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Dave Lockridge

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Member Rank: #418

Posts By Dave Lockridge

Who’s Squeezin' Your Grapes?

There I was standing at the front of a class filled with trouble makers. The principal asked me to teach the “worst of the worst” students. He asked me to help the students overcome disruptive behavior, angry outbursts, and low academic performance. These were “at risk” kids at an alternative high school. As the students entered the classroom they behaved exactly as I expected. Noisy and disruptive, I knew had my hands full. The bell rang to begin class. Did they become quiet, fold their...

ACE Overcomers at the Stanislaus County Family Domestic Violence Conference

Connecting with professionals between sessions who are familiar with the effects of domestic violence Last week, I did a presentation about ACEs science and trauma for 150 people who attended Stanislaus County's 17th Annual Family Domestic Violence Conference in Modesto, CA. The conference participants work in family court, social services, education, law enforcement, and probation. (L to R) Dave Lockridge; Honorable Linda McFadden of Family Court; and Dick Monteith, Stanislaus County...

2-Day Faith Based ACE Overcomer Seminar March 14th & 15th in Merced, CA

Click this link attend the ACE Overcomer Seminar coming March 14th & 15th in Merced, CA: https://events.r20.constantcon...oseq=&c=&ch= Come learn how solid science and sound biblical principles blend to create a curriculum that can retrain your brain and reset your nervous system. This seminar will be video taped and DVD's of the 12 lessons are available for pre-order for $150. After the seminar, the DVD's will be available but at a much higher price.

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