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David Diehl

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Member Rank: #883

Posts By David Diehl

The Effects of Educational Disengagement

Introduction The need for a caring school culture that promotes a sense of connectedness and belonging is essential and must begin the day a child begins their educational experience. Yet, for those of us who work in alternative education environment, we often hear the all too common story of a school experience that didn't meet the students needs. Meeting the needs of a student is a broad connotation that can vary considerably depending on the school setting and the student describing the...

Diverting the School to Prison Pipeline Through School Connectedness

What if the we could stifle the School to Prison Pipeline by simply creating a culture of belonging and inclusion in elementary school? The need for caring classrooms that promote a sense of connectedness and belonging is essential and must begin the day a child begins their educational experience. In many, not all, underserved communities, minority students are being taught by less experienced teachers who have emanated from culturally and economically incongruent backgrounds. Furthermore,...

When a cop's daughter becomes addicted to methamphetimine: A father's journey and personal paradigm shift

Drug addiction has altered the life of my beautiful daughter and the family that loves her. One who has not experienced watching a child succumb to the insidious substances such as methamphetamine and heroin would have a difficult time imagining the toll it takes on a person’s happiness and wellbeing. The impact of the trauma as a result of our family's experience continues to be prevalent in our lives; yet, one of my responses to this tragedy was to direct my energy into helping others in a...

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