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Dr. Glenn Schiraldi

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Posts By Dr. Glenn Schiraldi

Breaking the Cycle of Adverse Childhood Experiences (Psychology Today)

To read more of Dr. Glenn Schiraldi's article, please click here, Breaking the Cycle of Adverse Childhood Experiences | Psychology Today . Image: Source Key points Effective parenting is a learned skill. Those who didn't see effective parenting modeled at home can nevertheless become very effective parents. The consistent application of effective parenting practices promotes healthy adjustment in children. Congratulations! You’ve worked hard to heal the inner wounds from childhood adversity...

The Mr. Nice Guy Syndrome and Adverse Childhood Experiences

The Mr. Nice Guy Syndrome is a curious mixture of appealing strengths, insecurities, and problematic behaviors rooted in adverse childhood experiences. Mr. Nice Guy compensates for hidden childhood wounds by struggling to do everything right, but the syndrome's limited gains come at a cost. The syndrome suggests strategies for a more satisfying adulthood and better relationships.

A Promising Treatment for Hidden Wounds from ACEs

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is an emerging trauma therapy for the hidden wounds resulting from Adverse Childhood Experiences. Research to date shows ART for traumatized adults is quick, effective, safe, and well-tolerated. Consistent with new understanding of the brain and body-centered treatment approaches, ART primarily targets trauma images and associated physical and emotional sensations, creatively and efficiently using eye movements and strategies from other trauma treatments.

Taming Underground Shame from the Early Years: Healing Is As Much About the Heart As It Is About Logic

Deeply rooted shame from childhood adversities can lurk beneath conscious awareness, even after early memories are reworked. New understanding of the brain provides hope for breaking the painful grip of shame that’s imprinted in childhood. Traditional therapeutic strategies might not be the best starting point. This blog introduces the first of several healing strategies.

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