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Dianne Couts

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Posts By Dianne Couts

Bibliography of Clergy Sexual Abuse and Sexual Boundary Violations

The Annotated Bibliography of Clergy Sexual Abuse and Sexual Boundary Violations in Religious Communities is a comprehensive resource of just about anything and everything that has been published about abuse in religious settings. In September 2021, more than 80 new additions were made to the bibliography which is now 1,890 pages, excluding the introduction. The bibliography is compiled by Rev. James Evinger, a Presbyterian minister who has been involved with cases of sexual boundary...

My Abuse In Christian Settings

Sixty years ago this summer I told. My parents fought to have my perpetrator removed from the organization - to no avail. They were accused of being the ones with the problem because they could not forgive, forget and move on. Thank God, my parents did move on. They left that group. Their belief in me and their sacrificial actions gave me the foundation to thrive. However, the abuse became flesh and dwelt inside me and for decades I suffered great gynecological problems. Recent studies link...

A Memoir About CSA and Gynecological Problems

I was lucky. In a day and time when childhood sexual abuse (CSA) was little understood and usually swept under the rug, my parents and others stood up for me. That was wonderful for building resilience in the life of the little girl who was me. However, it did not prevent the cascading biological effects of the trauma from plaguing me for decades. I published my story because I saw studies that related CSA to gynecological problems but no one was talking about it in the ACEs literature.

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