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Dane Stevens

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Points: 407
Member Rank: #655

Posts By Dane Stevens

Experience the Profound Effects Of NTHP

The Neuro Trauma Healing Process (NTHP) is a new modality that has the ability to bring trauma to resolution - for good. This is the last chance to join the interactive webinar and experience the profound effects of this simple, safe and powerful way of being able to fully heal from your past. When: Wednesday December 6th from 5:30 - 7:30 (PST) Where: On-line Cost: $49.00 CAN Click Here To Join The Reclaim Your Power Interactive On-line Workshop and Experience The Effectiveness Of The Neuro...

Trauma Can Now Be Brought To Resolution

NTHP is for when there is conflict between who we truly are and who we have become. We all have them; negative patterns that creep into our lives that prevent us from realizing our full potential. It could be anything from a chronic condition; an addiction, or simply failing to live the joyful life we know we are capable of. This shows us we are somehow out of alignment with our authentic self. The Neuro Trauma Healing Process is a person centered process that allows direct contact with the...

The Future Of Healing ...Is Here - Free Webinar Introducing NTHP

Whether you are dealing with a known trauma, have a chronic condition you have not been able to effectively deal with ( i.e.: weight, pain, eating disorder etc.) or you are stuck somewhere in your life and are unable to move forward (Relationships, finances or health), it almost always stems from something stuck, unprocessed in y our Nervous System. This unprocessed scenario keeps looping within y our sub-conscious mind, re-creating itself and out-picturing itself as an actual experience in...

Mental Health, Is Not An Incurable Dis-ease

NTHP - The Next Step In The Evolution of Our Healing. Trauma is the most misdiagnosed, mis treated and ignored dis-ease in the world today. What we currently define as trauma is at the foundation of most mental health disorders. Fortunately, there is now a way to deal with this epidemic. The Neuro Trauma Healing Process can bring not only relief to those who need it, but will turn the tables on and change the way we view and deal with mental health altogether. I am talking about the trauma...

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