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Dr. Brian Alman

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Posts By Dr. Brian Alman

ACE Parenting Theater Course

ACEs Parenting Theater Course Parents with a high ACE score may find it difficult to draw upon their own childhood memories for examples of positive parenting. They aren’t alone. For many, the way we parent our own children often mirrors the way we ourselves were raised, whether we do this consciously or not. You may think this only natural since one’s parents are the primary reference point for how to communicate, relate, and respond to others and to life. As they say, “You don’t know what...

Stress? Mental Health 2021 New Year’s Resolutions

Stress? Mental Health 2021 New Year’s Resolutions Mornings, ask “What’s right about my life? Afternoons, ask others “What can I do to show you how much I care?” Evenings, ask “How relaxed can I feel right now?” Dreaming, ask “How can I make the world a better place?” Remember that you can always reach “out” for more resources: Teachers = VEBA Parents = ACEsConnection Remember that you can always reach “in” for more resources, as well: Inner Doctor = ACE Study’s Dr. Vincent Felitti discusses...

The positive things we got out of 2020 that we will be grateful for as we approach 2021

Three of the biggest takeaways from collaborating with Dr. Felitti for decades are: 1) Help individuals discover their inner potentials; 2) support people helping each other in groups and 3) the importance of an ACE parenting course. We are utilizing theater in groups as a way of facilitating healing of ACEs as well as prevention. This is (coming soon thanks to our small team including Dr. Felitti and Steven Fisher, the talented screenwriter and director. With respect to helping people help...

The Connection Between Stress Management and ACE

The Connection Between Stress Management & ACE And a New Solution for LESS STRESS NOW Did you know that Adverse Childhood Experiences impact the way adults are able to cope with stress, whether it be personal, work-related, or due to a global pandemic? It’s true! How well we get through this time of uncertainty, fear and stress relies heavily on how much we’ve worked to resolve our past traumas psychologically, emotionally, and even spiritually. The ACE Study uncovered the link between...

Dr. Felitti Teaching New ACE Information on National TV with Dr Brian Alman

Everybody benefits from the ACE Study and here is a very recent discussion on TV with Dr. Vincent J. Felitti and Dr. Brian Alman. Past, Present and Future generations are impacted by family members ACE scores and their lack of successful resolutions. Traumas can be healed after they are identified, understood and treated with a variety of proactive strategies. Listen to the fascinating lessons from Dr. Felitti and learn more about yourself, your family, stress, habits and addictions, as well...

Who Can Predict The Future? Dr. Felitti Would Love To See ACE Study Do This in The Future

What if your future could work out better than you think even with ACEs? What is the future of the ACE Study? Listen to Dr. Vincent Felitti tell you what he would love to see! Recent TV interview with Dr. Brian Alman. They’ve been collaborating since the very beginning & teaching groups together, training professionals, seeing patients & developing treatment programs. For more information, questions or to share your work, reach out to them in...

Dr. Felitti On TV This Week: ACE Study In-Depth Insights

Who are you? Do your ACEs define who you are? What if winning is all about the comeback? America’s top MD & Co-Author in this TV Show — Dr. Vincent J. Felitti with Dr. Brian M. Alman — discuss how people become who they are & #ACE Study #Family Life #Depression #Anxiety Valuable resources for healing, inner resilience & self-love are available at ACE Connections,, on YouTube &

Dr. Felitti Explains on TV with Dr. Alman the Origins of the ACE Study -- July 19, 2019

Meet the Doctor! ACE Study explained so clearly that you will likely understand 1 important fact of life much better: How your parents upbringing impacted them and the ways they parented you. Listen to Dr. Vincent Felitti the Co-Principal Investigator of the ACE Study (Adverse Childhood Experiences) with Dr. Brian Alman on TV. They are discussing how it all began and how it is relevant to you: For resources, training programs, groups and referrals -- in...

ACE Study Treatment Techniques for Stress: When You Need A Helping Hand, Look At The End Of Your Wrist

#Mindfulness #Meditation #Stress #BurnOut #Sleep #Anxiety #Depression #ACE Study When you need a helping hand, look at the end of your wrist, says Dr. Brian Alman Everybody tells you to breathe, let go of stress, chill out, relax & be strong,,,,have balls,,, But who gives you an exact technique that works & it is simple as well as calming? Stress Balls technique integrated with Entrance-Exit method: Try this at home & on an as-needed basis. A tennis...

July 4th Independence Day: it hasn’t been easy for America either and almost 250 years later

#Independence Day #ACE Study Inner #Resilience & 2 books to recommend: 1. Alice Miller’s The Drama of the Gifted Child = Understand Your Self 2. Your Inner Voice = Self-Healing techniques that are clinically-proven Most people do neither & repeat the same mistakes for decades. Do most people know how to finish with unfinished emotional business? Rapes, ACE Scores, Traumas, deaths, divorce, breakup, PTSD. failures, catastrophes, problems from upbringing? In 1 week, I co-facilitated...

3 Minute Meditation for ACEs to Calm Power at the Beach

#Stress #ACE Study #Psychology & EXCITING VIDEO ATTACHED. Why you should never underestimate yourself in 3 minutes: drbrianalman FREE SESSION attached to help you Celebrate Your Wellness & how to focus on what’s right about your life. PLEASE WRITE ME BACK WITH YOUR EXPERIENCES & we will help others together.

ACE Study Conversation with Dr. Felitti & Dr. Alman

ACE Study co-principal investigator communicating with ACE treatment approaches expert, Dr. Brian Alman. They have collaborated since the beginning days of the ACE Study. They are presently focused on new programs, courses & individual support sessions for parenting, inner resilience, mind-body weight loss & training for doctors as well as counselors. Listen in & join their conversation: Dr. Brian Alman & Vincent Felitti, MD Interview from Trusage on Vimeo .

ACE Study and Dr. Vincent Felitti Recommends a Solution that Worked for Him

ACE Study with meditation and (self) hypnosis solution discussion with Dr. Brian Alman and Dr. Vincent Felitti ---- see video below. Being SENSITIVE is a gift & so this requires you learn how to LET GO. People are not primarily rational beings. We are EMOTIONALLY driven. You may have more success when you do the opposite of what you think. Your iNNER DOCTOR knows best! ACE Study’s Dr. Vincent Felitti discusses his experiences with Dr. Brian Alman from Trusage on Vimeo .

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