Profile Information
Bourbonnais, IL
United States
Postal Code
What is it you do for a living? (Parenting, volunteering, CEO of social service organization, etc.)
Co-Owner and head of operations, accountant, and the Sales Director for our company LED Experts. I had the privilege of being apart of a pilot program as one of the four coordinators for two kindergarten classes at Bradley East with Theraplay / Sunshine Circle with play therapy. I am working towards becoming a Licensed Certified Theraplay facilitator in the Kankakee County area. Also, in our community for different organizations as a Volunteer to help with children and enjoy music and dancing.
What organization(s) do you volunteer or work for?
I am the Sales Director, accountant and order material for LED Experts and Co-owner of our company. We sell LED lighting, LED signs and billboards.
I am a volunteer for 10 different organizations in our community:
The organizations that I volunteer for: 1). Theraplay, I am a facilitator for Sunshine Circles with 2 kindergarten classes at Bradley East in 2018 as a pilot program and working on becoming a Certified Licenced Theraplay Coordinator. 2). Hope @ Home for about 2 years. 3). Pledge for Life helping out for 3 months. 4). Kankakee Iroquois Cares, helping to establish the program. 5). Live 1:17 we help parents that have adopted or are a foster parent, member for 6 months. 6). Kankakee Valley Symphony Guild member, my job is to keep the mailing list for the Kankakee Valley Symphony Orchestra, a member for the last 4 years. 7). Quadrille dance club member, we coordinate a dinner and dance once a year, member for 4 years.
8). Bourbonnais Friendship Festival for 9 years, and 2 years as Bingo Director in June. 9). Kankakee Merchant Street Music Festival, we provide LED signs and lighting for the festival in July for 2 years now. 10). Attend a women's bible study on Friday's for the last 4 years. 11). A prayer leader at River Valley Christian Fellowship twice a month after Service for 8 months now.
I was able to break the dysfunctional cycle in my personal life with the help of my strong faith in God and Savior and my wonderful husband who has been there by my side for the last 36 years every step of the way. I am the proudest of my two children who are wonderful parents and professionals in their communities. My children have blessed me with 7 silly, funny, and gorgeous grandchildren who I just adore.
What is your interest in PACEs and resilience science?
For the ACEs testing to become a tool to identify children's level of trauma, they have experienced. After identifying the level of trauma, then use special techniques to start the healing process for the child to be able to learn their school work in a safe and nurturing environment.
I was a child that was a victim of trauma from being abandoned by my parents at the tender age 1 1/2 years old. I was raised in an orphanage and foster homes. I experienced mental and physical abuse. When I learned about how the ACEs test can help identify your level of trauma in your life, I needed to become involved to helping children to receive healing at an early age so they have the opportunity to break the dysfunctional cycle in their lives and raise their children in a happy and healthy home.