondary education environments.
The Virginia ACEs Connection initiative promotes safety and connection to empower self-healing communities in Virginia.
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