Communities Daisy Sumaya Belongs To
PrivateActive214 Members
This site is a private peer-to-peer community for ACEs Aware grantees to share information, tools and resources. Through this Community, Grantees can communicate about issues and share opportunities and lessons learned. In addition, ACEs Aware webinars, blog posts and grantee information from Aurrera Health Group will be shared and stored here for easy access.
PublicActive2,039 Members
A group of practitioners, healers, policy advocates and all other people committed to making California a place that is healthy and safe for everyone.
PublicActive578 Members
PublicActive127 Members
Inspired by the science surrounding brain development, the importance of early experiences, impacts of toxic stress and the potential of human resilience, we endeavor to strengthen families and improve outcomes for children through building a trauma-informed Ventura County.